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*SailorCrystal01 Blog

Finding Love

You dont know love until u find the right one

When u feel that feeling about someone

You hang with him

He asksu to ride with him

You go on rides with him

Then finallywhen youarent paying attention

He puts out his hand

You dont know wat to do

Everything is rushing in your head

Then finally

You give him your hand

And thats when u know

That you love him


Today i did something to hurt a guy

Something i knew i shouldnt have done

I luv him so much i dont know how i could live with out him

He makes me smile alot


Today i hurt a guy

he is the only reason i go to school

Because everyday i am picked on and bullied

I dont know how i would make it if he wasnt there


Today i hurt a guy

He pushed me away

I told him my feelings towards him

Then he paused. Does he have the same feelings for me?


My name is SailorCrystal01

I fell in love with a new kid in my school

I want to appoligize

For today i hurt him