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*SquintSquad10 Blog

Back from the dead!

Haha, not really. :lol:

But I am back! I know it's been ages since I've been on this site last, let alone post a blog. So I thought I'd check in and let everyone know that I'm still here! :) I've been busy with so much stuff, between school and soccer and just everything... but it seems I have a bit more free time now so I may be able to steal some time over here and check in with my favorite people! Whoo!

Just uploaded a B/B video onto YouTube, it's my first one ever, but I thought you guys might enjoy.

So don't forget about good ol' Dee, I'm still here, just not as often as I'd like. :)

Stupid Real Life

Real Life.

It sucks.

So, in my very few, glorious hours of free time, I thought I'd update my blog. Things are getting mighty hectic in the life of Dee, what with school starting on Wednesday, and soccer everyday -- I made the school team, yay! -- and just generally being swamped with everything. It's going to be hard to get on here a lot once school starts up, at least for the first few weeks, but I'll try and get on whenever I can and update my blog and check in with the BFU and such. I can't go that long without my beloved tvDOTcom! :lol:

Grrrr, stupid bugs, sorry about the picture guys! I'll try to put it up next blog if the site stops being so annoying! :evil:

I Hate Bugs!

WOW has it been a while since I've last blogged! I'm thinking I should start something special, like OhB's list of hotties, or Kimmy's icons, or something. Ideas, anyone? I'm all for ideas! Anywho, I haven't been on a lotlately because I've been a little swamped with RL, stressed and all that...I'm putting the following in Spoiler tags, so that you don't have to read my personal sob stories if you don't want. :) Don't feel obligated, I'm just kind of in a rambling mood.

[spoiler] So, I broke up with my boyfriend last week. A lot of you all on here have become really close friends, and I think the only person I told about this was my Twinny, OhB, who made me feel LOADS better and was just a great friend, thanks R, love you sweetie! Anyways, I broke up with him. I just, with so many things going on in my life right now, I can't handle a boyfriend, too. I wouldn't have been a good girlfriend. And I was losing interest in him, and that's just not fair to him. He deserves someone who likes him just as much as he likes her, because he is such a sweet guy, and I didn't. So I knew I had to break up with him-- and I never knew anything could be so hard. I felt--I still feel--SO bad, because he is the sweetest guy, and liked me so much...and well, let's just say he didn't take the breakup too well. Like, really, really not well. He was being a real jerk about it. I always thought that if I were the one being broken up with, I'd be the one crying. And yet I was the one, after breaking up with him, sitting on my bed crying, eyes red and puffy and clutching a wad of kleenex like a lifesaver. Drowning my own tears. And the thing is, I honestly couldn't tell you why. Maybe I was -- am -- sad because he was a jerk about it. Maybe I wassad because I hurt him, and I never wanted to do that. I don't really know. You'd think that I wouldn't be the one who's hurt here, and yet, I am. It's gotten better, since I did it, which was about a week ago, a little less maybe. I don't feel as upset, because I know I did what I had to do, that breaking up with him was right, because he deserved more. Better. Better than I could give him. still hurts. I'm a real romantic person, as a lot of you know, and it just...I always wanted the perfect storybook romance. I know I'm young, and I know you just have to wait, but I guess -- irrationally -- that's kind of what I expected. I know better now. But I really am doing a lot better, which is good. :) I just thought it was something I should share, saying as you guys here are like a second family to me. [/spoiler]

Also, as a lot of you know, the Bugs on the site are getting pretty bad. I can't post pictures, not that I had any to post, and it currently won't let me onto the Bones forums--I'm really mad, and trying like hell to fix it. So, sorry for the absence, please PM and keep me informed about what is going on over there till I can figure this out! Grrr, stupid bugs! :evil:

Sickness and Screenwriting

Wow, long time no blog post! I have seriously been lacking in my posting duties, I apologize. Anywho, just wanted to stop by and let you all know that I'm sick, and may not be around as often in the next few days because of that. :( Gotta hate being sick!

On the bright side, my Screenwriting classes started this week. From 9-12 every day this week, I have class at the local college, about writing screenplays, because that's always something I've been interested in. So far, it's a lot of fun. My teacher is really cool, very artsy and laid back, which is so great, because it doesn't make it feel like you're in school. The class is small, about ten kids. Most of them are older than me, but they're all really nice--there's even one girl who loves Bones, too! It's a really unique experience, andI am really loving it. :)


Okay, guys, so this is it. Tomorrow I leave for Hawaii. *sigh* Hopefully I will get a chance to post a little bit earlier in the day before I leave, but I just wanted to post this now in case I don't. Wanted to make sure you guys know I didn't just disappear on you!

