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*SaveTheShows Blog

The boy is back in town

Thats right! Savetheshows (aka me, Mike) is back after a long and very unplanned hiatus while I redesigned the inner workings of with the aid of Mr. Morefood2001 (Phil). STS isn't quite done yet but I feel very comfortable expanding a bit and spending more time with you all than I have been the past few months.....has it really gotten to moths already? awwww man.

As most of you know by now, Trouble with Physics has already aired ( Tomorrow I will drop an interview I had with Magan (arkansandragon) a while back so look forward to that. As well as the first episode of our serialized serries "Dragonfire" coming next week!

There's plenty more I could say here but I'll save that all for later, for now just know that I am SOOO glad to be back!!!

Have a great one guys!!!

HKL's Premiere

Hey everyone! The episode which is currently slated as the last episode of American Dragon: Jake Long will premiere tonight, in about 45 minutes to be more specific. As soon as you can after the episode (9PM EST) all fans of the ADJL series should go to and email Disney telling them about how you do not wish the show to end. They need to hear that we seriously want a continuation, and they are going to hear it all at once, in a flood of emails.

This is done with the full cooperation of the SDS and your emails will be joining those of AmDrag fans from every walk of life. If you are an international fan, please just send your emails at a time that works for you. Thank you.

Also, the next Save Jake Live Rally will take place soon, we are waiting on a date confirmation from Jeff Goode in order to announce the date.

Thank you to everyone who is tracking this blog, I promise to fill it with more interesting and useful information from now on!