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Why Shelton drives me nuts, Raw

Shelton Benjamin as many of you know is my favorite wrestler on Raw, I mean some of things he does are just amazing, he does stuff you don't see anywhere else, hell he is better than ever wrestler in ROH in my opinion, and I am the biggest mark for ROH.

As some of you know Benjamin is a three time IC champion, he has also held the tag team belts with Charlie Hass, and he was a former OVW tag champ. Benjamin has a amateur wrestling backround, his biggest accomplishment was when he won South Carolina wrestling tourney when he was in high school.

A day after Chirstmas in 2002 Benjamin debuted on Smackdown as a part of Team Angle. I was already marking out for Benjamin since he was in Angle's stable, and as some know Angle is my favorite wrestler of all time.

The first match I saw of Benjamin was on a Smackdown show and he was featured in the semi main event of the night. The match was a number one contenders match for the tag belts between Hass and Benjamin vs Edge and Benoit. Thats one hell of a match you have four great wrestlers in one match. Shelton and Hass showed me alot in the match but they weren't as good as Edge and Benoit but they were still very entertaining, I remember I marked out like no other when the first did the Worlds Greatest Splash double team move. I forget the finish, but I know and Hass and Benjamin stole the win.

Now this is where I really started to love Hass and Benjamin as a team, because their tag team title match against the Guerreros was going to be in my hometown in Philly and I get to see it live. I can't remember being so pumped for a show, the semi main was Hass and Benjamin vs Los Guerreos and main was Benoit vs Angle. That was back in the day when Paul Heyman was writing SD!

So during the match as being a huge Angle mark, I was marking for team angle the whole night and Benjamin and Hass stole the belts in a cheating way but I marked out like no other when I was there live. I mean the cocky attitude by Hass and Benjamin was pure gold and the wrestling ability of these two just made you wish they were in the WWE earlier. And the way the reacted after they won the belts just made them seem like unstopable bad asses.

After having the belt for two months, I though they were going to lose the belts at Mania 19 since there was talk about breaking up Team Angle since Angle had the neck injury. I thought they were going to lose the belts to Eddie and Chavo, but they won the match and Shelton and Hass have become the best tag champs in my opinion since Edge and Christian. The wrestling ability by both were amazing and having Angle as their mentor helped them like no other.

Later on Hass and Benjamin broke up with Angle and they lost a bit of edge they weren't as good as heels. They were a dieing tag team and they needed a spark fast, so at the second draft, Benjamin was drafted to Raw, I was a little sad Hass and Benjamin broke up but it gave me a chance to see Benjamin on his own.

In Benjamins first match on raw Shelton beat HHH and I marked out like no other because I can't stand HHH even though he is a good wrestler. This was a smart move by wwe it gave Shelton a great push and it gave a chance for HHH to stay high on the card because a couple of weeks later HHH beat the crap out of Shelton and it made HHH look like a monster.

Benjamin was a little bland for a little while putting on decent matches but nothing special, later Benjamin got injured on a heat show against Lance Cade so I was a little bummed that he got hurt.

In his return match Benjamin had a very excellent match against Chris Jericho (who was one my favorites of a all time also) and won his first singles title, with the IC title. During his IC title regin he was the longest IC champ of the decade. It was a very sad day when he lost to Carlito, because Shelton is a much better wrestler than Carlito even though Carlito has a bit more charisma, I was pissed after all the great matches Shelton has performed he lost it to someone like Carlito, I would have preffered a much better wrestler but what can you do.

But there were two matches that made me love Shelton Benjamin. The first match was MITB one at Wrestlemania 21 vs Benoit vs Edge vs Y2J vs vs Christian vs Kane. The second match that was better was his singles match against HBK Shawn Michaels in the gold rush tournament.