Anyways, it is kind of a tradition in my family, whenever one of us graduates high school, we get to pick a trip. My sister picked Europe two years ago--we went to London, Paris, Rome, and Venice--which was an utterly amazing experience. Well, now it's my brother's turn...and he picked Hawaii! I'm so excited for it, a week and a half of beach and sun is just what I need right now. I'm a reallybeach-y type of gal. :) I get back on July 9th--I know, it seems like an eternity away. No tvDOTcom, no BFU, no GV (well, except in my head... ;) ) for ten days!

I'm going to miss you guys SO much! T wrote in one of her blogs about Angels, and I think she said it perfectly--I know, I know, it's sappy and cliche but really, I feel like a lot of you here are my closest friends. Closer than a lot of my so called "frends" in Real Life. I mean, I have my Long Lost Twin Sister OhB, who is completely amazing, the first person I met here on tvDOTcom who greeted me with open arms. I tell her everything--probably much to her dismay, because I tend to ramble a bit. :oops: And Sarah, my cyberBFF, who I can talk to for hours on end about how ugly the smily faces are on AOL. I am T's mini-me, and I really don't even know where to start with her--it honestly does feel like she's my sister, like I've known her all my life, and I can tell her anything and everything. Bride and Luv, who have become such good friends, and I love them to death! Glad those YTA meetings aren't working, Luv, because your vids keep me going. :) Oh gosh, this got really sappy,but what I was trying to say is that I love you all--there's so many people I couldn't mention here because then my blog would be WAY too long, but I love you all too!--and am going to miss you all like crazy!!

So, I leave you with a little yum: And I expect LOTS of new posts, PMs, blogs, and comments to come back to!

Click to view full size image

I'll miss you guys! *chokes back tears*

The Dinner Dance!

So, as Sarah not-so-patiently :) reminded me, I have yet to do a blog about the oh-so-anticipated Dinner Dance that took place last week. Well folks, here it is--finally. It was so much fun, one of the best nights of my life. For those of you that know me even a little, you know I tend to go in-depth on stuff like here it is, a full account of the events of my amazing evening. Special thanks to T, who so kindly helped me when I was freaking out because my pictures wouldn't show up. Thanks, Love ya, T! :)

So, I got up and went to school for half the day. My mom took me out at 12 for lunch, and then I had my hair appointment at 2. It was so much fun--the girl that did my hair was named Tammy, and she was so nice. She talked to me the whole time, about her kids, about school, about guys...I was having a great time, until she started shoving the bobby pins into my head...*shudder*. Now, I play sports and I'm pretty tough, but gosh that was painful! :) I did have it pretty easy, though, I got away with 22 bobby pins while one of my best friends had, not even kidding here, 201 bobby pins. Yeah. Well, it was well worth it, my hair looked gorgeous, if I do say so myself. This is a picture of the back, because it looks so impressive--and you'll see the front in the next picture.

Yeah, that's my dog in the background. :) Anywho, after I got my hair done, it was back home to paint my nails and do my makeup and all that good stuff that a girl loves. I even played my Dinner Dance playlist, consisting ofupbeat, girly songs that you just want to get up and dance to while you're doing your makeup. Hanson madea big appearance on that list. So did the Spice Girls. Yep, what canI say, I'm living in the 90's. :D Here's me when I was finally all put-together and ready to go. I told you I was short! :P

I had to go in earlyto decorate, because that's what Student Government does at our school, and I'm the president. The dance was at a big complex with lots of banquet-rooms. The colors for our dance were teal and lavander, which looked beautiful together. We put up balloons, put jars with tea lights on all the tables, and wrapped lavander ribben around the teal napkins. It looked beautiful when we were done. Then... everyone else started to get there at 6:30.

