Okay, first things first: I have officially created a fanfiction.net account. Yes, Stretchy, my the charm smile did indeed work its magic on my mother! :lol: I love to write fanfiction, i am even hoping to maybe be a screenwriter someday...anyways, i haven't written many fanfics yet, but I will. One is done (some of you BFU'ers have seen it) and another is about halfway done, and more are in the makes. Here's the link--it won't let me post my stories until i think Tuesday, there is some sort of waiting period for new members until they can post. But after that, i will start putting some up...take a look, if you want, i LOVE reviews and constructive criticism. But remember, I'm only just starting, so be nice!
Not that you guys care really, but my school's end of the year formal--it's called the Dinner Dance--is coming up. I'll post pictures when it's over, but for right now i just wanted to send you guys a picture of my dress. I'm in love with it. It's really simple, but i don't know, it sort of makes me feel like a princess. :)
Mine is the very first one, the strapless one. Except it's not the green color shown here (the color isn't shown on the website, which is why i can't post a picture of the exact dress), it's a really light pink color. What do you think? Personally, i LOVE it, the pink color looks even better, too...oh, by the way, that girl is not me, it's the store model. Teehee :)