The MITB one you had Edge Benoit Y2J and Christian and you went walking away talking about Shelton. Shelton Benjamin stole the match with his amazing athleticism. Now he didn't steal a match against losers he stole a match from five of the best wrestlers of all time. He stole the match from the second best technical wrestler of all time in Benoit, He stole the match from Ladder Experts Edge and Christian, and he stole the match from fan loved and very talented and tons of charisma Chris Jericho. Now thats pretty impressive

Gold Rush Tourney Shelton vs HBK. In my opinion this was the best match raw has ever had on their show. I mean HBK made Shelton look like a god in the match, Shelton made HBK look like a god to. The match was exciting like no other, Shelton kicking out of HBKs super kick HBK kicking out of Sheltons super kick. The first time we saw someone come of the top and get superkicked and it looked like Shelton was knocked out literally. The last ten minutes of the match was the most exciting finish I have seen in WWE in the last five years.

After those two matches, Shelton began to job after losing his IC belt and didn't go on a winning streak until he got his mamma on his side. Now this was a good and bad thing for Shelton fans.

With Sheltons Mama at his side Shelton got a winning push, but it made Shelton look like a fool even though he did get the IC belt back.

After that Shelton's best match was against RVD at a ppv that I can't remember the match was good but you expected more from it.

Ever since Shelton lost his mama as a manager he has been basically a full time jobber. Now its his fault hes a jobber and it drives me nuts. Shelton doesn't try at house shows and thats why they don't push him because they feel like he doesn't deserve that and I agree with the bookers on that notion. But carlito has been offended of not trying at house shows but they still push Carlito a bit by having him main event Raw some times. I just want Shelton to try at house shows so bad, just so he can get a push. I mean when Shelton actually tries the matches he has are amazing and it kills me when he jobs to wrestlers who are not as good as him.

Feel free to discuss.

Survey I found


1. Do you stand up and/or clap at the end of a good movie?:
sometimes if its amazing

2. Have you ever cried in a movie theater?:

3. What's the most you've done in a movie theater?:
asking the person next to me to explain parts o the movie I don't understand

4. What's some of your favorite snacks to eat at a movie theater?: reeses peices

5. Do you sneak in drinks and snacks so you don't have to pay the high prices?:
yes gatorade and mountain dew all the time

6. Last movie you saw in theaters and with whom?:
Simpsons with Dad

7. Where do you usually sit in the theater (front, back, middle, etc.)?:
15 roth last seat to the left

8. What do you do when you're alone in the theater?:
i have never gone by myself

9. What's the best and worst movie you saw in theaters?:
best Jurassic Park worst was Spanglish

10. Have you ever had to sit on the floor because the theater was too crowded?:


1. What's your favorite mall store?:

2. Favorite eating place at the mall?:
the bistro place

3. Do you like it better when the mall is dead or more crowded?:

4. Do you stay away from malls during holidays?:
no i go on holidays to buy peoples presents

5. Last thing you bought while at the mall?:
black socks

6. Name all of the malls you've been too.:
Neshaminy,King of Prussia,Myrtle Beach, Oxford Valley

7. Which do you like better; the escalator, elevator or regular steps?: steps it builds up your calf muscles

8. Do you and your friends ever go to the mall just to look at hot guys/girls?:

9. What's the name of your nearest mall?:
King of Prussia


1. Favorite restaurant?:

2. What do you usually order at it?:
ice tea and cheese burger or chicken fingers.

3. Do you ever order a bunch of stuff just to take it home and eat later?:
no if I don't finish I take home in a box

4. Fancy restaurants, diners, or fast food?:

5. Don't you hate it when people order hamburgers and stuff at fancy restaurants when they could've just went to McDonald's?:
I don't care

6. Is a date to a restaurant sound romantic to you?:

7. Do you order more when you don't have to pay?:

8. How much of a tip do you leave?:
20 percent

9. Have you ever gotten horrible service?: yes awful refill service

10. Worst restaurant you've been to?:
Radnor Restaurant but it closed down.

HHH is back and it makes me sick

Triple H has just returned to the WWE, Summerslam has just past and HHH defeated Booker T clean, (woah what a surprise). Everyone knew in the stands that HHH was going to win. Some are saying that since HHH is returning to Raw that Raw is going to get twenty times better, but my answer is its going to get a tad better at best. Why is HHH so good, first lets start of he is a good wrestler, sort of a good promo cutter, and he gets over with the fans because he wins alot, and fans like to cheer a winner. But before I explain my thesis statement, I will go through HHH's people that carried him first with HBK, then Mick Foley, then the Rock, and then Stone Cold. Then I am going to talk about why HHH makes me sick, then I will explain my thesis and you guys can feel free to discuss it.