It was like Hollywood. There was a giant crowd, people running up to greet their friends screaming, cameras flashing as everyone walked in looking glamerous. I sat ata table with 7 of my closest friends, all of us snapping pictures and giggling like we were six years old. It was so much fun, even only a half hour in. My hilarious social studies teacher and this awesome earth science teacher acted like emcee's, cracking jokes all night long into their mics and just kind of keeping the whole thing on schedule. We ate dinner, nothing special, just a buffet with food that really wasn't good at all. But then, we weren't there for the food. After we ate, there was more talking and picture taking and then once we were all quieted down, it was time for--*gulp*--my speech. Yes, as president of Student Government, I was required to give a graduation speech. Some of you read it, the cherry pie one...I cannot even tell you how nervous I was; I was shaking. But, lucky for me, I'm pretty good under pressure and also used to giving speeches, so all went smoothly. People actually cheered for me, which really made me feel good, because this hasn't been the best year for me friends-wise. After I did my speech, we watched the slideshow that I put together, with candid pictures of the entiregrade with Forever Young (the Youth Group version) playing in the background.

And, finally, it was Dance time. :) Everyone kicked off their shoes--literally--and just had a great time. There was a dance off, with my social studies teacher (who can breakdance with the best of 'em) and my friend Joe, which was hilarious. They played a lot of upbeat songs, and I had such a great time just dancing with all of my friends. They did a couple of slow songs, too, and as I don't have a boyfriend, that was a little awkward...but I pulled a couple of my guy friends over and danced with them instead. And I finally succeeded in getting together this couple--two of my close friends--that I'd been working on for a couple days. My second succesful matchmaking job in only 2 weeks. :) Anywho, it was just a really fun time...we were so sad when they played our theme song, Graduation (i know, we're so creative aren't we?) by Vitamin C, and it was all over.

I did have an after party with my a few friends, which was really fun too. It was great to just kind of sit and bask in the fun, the oh-my-god-that-was-so-amazing feeling, you know? It was perfect. Even going through it now makes me feel like I was still there, and it's amazing. It was one of the best nights of my life. :)

Soundtrack to my Life-- The last to laugh

So, here it is, insanely late...but hey, better late then never, right?  I saw this on a couple friends' blogs, and thought it looked like a lot of fun.  My Dinner Dance was on friday, and SO SO SO much fun, i am collecting pics and i will update my blog with a full description and pics as soon as possible, so keep checking back!

Opening credits : Hey Mickey.  Hmm, i guess this could work, just because it's such a fun song!  It's also a romantic kind of song, and I'm a real hopeless romantic person.  Yeah, i can see this... :)

Birth :  One Thousand Kisses, from Rent the Musical.  Um....well, this isn't really an ideal song for my birth, but i guess it could be like between my parents, as I was being born, because it's about love and all.  Maybe?  Hey, work with me here, I'm trying to make these plausable. Teehee

Waking Up :  For The Longest Time, Billy Joel.  Haha, i would like to wake up to this!  It's so catchy!  Come on, listen to this song and tell me you didn't smile, i dare you.

First Day At School:   Cute without the E, Taking Back Sunday.  This is a little dark and emo for my taste, the lyrics at least, my friend put it on my iPod. But it works for all the drama of school, I guess.

Falling Asleep : Hold Her Closer, Blessed Union of Souls.  I got this song from OhB, she sent it to me as a suggestion when Angel and I made up all the music for a Bones episode...and now it is my all-time favorite song, and actually a PERFECT song to fall asleep to.  It just puts a nice, peaceful image in your head.  If you don't have this song, download it.  Now. 

Puberty :  Dazed and Confused, Led Zeppelin.  I think the title says it all.  This song is perfect for puberty. :P

First Kiss : Saturday Morning, Eels.  This is good because it's really relaxed, and your first kiss should happen in a really relaxed setting, not forced or anything.  I got this song off The OC soundtrack, that has a LOT of good music on it.  Luv, you would like it!

Falling In Love : You're Beautiful, James Blunt.  Not even joking you, I swear i didn't cheat, this is the song that came up.  Is that perfect or WHAT?  This song just screams falling in love.  Well, more like soothingly whispers it. :)

"First Time" Love Scene : Dice, Finley Quaye.  This song is good because it's about love, and how you're so attached to that one person, "nothing can compare to when you roll the dice and swear your love for me".  It's really good for this scene.  Also from The OC soundtrack, I might add.

Fight Song - Hurricane, Something Corperate.  I love this song, and it's good for a fight song because it's about going after what you want. "The world moves faster than I do, not fast enough to creep up on you..."  So yeah, I guess this could work.

