My friend once had a friend who loved Batman sooo much, he went to see "The Dark Knight" dressed up as Batman. So we were all there, i was dressed up as The Joker. People where laughing at us, but mostly at the guy dressed up as Batman becouse when he tried to run his cape flaped. He got bashed later on that evening. So we were sitting in the theater, and i was stunned no one threw popcorn at us. I LOVED THE MOVIE and it was fun i guess. When we were leaving the theater people cheered when they saw us!
*Scullysexy1993 Blog
Im going to an anime convention this weekend!
by *Scullysexy1993 on Comments
Me and my friends are going to an anime convention in Sydney Australia:D, im sooo excited. They are gonna perform a Final Fantasy inspired dance. My friend is going dressed up as Naruto :P and my friend's friend is going dressed up as Cloud! There is going to be allot of people there from all around the country. I live in a city called Campbelltown and its like a 6 hour drive away from Sydney, so i might be catching the train!
My best friend is obssesed with Final Fantasy
by *Scullysexy1993 on Comments
She wont stop talking about it! Every second, everyday she has to bring it up. Shes obssesed! I like Final Fantasy too but what she does is too much. She even has Final Fantasy shirts and hats. She has one of those costumes too. She is starting to scare me. I am really worried about her. Any tips so i can help her out
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