HHH went around the indys and got a over a little bit but midcarder at best, he went to WCW and was treated like crap, But then HHH came to WWE/F. When HHH came he kissed "the clique's ass". The "clique is basically before HHH was in it it was like Kevin Nash,HBK, Xpac and others. So HBK liked it that he was getting his ass kicked, so when DX was form he made HHH the co star. But to HHH's defense, he makes sure HBK is the main event when he isn't on the show and he gets HBK over.

Mick Foley was the man that turned HHH into a main eventer. HHH was over yet as a maineventer yet, even though he was in the mainevents he just didn't have the it factor yet. But the man that got him the it factor was Mick Foley, that matches that Mick Foley had with HHH were awesome and got HHH as a true main eventer. Even though HHH is a better wrestler than Foley, Foley carried HHH in their matches. And some of those bumps Foley took to get HHH were shocking, like doing a reanactment of Hell in a Cell from King of the Ring (Mankind vs Taker) and some of those chair shots that no wrestler should take from Royal Rumble 2000. And one of the things that HHH does that makes me sick is he doesn't even say Mick Foley helped him get over as a main eventer. Mick Foley got HHH over and trips doesn't even say anything about him or thank him or do him any favors in the back. HHH turned down a idea for Foley to have a role in a wwe storyline of a sorts just recently. HHH has recently treated Foley like crap and Foley was the man wrestling wise got him over thats one reason why HHH makes me sick.

The Rock was one of the wrestlers that made sure HHH kept on looking like a maineventer. Rocks great promos and charisma just made for automatic ppvs no matter who he fought as long he was in the mainevent. Remember Austin was hurt at the time. When Rock and HHH feuded, HHH was with Steph at the time so he had some say results and he made sure he beat the Rock more times than the Rock beat him. Even though the Rock is just on a whole never level when it comes to getting over and being a maineventer. And the thing that pisses me off was the only reason HHH hates the rock is because he is jealous of the Rock, people that don't watch wrestling know the Rock, but they don't know HHH and that drives him crazy so HHH does everything he can so be known, but to the news and media he's know as just another wrestler and that kills him. So he takes his jealousy of the Rock and tryed the most he could to bury the Rock by beating him countless times.

HHH Austin, this feud really never happened. They had a little a feud before Mania 17 where HHH beat Austin in a best of three match against Austin. HHH has some nerve, Its Austin vs Rock in the biggest ppv of the year so I got an Idea how bout I bury Austin by beating Austin in a cage match. It was such a dumb move but Austin and the Rock have such great chemistry it didn't hurt that feud. So at Mania 18 you had the chance of of Rock vs Hogan and Austin vs HHH, now with that double main event that has a chance of being the best Wrestlemania. But HHH would not lose at the big stage after his big return, no one WWE lockeroom wanted to job to HHH at mania 18 Angle didn't Rock didn't and Austin didn't only y2J was willing to and he did it so he could get a title run. Thats why Y2J won that wwe title tourney in december of 2001. HHH makes me sick because we never got to see a real good feud between him and Austin.

Y2J was burried countless times by HHH, thats another reason why he makes me sick. Y2J has the wrestling ability and the talking abiltiy to be maybe a great a maineventer or at the least a decent one. But what happend when Y2J came in to WWE, he was super hot the fans were loving him, but HHH thought that Y2J was stealing some thunder from him so HHH goes out of his way that y2j gets buried for the basically the rest of his WWE career, Jericho could have been something special but HHH wouldn't allow it.