Breaking Up:  La La, Ashlee Simpson.  Shut up, I was an Ashlee Simpson girl when i was younger.  But this song is PERFECT for breaking up, she actually likes him in the song, but he's being kind of a jerk to her, so it's good for breaking up. "I like it better when it hurts, Oh i have waited here for you..."  So yeah, this definitely works.

Broken Heart : What Would You Do, City High.  Um... maybe?  I mean the girl is kind of desperate, because she's a single mother with not enough money to support her child so she has to "dance" (if you know what kind of dancing I'm talking about...) so i would assume she has a broken heart. 

Prom : Weekend Warriors, A Change of Pace.  This is good, it's about kicking back with your friends. "Don't look back, and have no regrets."  And "This can't last forever, raise a glass together, doesn't get much better, no better than this"  Yeah, this is pretty perfect. "We fight this fight to stay free, and never say never, if you leave this choice up to me, i'll stay young forever".  This would be great to play at prom!  It's also a great song, if you don't have it, download it.

Graduation : Grillz, Nelly ft. Paul Wall.  Yeah, any way you look at it, this doesn't work.

Life - Better Together, Jack Johnson.  This is a perfect life song, for my life at least.  Again, download it.  It's a beautiful song.  I would quote it, but all the lyrics are amazing, so I'd basically be quoting the whole song. :)

First Job - Happier, Guster.  This might work because it's about moving on, and getting past all your old, mean friends.  So i guess the first job could be helping you move on?  Maybe.

Mental Breakdown:  Get on Your Feet, Gloria Estafan.  Well, this would be the cure for a mental breakdown.  I mean, look at the title--it's telling you to get back up on your feet.  It's good because it's telling you to get back your "strength and devotion" and that you feel "overcast" now, but you have to get on your feet and pull yourself back together, and "make it happen".  So this totally works.

Driving : Into the Dark, Ben Lee.  Gosh i love Ben Lee!  This song is great to belt out to while you're driving, totally the ultimate feel-good song.  And oh-so catchy!

Flashback : Sooner or Later, Michael Tolcher.  This definitely works, it would be like me singing this to a younger version of myself.  It's kind of like advice.  "Be first in line, raise your hand, remember you hear, and playing in the rain is worth catching cold. Sooner or later you'll be looking back on everything, and we'll laugh about it like we knew what was happening".  This is perfect for a flashback!

Getting Back Together : Let's Hear it for the Boy, Footloose soundtrack.  Does it get any better than this?  The whole song is devoted to this girl's boyfriend, for crying out loud, and how much he loves her and how they're perfect together!  Have you noticed that i seem to like musicals? :P

Wedding : Keep on Moving, DJ Boyler.  Oh. My. God, this is perfect.  Gotta love techno.  This is all about partying, and pretty much it works for anything.  I am ordering you all to download this song, and then try and tell me you weren't singing it for the next hour.  It's so addicting.  "come on, baby i want to party..." Arghhh now it's stuck in my head!

Birth of Child : Runaway, Cartel.  I hope to God i'm not singing this when i have a child; i think that would make me a really bad mother.  But i really love Cartel, they're a great band.

Final Battle : Shape of my Heart, Backstreet Boys.  Yes, I admit, I'm a girl who loves boy bands.  And back in the day, I was a major Backstreet Boys groupie.  I mean, i grew up with them.. ahh, the good ol' 90's.  Um...yeah, this works.  "Looking back on the thing's i've done", yeah, in some twisted way i guess this works.

Death Scene : Breakdown, Jack Johnson.  This is adequate, because it's about things breaking down, and me dying would tear my family and friends apart, so they would be breaking down.  So it sort of works.

Funeral Song : Done Hanging on Maybe, Evan and Jaron.  This doesn't work because it's too upbeat for a funeral, it's talking about "shades of promise" so yeah, definitely not.  But it's a good song.

End Credits : Good Thing, Reel Big Fish.  I LOVE this song, it's great for end credits.  The title says it all.  Download this one too, Reel Big Fish is a really great group.  Wow, the more i listen to it, the more i realize this is a PERFECT end credits song!


Okay, i hope i didn't bore you.  Download the songs i mentioned, they're really good songs!  This was really fun, so even if you totally fell asleep, i had fun doing it :)

We Are The Champions, My Friends...

