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*TheSlayerInMe Blog


1000th POST! WOOOOO HOOOOOO! GOOO ME! Were having a kinda mini-post fest right now, so CYA!


Guess what everyone? I got a new Banner! ISN'T IT GREAT!? I got it from the Buffy forum Blog Craze thread and I love it cause it has Buffy in it!

PostFest 2005

Last night on the Buffy Forum, we Buffy fans had a POSTFEST! Nine hours of non-stop posting leading to over two thousand new posts for those who missed it! IT WAS SO AWSOME! We all ended up adding each other as friends. We actually ended up locking there threads and starting as many. Buffy Hangman is the best Forum game! IT WAS SOO COOL! I just wanted to mark the event!


Hello everyone! I'm new to Tv.Com, but I was looking through TV Tome for a bit before it closed down. I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer so much I get withdrawal symptoms! This is very sad, now I think about it. I live in Australia, and my name is Julias! Nice to meet who ever reads this!