RVD, heres another guy whos never kissed HHH's ass and has payed for it. When RVD first came into WWE he was red hot, he was putting on great matches and cutting awesome promos and having just awesome charisma. The little kids loved RVD, the teenagers loved him, the adults loved him. You had a wrestler who all three crowds like who could put on great matches and has uber charisma. Now you have to make that man champion or atleast a main eventer. But know HHH didn't like him so he buried RVD for example Mania 18 RVD fought golddust, Mania 19 RVD and Kane vs Dudleyz on Heat before Mania. RVD wasn't on 20 or 21 but I think it was because of injury, but after HHH had the main event with RVD in 2003. RVD didn't get another ppv main event until 2006. Thats why HHH pisses me off.

CM Punk, no some of you reading are probaly saying how has HHH buried Punk. But I am huge Punk fan and I noticed a coinicidence. At Survivor Series in the DX vs Rated Rko five on five match. CM Punk got bigger reactions than DX and you could tell that pissed off HHH because he grabbed a microphone and put his hand on Punks shoulder and says yes Ladies and Gentlemen this is CM Punk, you could tell in the tone of his voice that he was pissed. So what happens after Punk upstages HHH he loses to Hardcore Holly the next couple of weeks and his undefeated streak was ended. Another reason why HHH makes me sick.

Why is HHH so good, first lets start of he is a good wrestler, sort of a good promo cutter, and he gets over with the fans because he wins alot, and fans like to cheer a winner.

Okay first HHH is a good wrestler, I will give him that he has gotten a good match out of Batista which is the only wrestler to do so besides Undertaker. But HHH loves having long matches and forces us to have HHH long matches even if his opponet is Scott Stiener. So thats what makes me sick about HHH making us watch long HHH matches even though his opponent is a awful wrestler.

HHH is sort of a good promo cutter. HHH has good interviews because he is a shoot interviewer. HHH will takes shots at his oppoents and take cheap shots at them because he knows they can't say anything back or he will just bury them, so HHH being a cheap shot guy pisses me off.

And the reason HHH is over is because he wins alot and the fans like to cheer a winner. If you had your choice to cheer for a winner or loser your going to cheer for a winner and thats what I think is a real big main reason why HHH gets over. Feel free to discuss my opinion.

TV Dinners

You know TV Dinners, also know as frozen foods. Whats up with those things there not as good as real home cooked meals but they are done in about five minutes. There always to hot or to cold when you eat them. They are pretty pricey and they are huge in sodium yet people keep buying them like there is no tommorow. TV Dinner is a good name for them because you are usualy watching TV when your eating them. Because usualy when your eating a TV dinner you usualy alone, and when your alone you hardly ever and I mean every get a good meal. But when your with a couple of people you get a really good meal, its weird that way. But back to my point if your eating TV dinners you are probaly single. Because if you weren't single your girl friend and wife would make good home cooked meals. But TV dinners are going to continue to prosper the are going to get higher in price, higher in sodium, and higher in size. So remember you can eat a TV dinner even at lunch time and breakfast time.

Forum Posts

So I post at a forum usualy daily. I have fun posting forums and reading interesting news and ideas, but there is one thing that drives me nuts about forums. After you type a interesting comment or question you wait for some one to reply, but the most annoying part is when no one replys. So your their at your computer patiently waiting to see what people think of your idea or question and nothing is happening. It drivesyou nuts, so yo go outside take a little walk to past the time and then you check your computer if someone has replyed. Now your furious if no one has replyed yet but if someone, has you get excited. But when you read the post and its not up to your expectations. You took your heart and soul on typing a post and they give you a awful response. Then someone posts a newtopic and your great reply is ignored forever. But the thing is if you post a lot of great ideas some of them are going to get noticed.

Thirty runs

Yesterday baseball history was made, the history was made by the Texas Rangers and the Baltimore Orioles. The Rangers scored 30 runs in one game, thats the most runs scored in a single baseball game in fifty years. The bad thing was it was the first game of a double header, so if your a O's fan you had to wait and watch your team getkilled until you got on the next game. But I can't picture playing another game after giving up 30 runs. But if you were the Rangers you were probaly so excited to play another game. The Rangers won both games of the double header. But it goes an show you any sports game you watch can be history.