Okay, so as some of you know, this weekend I had a soccer tournament.  And, i would just like to announce, that WE WON!  We are the Irondequoit Tourney champs for the first time in about 3 years, which is SO awesome i cannot even tell you.  We played an amazing game against a really hard team from Grand Island (i have NO idea where that is, by the way) to win the championship, and managed to go the whole tournament undefeated, never giving up a goal.  And that pretty much makes up for the Wings losing to to the Ducks this afternoon in hockey news (OhB, did you watch the game?).  I'm so excited, and i just wanted to tell you all, because i know you'll be happy for me. :)  I play left side defense, by the way, if there are any soccer (FOOTBALL, sorry T!) fans out there who care.  The final score of the game was 1-0 us, a beautiful goal scored by my amazingy awesome friend Emily.  Whoohoo!!

Also, Bride over here was kind enough to go to DavidsBridalDOTcom and make me a paper-doll version of my Dinner Dance Dress, in its very color, to show you all.  She is such a sweetheart, thanks so much Bride!  I know you guys are probably getting sick of me talking about this Dance, but only a week and a half to go and then it will be over and you will finally have some peace. :)  Anywho, the color isn't exactly what it looks like in real life; the real dress is more pink-y, but this is a great idea of what it looks like in its proper color.  The doll is NOT me, but she does have pale skin, like me, and brown hair, like me, which is so cool.  So this is really what I'll look like at the Dinner Dance!  Thanks again, Bride, i really appreciate it, sweetie!

pink dress

 Aww, isn't it so pretty?  It's no match for your fedora-clad outfit, Angel, but hey, I'm more of a traditional kind of girl so it works for me.  Teehee.

For those of you following along with my fanfic, An Unsuspecting Hero, over on, i would also like to announce that Chapter 3 has landed, and four is on its way.  If you haven't read it, there is a link to my profile there on the previous blog, and you can get to it from there.  Reviews and constructive critism are very helpful!  Thanks so much for all your support everyone, i really appreciate it, it took a lot of guts for me to post there and show my stories to people.  I don't usually show anyone my work, but you guys changed my mind.  So, thanks! :)

Fanfiction and Bones and Dresses, Oh My!

Okay, first things first:  I have officially created a account.  Yes, Stretchy, my the charm smile did indeed work its magic on my mother! :lol:  I love to write fanfiction, i am even hoping to maybe be a screenwriter someday...anyways, i haven't written many fanfics yet, but I will.  One is done (some of you BFU'ers have seen it) and another is about halfway done, and more are in the makes.  Here's the link--it won't let me post my stories until i think Tuesday, there is some sort of waiting period for new members until they can post.  But after that, i will start putting some up...take a look, if you want, i LOVE reviews and constructive criticism.  But remember, I'm only just starting, so be nice!

Not that you guys care really, but my school's end of the year formal--it's called the Dinner Dance--is coming up.  I'll post pictures when it's over, but for right now i just wanted to send you guys a picture of my dress.  I'm in love with it.  It's really simple, but i don't know, it sort of makes me feel like a princess. :)

Customize the look. Bridesmaids come in all shapes and sizes, so let each one select a skirt and top combination that suits her best.  You choose the color and let them do the rest!  The options are endless.

Mine is the very first one, the strapless one.  Except it's not the green color shown here (the color isn't shown on the website, which is why i can't post a picture of the exact dress), it's a really light pink color.  What do you think?  Personally, i LOVE it, the pink color looks even better, too...oh, by the way, that girl is not me, it's the store model.  Teehee :)

Leavin, On a Jet Plane...

So i'm leaving tomorrow morning for a soccer tournament in Akron.  I'll be gone the whole weekend, which means no tvDOTcom...i think i'm going to go through withdrawl.  So i decided to post a blog entry now, so you guys know i didn't just dissappear on you. :)  Also including some DB goodness, cause hey, i like a pretty face to look at when i click on my profile.

 Ahhhhh.  Just look at it.  Now THERE's a look to add to your list, Express. :) 

*faints*  Just look at that sexy little half-smile!  And the belt buckle!  I think it's really interesting they put it on the show, because it's obviously a personal DB thing--we've seen him wearing them countless times outside the Studio, not in Booth mode.  I love the Superman dog tag, too.  The watch however, i must admit, is a little strange...

Hope you guys liked, i will miss you all SO SO much while i'm gone!  I expect many new comments, PMs, and forum posts to return to!  *blows air kiss* Muwah! :)


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