So, here it is, insanely late...but hey, better late then never, right? I saw this on a couple friends' blogs, and thought it looked like a lot of fun. My Dinner Dance was on friday, and SO SO SO much fun, i am collecting pics and i will update my blog with a full description and pics as soon as possible, so keep checking back!
Opening credits : Hey Mickey. Hmm, i guess this could work, just because it's such a fun song! It's also a romantic kind of song, and I'm a real hopeless romantic person. Yeah, i can see this... :)
Birth : One Thousand Kisses, from Rent the Musical. Um....well, this isn't really an ideal song for my birth, but i guess it could be like between my parents, as I was being born, because it's about love and all. Maybe? Hey, work with me here, I'm trying to make these plausable. Teehee
Waking Up : For The Longest Time, Billy Joel. Haha, i would like to wake up to this! It's so catchy! Come on, listen to this song and tell me you didn't smile, i dare you.
First Day At School:  Cute without the E, Taking Back Sunday. This is a little dark and emo for my taste, the lyrics at least, my friend put it on my iPod. But it works for all the drama of school, I guess.
Falling Asleep : Hold Her Closer, Blessed Union of Souls. I got this song from OhB, she sent it to me as a suggestion when Angel and I made up all the music for a Bones episode...and now it is my all-time favorite song, and actually a PERFECT song to fall asleep to. It just puts a nice, peaceful image in your head. If you don't have this song, download it. Now.Â
Puberty : Dazed and Confused, Led Zeppelin. I think the title says it all. This song is perfect for puberty. :P
First Kiss : Saturday Morning, Eels. This is good because it's really relaxed, and your first kiss should happen in a really relaxed setting, not forced or anything. I got this song off The OC soundtrack, that has a LOT of good music on it. Luv, you would like it!
Falling In Love : You're Beautiful, James Blunt. Not even joking you, I swear i didn't cheat, this is the song that came up. Is that perfect or WHAT? This song just screams falling in love. Well, more like soothingly whispers it. :)
"First Time" Love Scene : Dice, Finley Quaye. This song is good because it's about love, and how you're so attached to that one person, "nothing can compare to when you roll the dice and swear your love for me". It's really good for this scene. Also from The OC soundtrack, I might add.
Fight Song - Hurricane, Something Corperate. I love this song, and it's good for a fight song because it's about going after what you want. "The world moves faster than I do, not fast enough to creep up on you..." So yeah, I guess this could work.
Breaking Up: La La, Ashlee Simpson. Shut up, I was an Ashlee Simpson girl when i was younger. But this song is PERFECT for breaking up, she actually likes him in the song, but he's being kind of a jerk to her, so it's good for breaking up. "I like it better when it hurts, Oh i have waited here for you..." So yeah, this definitely works.
Broken Heart : What Would You Do, City High. Um... maybe? I mean the girl is kind of desperate, because she's a single mother with not enough money to support her child so she has to "dance" (if you know what kind of dancing I'm talking about...) so i would assume she has a broken heart.Â
Prom : Weekend Warriors, A Change of Pace. This is good, it's about kicking back with your friends. "Don't look back, and have no regrets." And "This can't last forever, raise a glass together, doesn't get much better, no better than this" Yeah, this is pretty perfect. "We fight this fight to stay free, and never say never, if you leave this choice up to me, i'll stay young forever". This would be great to play at prom! It's also a great song, if you don't have it, download it.
Graduation : Grillz, Nelly ft. Paul Wall. Yeah, any way you look at it, this doesn't work.
Life - Better Together, Jack Johnson. This is a perfect life song, for my life at least. Again, download it. It's a beautiful song. I would quote it, but all the lyrics are amazing, so I'd basically be quoting the whole song. :)
First Job - Happier, Guster. This might work because it's about moving on, and getting past all your old, mean friends. So i guess the first job could be helping you move on? Maybe.
Mental Breakdown: Get on Your Feet, Gloria Estafan. Well, this would be the cure for a mental breakdown. I mean, look at the title--it's telling you to get back up on your feet. It's good because it's telling you to get back your "strength and devotion" and that you feel "overcast" now, but you have to get on your feet and pull yourself back together, and "make it happen". So this totally works.
Driving : Into the Dark, Ben Lee. Gosh i love Ben Lee! This song is great to belt out to while you're driving, totally the ultimate feel-good song. And oh-so catchy!
Flashback : Sooner or Later, Michael Tolcher. This definitely works, it would be like me singing this to a younger version of myself. It's kind of like advice. "Be first in line, raise your hand, remember you hear, and playing in the rain is worth catching cold. Sooner or later you'll be looking back on everything, and we'll laugh about it like we knew what was happening". This is perfect for a flashback!
Getting Back Together : Let's Hear it for the Boy, Footloose soundtrack. Does it get any better than this? The whole song is devoted to this girl's boyfriend, for crying out loud, and how much he loves her and how they're perfect together! Have you noticed that i seem to like musicals? :P
Wedding : Keep on Moving, DJ Boyler. Oh. My. God, this is perfect. Gotta love techno. This is all about partying, and pretty much it works for anything. I am ordering you all to download this song, and then try and tell me you weren't singing it for the next hour. It's so addicting. "come on, baby i want to party..." Arghhh now it's stuck in my head!
Birth of Child : Runaway, Cartel. I hope to God i'm not singing this when i have a child; i think that would make me a really bad mother. But i really love Cartel, they're a great band.
Final Battle : Shape of my Heart, Backstreet Boys. Yes, I admit, I'm a girl who loves boy bands. And back in the day, I was a major Backstreet Boys groupie. I mean, i grew up with them.. ahh, the good ol' 90's. Um...yeah, this works. "Looking back on the thing's i've done", yeah, in some twisted way i guess this works.
Death Scene : Breakdown, Jack Johnson. This is adequate, because it's about things breaking down, and me dying would tear my family and friends apart, so they would be breaking down. So it sort of works.
Funeral Song : Done Hanging on Maybe, Evan and Jaron. This doesn't work because it's too upbeat for a funeral, it's talking about "shades of promise" so yeah, definitely not. But it's a good song.
End Credits : Good Thing, Reel Big Fish. I LOVE this song, it's great for end credits. The title says it all. Download this one too, Reel Big Fish is a really great group. Wow, the more i listen to it, the more i realize this is a PERFECT end credits song!
Okay, i hope i didn't bore you. Download the songs i mentioned, they're really good songs! This was really fun, so even if you totally fell asleep, i had fun doing it :)
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