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Charmed season 7

 this post was last updated on: 26-07-'06 Update history: 25-07-'06

I recently bhought Charmed season 7 because it was the only dvd box in the store that I liked and I hadn't bhought a dvd in quite some time because I was saving money for my vacation, so when I came back and had money to spend I thought why not?

Charmed season 7
After a season as bad as season 5 and 6 cen it get worse? You would say no, and in this case you're right, season 7 is a season of Charmed that I like very much, it has quite a few good stand alone episodes and the Avatar story is fun to see as well, so let's go trough the episodes of Charmed's seventh year.

 score: 6.0
# 7.01 A Call to Arms
Piper and Leo attend a Hindu wedding and recieve the spirits of  2 Hindu gods.

Well what to say about this first episode, it has some funny moments, but the overall story isn't that inventive, as a season opener it could have been way better. We again see Barbas who makes Leo kill an Elder... -OMG he killed an Elder?-

Aside from the not so good story we also get introduced with another man from Phoebe's work, hmmm maybe she will get a relationship with him cause she never did that before with someone from her work...

As a season opener it wasn't the best ep, some parts where funny but they should have written a better story.

score: 6.5
#7.02 The Bare Witch Project

OMG we get to see Lady Godiva in real person and if she doesn't return to her own time we have a grey future.

The second episode of season 7, again not a great story in wich we get to see Phoebe nude - yeah... - the episode is entertainable but that doesn't make it good. I didn't have to see Phoebe naked on a horse.

score: 8.0
#7.03 Cheaper by the Coven
The Charmed Ones become teenagers again and Wyatt is attacked by a demon.

Charisma on Charmed, I was excited when I saw her on the show, and hey here she also has visions and a demon. :P

I have this episode a high score because it's very funny, although they have done things like this before I still like a comedy ep at it's time, so in that way this was very welcome. I never really liked Leo being bad, but hey that will soon be over.

score: 7.0
#7.04 Charrrmed!
Pirrrates in Charrrmed...

I like to think that we have seen enough magic or fairrry tale creatures in Charrrmed but this time we also get pirrrates. When I hearrrd that therrre would be pirrrates I thought I wouldn't like the episode but afterrr watching it, I liked it quit a bit, Charmed is entertainable this season and that's nice but entertaining isn't everything and the story's thus far could have been way better.

score: 8.5
#7.05 Styx Feet Under
Piper dies and becomes Death

I couldn't stop myself from showing another picture of Charisma, I love her and seeing her in Charmed is always fun, she doesn't get much screentime but you won't hear me complaining.

We had to miss the Angel of Death for a couple of years but now he is back and he hires Piper. This episode is the best in the season untill now, and if the episodes get better and better that's a good sign. This episode is how almost every episode should be, some humour, a little drama and a hole in someone's body. :P

score: 7.5
#7.06 Once in a Blue Moon
The sisters discover that they turn into Wolfs every 50 years when there is a blue moon.

Im so sad to say that this episode is the one where we see Leslie for the last time, I almost had to cry when we didn't see him again next episode...

As for the rest of the episode, this episode is quite enjoyable we see more violence then we're used to and in this episode that's good. I don't really like agent Brody and his Avatar obsession, but we can't have everything.

score: 6.8
#7.07 Someone to Witch Over Me
Paige and Kyle investegate a couple of strange deaths and find that a demon is stealing guardian angels.

Well I didn't like the episode with the muses and suprisingly I don't like guardian angels. The thing I liked a little about this episode was that Leo turned into an Avatar thus progressing the Avatar storyline. I can't remember how many times the sisters have died now, or at least some of them. We get to see Peter Woodward again who played the Source, it's fun to see him as another demon but it was very obvious he had played the Source because he acted almost excactly the same and oh yeah the parts where Paige was clumsey where somewhat funny.

score: 8
#7.08 Charmed Noir
Paige and Kyle get trapped in a novel that takes place in the 30's.

I always like it when writers try something they haven't done before, and with Charmed that doesn't happen to many times, with Buffy you had Hush, The Body and Once More With Feeling. Charmed Noir is a mediocore story but the way they portrayed makes is good.

Rose acts like she belongs in that time and I loved her seducing the corrupt cop :P the falling piano was just so crazy it was fun. The only bad thing I have to say about this episode is that I was sorry Brody didn't die.

score: 7
#7.09 There's Something About Leo
Piper learns Leo is an avatar.

I like the Avatars very much especially Alpha and Beta, this episode lets us see how stupid and crazy Kyle really is, apart from that it's a nice episode

to be continued...