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Movie Index (8/25/05)

Completely new format--let's see how it works out for a few days. Click a movie to view it in my blog. :D The Hams: The Movie: Chapter I The Hams: The Movie: Chapter II The Hams: The Movie: Chapter III The Hams: The Movie: Chapter IV (directed by KingKibble) The Hams: The Movie: Chapter V (directed by KingKibble) George W. Bush in VACATION DISRUPTED (based on a true story) Other people's movies: The Lord of All Realms Chapter One (Lazlodude7) (non-animated)

If you would like your movie displayed here or a link supplied to it, PM The_Hams.

THE CRITICS SAY: The Hams: The Movie: Chapter I "A great movie! A theatrical tour de force! Bravo! Bravo!" --DonuteHead41 "Movie of the Century." --BlueBloodShot "WOOOOOOOOOOW, WOWOWOWOW EXCELENT *aplauds*" --Gakhandal
The Hams: The Movie: Chapter II "THIS IS THE SINGLE MOST GREATEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE! :D" --MirrorKirby9062 "That was freakin' halrious!! Im adding you my friends list!" --spongeliv "What the hell was that?" --Jord15
The Hams: The Movie: Chapter III "AWESOME! :lol:" --Inuyashadude101 "I love these things." --ISpeakTheTruth "YOUVE DONE IT again, YouVe Outdone yourself Eh" --Gakhandal

Whatchu lookin' at? Ain't notin' down here! Get back up there!

George W. Bush in VACATION DISRUPTED (based on a true story)

If some images don’t work or are too slow, try refreshing or getting out of other crap. This story is based on true events that happened August, 2005. Quotes denoted in asterisks are actual quotes. Our story begins in Crawford, Texas, where George W. Bush is vacationing at his home. Y’see, U.S. presidents get 10 five-week vacations each year, and George was on his 5th when something very life-changing happened. It all began when George was taking his second daily nappy-nap….

When, suddenly… Excuse me, Mr. President. My name is Cindy Sheehan. I’d like to talk about my son, who was killed in Iraq.

Boss, there is a crazy woman screaming through a megaphone in the front yard. You want we should take care of her? No, redneck bodyguard. If you do that, I’ll have to address the public about it, and you know how much I hate make word go good together. Just ignore her and she’ll go away. Whatever you say. Yaaaawwn. It’s going to be a beautiful day!

GRR!! This can’t go on.

Well, it appears the persevering Cindy Sheehan is still outside the president’s Texas ranch, yelling at him through a megaphone to talk with her. So far, the president has not responded. We have landed an exclusive interview with the woman herself.

So, Mrs. Sheehan, may I call you Peace Mom? Uh….sure…? Great. I like calling my women that. So, Ms. Peace Mom, how’s it going? Oh, great. Lots of people have come out here to join the cause, it’s just been spirit-lifting. And, uh, what exactly is the cause? What are you trying to accomplish? …Uh…..get out of Iraq, I guess…. And you believe you can accomplish this by standing outside of the president’s house while he’s on vacation and screaming at him through a megaphone? Uh…. …..So, uh, is there anything you want to say to George W. Bush while you’re on television? Yes. Uh, I just want to know, George Bush, if this is such a noble cause, would you send your own daughters to replace the position of a fallen soldier in Iraq?* And all this hub-bub over the death of your son? Did it ever occur to you that that’s what happens in wars? My intentions are based on anger, not grief.* What does that mean? Uh..... And so Michael Moore said I’ve got to get down there! BOYS!! Later that minute…. Hey, I’m Michael Moore. I’m Cindy Sheehan. Well, yeah, I heard. Look, I support the cause and all with your “Kick Bush’s Tush” attitude and your “Kick Bush’s Tush” media coverage. I’d like to put you on my website. Really? Yeah! In fact, I have lots of friends who’d love to put you on their website. Except Dave. He’s a loser. Meanwhile, Bush is off to tell the media about his feelings on Cindy. Aww, darn it. The car broke down…and exploded. Guess we’ll have to address the public in the middle of nowhere. Set up the cameras. Okay, we all set up? *ahem* I think it's important for me to be thoughtful and sensitive to those who have got something to say. But I think it's also important for me to go on with my life.* ...did that sound good? The next day… The crazy woman has not gone away since yesterday when you said she would. ...Kill her.* That night ….The next day… I am deeply saddened by Cindy Sheehan’s recent disappearance. ....I was just getting ready to talk to her. [size=25]THE END [/size]

The Hams: The Movie: Chapter III

If some images don't work or are too slow, try refreshing or getting out of other crap. Special guest star: Sexy truck driver photo provided by ISpeakTheTruth.


We’d just like to apologize in advance to the citizens of Canada. Your dignity was scarred for our amusement.

When we left Hams, he was on his way to Beverly Hills to get his show back on the air…

On the road again…doot doot doo doo do do do doo….What’s on the radio?

AH!! Cheesus. Darn faulty wires! That’s the last time I buy a car from Yugoslavia! You can’t trust their cars any more than you can trust their women. Hey, a truck’s coming. Maybe I can hitch a ride.

