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*Tenten_Ama Blog

Nothing to talk about

Dang, I don't remember why I even joined this site, there's not much to do. Wish I'd been around when it was TV Tome.

And to Hunter Steele (Matt_Purosky)... when I try to put the pokemon things in my signature, it doesn't work. It just blanks the picture when I save it. How come?

Shoutout for marietzomers

First, another shoutout to Hunter Steele (Matt_Purosky) for this idea.

Mariet is the special person this blog! She was the first person I initially met at this site! She was the first to talk to me, she just out of nowhere said hi and made me feel welcome. She seems like a really good friend. I know I'll get along with her! Mariet, I know this shoutout pales in comparison to Hunter Steele's (I'm not very good at this), but here's to you!

A shoutout to Matt_Purosky/Hunter Steele

A big shoutout goes to my best friend, Matt_Purosky! Many people on this site call him Matt or Matty it seems, but I prefer to call him Hunter Steele. I still remember when we found each others' MySpaces, and I can't believe he actually goes to my school. He is really sweet. I love playing with him.

Dang this can't even compare to his to me... but I love you, Hunter Steele! *hugs and kisses*

Tune in next time for another shoutout to someone else!