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Fanfiction and Bones and Dresses, Oh My!

Okay, first things first:  I have officially created a account.  Yes, Stretchy, my the charm smile did indeed work its magic on my mother! :lol:  I love to write fanfiction, i am even hoping to maybe be a screenwriter someday...anyways, i haven't written many fanfics yet, but I will.  One is done (some of you BFU'ers have seen it) and another is about halfway done, and more are in the makes.  Here's the link--it won't let me post my stories until i think Tuesday, there is some sort of waiting period for new members until they can post.  But after that, i will start putting some up...take a look, if you want, i LOVE reviews and constructive criticism.  But remember, I'm only just starting, so be nice!

Not that you guys care really, but my school's end of the year formal--it's called the Dinner Dance--is coming up.  I'll post pictures when it's over, but for right now i just wanted to send you guys a picture of my dress.  I'm in love with it.  It's really simple, but i don't know, it sort of makes me feel like a princess. :)

Customize the look. Bridesmaids come in all shapes and sizes, so let each one select a skirt and top combination that suits her best.  You choose the color and let them do the rest!  The options are endless.

Mine is the very first one, the strapless one.  Except it's not the green color shown here (the color isn't shown on the website, which is why i can't post a picture of the exact dress), it's a really light pink color.  What do you think?  Personally, i LOVE it, the pink color looks even better, too...oh, by the way, that girl is not me, it's the store model.  Teehee :)