Ni hi hi hi hi!
by *TacoAlchemist on Comments
Allo! I'm Mio-Chan, the prime reporter of anime and anime related things! I come to rate your anime! So bring it on! Every once in a while, i might get a wee bit random or off track, but it's okay, no da? And if anyone has any complaints or praise, be warned, I flame people. A lot. And I like it. A lot. (But if it's praise, I'll act all modest and be all like "Oh, no, not me!" *Insert battered eyelashes*) So, um, yeah. And watch out for changing pictures. I have a bad habit of changing pictures as my picture or my banner or whatever, and if you're lucky, you'll see an actual pictyure of me. But I'll only have it up for a whiles, I think. Um, yeah. Kbye.