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Some Info

[--General Information - -]

* Starting Time: 6:10

* Name: Sophie

* Nicknames: Eihpos,Soph,Eentz,bubushka and some others

* Colour of Eyes: Brown

* Hair Colour: Brown

* Brothers/ Sisters: 1 older sister

* If yes, Names: Maddie

* Single or Taken?: Kinda taken but its not official. So half single half taken

* Zodiac sign: Aries. The power sign.

* Height: 4 foot 6 (or four foot 7)

* Braces?: No.

* Current residence: Somewhere In The US

[--In The Past 24 Hours, Have You?--]

* Watched a movie?:No

* Talked on the phone: Yes

* Cried: Nope.

* Gone to the bathroom?: Yeah

* Watched TV: No

* looked in the mirror: yes.

* taken a shower: yes

* Listened to music?: yes

* Hugged / kissed some1?: Yes I hugged my friend

[--Do You Believe In--]

* Heaven?: yes

* Hell?: No

* Aliens?: Andalites,yeerks,hork bajir and taxxons. And gedds. Only those

* Love: Tottaly!

* Magic: Of course!

[--Some Random Stuff--]

* Are you listening to music now?: nope

* What colour pants r u wearing?(if any ): blue I`m wearing jeans

* Who Is your crush?: Tobias

[--More Random Questions--]

* Mother's name?: Mommy or Anne

* Birthplace: Ohio

* Favourite vacation spot?: Beach!!

* Ever been in a car accident?: No but once ALMOST

* Favourite Colour? pink or blue

* Favourite day of the week? Friday

* Favourite show? American Dragon! But if its one thats not on anymore Animorphs!

* Most recently read book? Animorphs (best book series!)

* Favorite Smell? The smell of cooking (exept NOT pea soup! *gags*)

* What do you do to relax? Listen to music,read,or talk to my mom or tobias

* Favourite Fast Food? I dunno I like Red Robins and some other places

* When was your last hospital VISIT?I think it was when I had somepuking thing where I kept puking over and over. It was when I was 3 or wasI 4??

* How do you see yourself in 10 years? Famous and bueatiful DUH (I`dbe 19 or 20)

* What do you do when you are bored? I run,listen to music or other stuff like talk

* What presents do you enjoy receiving? I like receiving Animorph things and warm and snuggly things and other stuff

[--Have you ever..--]

* Faked being sick to miss school: No

* Been hurt emotionally: Yeah everyone has

* Ever thought an animated character was hawt: No I crush on non animated guys

* Been on stage: yes

* Been sarcastic?: yeah


* summer/winter: Summer because tanning,no school,pool and warm weather

* cartoon characters: Huntsgirl/Rose

* drink: Sprite!

* food: Shells,hot dogs and hamburgers! Plus about 15 other things

* animal:Thats not fair I love ALL ANIMALS! (NOT BUGS THOUGH)

* Color: Pink or blue

* Day or night?: Day

* TV or Computer?: Computer no duh!

* Happy or Sad: Happy!

[-- In The Last 24 Hours --]

* cried: no

* met someone new: no

* cleaned your room: NEVER!

[--Friends and Life--]

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Sorta a boyfriend but its not official

* Who have u known the longest of your friends: My older sis Maddie or Erin

*When do u cry the most: When someone emotinally hurts me or I think about my lizzard who died Jake.

[--For everyone to fill inn --]

* Silver or gold: GOLD!

* Sunset or sunrise:'s prettier