One of my Fantasy Football teams.

So I am particpating in my first fantasy football draft of the season, I joined some random league to have a little fun and maybe win a trophy for my yahoo account. I am playing Fantasy Football from So I signed up like a couple of days ago. Now the league has you need two starting QBS WRS RBS DLS DBS One TE K DEF. Weird league I never had somemany postitions before in a league. There are seven other opponents in the league. So I am checking out the other team names there are Broken Arrows. It sounds like a cool name but how does a arrow shoot if its broken? That part made no sense to me, I was wondering what was the theme behind the nickname. That was the only team name in the league that stould out. The other names in their were nothing special. So want to edit my team name I want to thing of something very good, I want something that will stand out from other fantasy football players. I want to be knowed as the guy who created the coolest fantasy football team name ever. I mean I be featured on espn2 here and there. I be a legend on the block on both my houses I live at. Oh wait I am a legned on my block already, well its not that hard to do in a road called millbrook. But back to my fantasy football talk. I look at the draft order, I noticed I am the fifth person to get to pick people, that means every other round I get the 4th pick. So tonight around 8 oclock was the start time of the my first draft of my season. I have the Philadelphia Phillies vs Washington Nationals in the backround. With 5th overall pick I took Larry Johnson. I was so shocked the penn state alum was still on the board, it was probaly because of his recent hold out he had. I think he is going to have a great season hes going to gain more paitent and gain eve more yards this season. 12th pick I picked Joeshph Addai from the colts and former LSU player. I thought he would have a great year since he was the Superbowl MVP. 21 pick I took in my mind the best player in the NFL Tommy Brady. The man won Superbowl's and this year he has Stallworth and Moss at his side. 28 pick I choose TJ Whos your mamma. I did not want to take him but my computer froze and it automatically picked him cause my draft time ran out. 37th pick I choose Donald Driver, hes the only offenseive weapon on GB besides Favre. Then with 44 pick I took Javon Walker who is a former Green Bay Packer. Last year he played very well and Jay Cutlers second should be beastly since he did got to Vanderbilt. Then in a huge steal I got Clinton Portis from The U with the 53rd pick. Portis really hasn't been the same since he left the great offensensive line of Denver. But he will serve as my back up running back to addai and johnson, man thats one hell of a back up. 60th pick I took the San Diego defense, Chicago and New England were already taken so was Baltimore. So I thought they have a nice young defense they should have a great year. Then with my 9th round pick I got former pro bowler Jake Delhomme. He hasn't had a a good year in the last two but I think he will bounce back this year and have another pro bowl year. Then with 76th overall pick I realized damn, I really need a tight end. I tottaly forgot that position. People always forget the tight end position in fantasy football unless they choose Antonio Gates. Well I don't think you readers want to read that much more so I will just post all my draft picks. 1.(5)Larry JohnsonRB 2.(12)Joseph AddaiRB 3.(21)Tom BradyQB 4.(28)T.J. HoushmandzadehWR 5.(37)Javon WalkerWR 6.(44)Donald DriverWR 7.(53)Clinton PortisRB 8.(60)San DiegoDEF 9.(69)Jake DelhommeQB 10.(76)Vernon DavisTE 11.(85)Willis McGaheeRB 12.(92)Reggie BrownWR 13.(101)Jay CutlerQB 14.(108)Kellen WinslowTE 15.(117)Chris ChambersWR 16.(124)Jason ElamK 17.(133)Champ BaileyDB 18.(140)Shawne MerrimanDL 19.(149)Jason TaylorDL 20.(156)Rashean MathisDB

Car ride

So I am riding in a car with someone who shall not be named. We were trying to find this location. But it was one of those times where you were going to a place you have never been to and you just can't seemed to find it. I mean we got directions from mapquest and PA road district and old maps of PA. But still it was very hard to find the place where we were going. But I was riding with one of those people with no matter how hard you ask and talk to them, they never stop and go to a gas station to ask for a directions. The people that are so stubborn that don't want to admit their lost, they rather drive around for seconds,minutes, hell even hours just so they keep their pride by saying see I told you we didn't need to go for directions. But I finallay convinced the other person in the car to stop off at the next gas station and ask for directions. So my companions steps out of the car and walks into the Shell gas station and aks the cashier for directions to the place we want to go to. So while they are getting directions I am sitting in the car looking at coupons from Ritas in 2006. Rita's is my favorite place to get water ice. My favorite flavor there is grape then probaly tangerine and then cherry. So my pal gets back from the gas station and tells me what the cashier said. So we go the way the cashier told us, but after ten miles we realized that punk cashier played a joke on us and gave us fake directions. So my fellow in the seat next to me was very steamed and really pissed off, so I had to calm him down by saying yo you have a better life than that mininum wage working cashier. So after giving the person several compliments, I had him drop me off at acme so I could ask a groce bagger how to get to my destination. So I walk into the Acme, and I can see is watermelon after watermelon, if you have not realized its the prime month for watermelon. I mean I see all these delicious watermelon and I start getting hungry, like the kind of hungry you get when you haven't eaten in two days. Well I never had that feeling because the most I have ever gone with out food is probaly 29 hours. And that was when I had a hunger strike because I had some issues back in the day I had to deal with, but anyway back to my story. I go up to a man who is bagging food at the register line. So I look at this 18 year old red curly haired kid, he has zits popping at the time of the moment all over his face. I was so petrified, I had no clue what to do. So what did I do I held back the disgusting part in my brain that said go away. But I manned up and ask him for directions, he gave great directions. I thanked him for giving his time to talk and give me the way to the place I want to go. So I get back in the car tell the other person in the car the directions to the place. We found the place very easily. I had enjoyable rest of the day. Thanks for your time fellow readers and maybe writers.

Cute Waitresses

Around five oclock pm this fine day I went to one of my favorite restuarants. That restaurant would be Benningans. Benningans is the home of the Johns Bacon Buger. On the John's Bacon Burger is Bread, bbq sauce, bacon, cheese, burger, ketchup, mayo, and then another slice of bread. This is the burger to end all burgers, its a man burger and the burgers name is john and my name is jon thats the really cool part. So I go in the place with my dad he orders a coke and I order a unsweetened Ice tea. I notice the waitress is acute white woman with okay rack great body and nice face. She comes over with our drinks and says here are your drinks guys and she smileys and she has a gorgeous smile. Plus she was awesome at refill service. So basically what I am saying is the cuter the waitress the better the waitress. I am saying that ugly waitress are awful.

I want good television on during the morning and afternoon

When I wake up every morning that I don't have school during the weekday I do a couple things. I wake up and get ready for the day by showering, brushing my teeth and getting dressed. Then I walk down my green stairs and make my self some breakfast. I usually have toast with jam for breakfast but other times I have bacon and sometimes even a bagel with cream cheese. So after I do all that, I go outside and go for a little walk or jog or sometimes a nice run. So after all that I come inside I sitdown on my computer and watch some television. But the sad part is there is barely anything good on in the morning or afternoon. Theres only a couple shows that are good that I can watch. On ESPN you got sportscenter, but after you see your local sports team highights it gets pretty boring. On Comedy Central Scrubs comes on at 11 am, thats a very funny show it was so many good moments and Elliot and Scrubs is so hot. Now FX shows three good shows during the morning and afternoon. FX shows Spin City, that 70's show, and King of the Hill. Now the Spin City shows are good with the ones with Michael J Fox, but the ones with Charlie Sheen and Heather Locklear is more of a soap opera and not as funny. Then that 70's show is a nice comdey for teens. I mean Fez is so funny, trying so hard during every episode to get that hot black haired girl. King of the Hill is a good moral show, it has some funny moments but rare. But each story tells whats wrong with the earth and then it tells you how it should be fixed. But basically I am saying is there should be better television on in the morning and afternoon.