Yo, can I hitch a ride?

Sure. Hop in the back.

Prepare for takeoff!



Prepare to die, punk.

[size=12]THREE HOURS LATER[/size]

Uh oh, 50 Cent, you have to go to move back three spaces!


Okay, we’re here! Everybody OUT!!

Holy crap, I totally forgot to ask where we’re going.

AHH!! A foreigner!

Would you please be buying my crappily-made trinkets, eh?



Ah, have you come to lumberjack with me, eh?

AHH!!!!! *runs away*

Hey, eh! He has refused to lumberjack with me, eh! Get him!


Will The Hams survive Canada? Tune in next time to find out! P.S. Thanks to bobpage87 for touching up my banner with Paint Shop. ;)

The Hams: The Movie: Chapter II

If some images don't work or are too slow, try refreshing or getting out of other crap.

Last Friday, one movie stole your heart.

It’s back. We last left The Hams when he had just lost his job…

*sniffle* You’re a wimp! Wha…who are you? I’m Jesus, who’d you expect, mutha*****? …. What? Well, it’s just, uh…. Huh? What? What is it? Y’know…. Tell me. Well, I always though you were… a woman. Oh, The Hams. I have many forms. See? Wait, I’m not finished. I also though you were black. ….. And had a mustache. …. And a unibrow. ….. And a platypus. ….Is that it? Yeah. Well, uh…I just came to say…uh…You can’t take that from FOX! Go to Beverly Hills, California and get your job back! What right does FOX have? You’re right! :x Get goin’! Okay! Where’s my road map? There it is. The perfect plan. Click here to continue to Chapter II

The Hams: The Movie

If some images don't work or are too slow, try refreshing or getting out of other crap. This summer...one movie will rock. Your. Soxxors. A journey of a man...on a mission. A mission...of ham. The Hams presents...

Ahh. What a beautiful day! A sexy day! I will go check the mail! Oh, joyously triumphant! Mail! What express-way paper slices have confounded me this morn? I opens it. Gasp! They're so sexy! I have to get down to the studio and show the world! Whew! Here! Now I can take these pics in and broadcast them to every television viewer... Oh, hey, Hams, mmkay. Howdy, Mr. Boss! Can you rev up the cameras? I got three new sexy dudes that-- Look, Hams, I got some bad news, mmkay? FOX is closing down our daily television show....they say nobody watches our sexy people broadcasting. ...Mmkay? But....but...we're the most popular show on FOX! Well, that's FOX for you...mmkay? I'm...I'm...fired? ....:cry:! Click here to continue to Chapter II

The High-School Reunion Times....(gasp) AND WITH A NEWCOMER COMES!?

Sorry for the poorly translated title. I had to hire an underpaid Canadian to type it for me, because my thumb really hurts! :( :cry: Anyway, it's time to look back through the years and see who we've stepped on during our time in the land of sexiness that I call CWC (Communits Welcome Country), but overpaid chimpanzees insist its name is USA (United States of....Something). So, here they are, every sexy person to ever step foot in my blog!

Bl-bl-bl-bl-BLAM!! Remember this guy? The very first sexy man I posted. You want to know some history about him? He is so sexy that I got banned from the Nintendo.com forums for posting him. :P

It's a fat guy! How did I find this man? Simple! By searching for "fat" in Google Image Search! Sexy people like to hang out at that website....you can only imagine. *shudder*

Not too proud of this one...definitely the low point of my already sinking career. Not really flowing with sexiness, I found her sulking in the corner of Google Image Search after I searched for "ugly". Or maybe I searched for "hideous"....hmmm....

:P After they put the ranks in, some of us got sexy! Mainly, us Thighmasters! :x Don't agree? DO FORTY THIGH-CRUNCHES RIGHT NOW! :evil:

Hey, look, it's the Quizno's Subs dudes! Only got two blog replies with this one, even though I gave you a LINK TO THE WHOLE COMMERCIAL, showed you where they CAME FROM, and gave you a WHOLE HISTORY about them! *sigh* But I digress. Maybe the world wants to move past these two....

Ah, this...thing. Another very obese fat guy, given to me in a link from Hyweledig (gotta give credit where credit is due ;)). It just goes to show you: fat people should not wear thongs.

The classic fat kid dancing hysterically has been circling the internet for years (you think he'd lose some weight by now...) and it was only fitting he end up here someday. Link also from Hyweledig.

Hey, it's New York! I posted this when I talked about my New York trip. I went to Google Image Search and searched for New York, and this came up. "This looks like New York" I said, and posted it here. However, I was mistaken. This is actually the New York, New York hotel in Las Vegas. You can tell because there's a roller coaster with a loop-de-loop and the fact that the buildings are all connected to each other...

And, of course, the famous.. !! Brian Peppers! The completely REAL sex offender in Ohio (lucky Ohio. :x) was brought to my attention by the fearless BuffyAnneLove. You can read a full history about him in the blog below this! :D

Oh...now it's time for the newcomer.... this guy is brought to you by KingKibble, who is also a newcomer in the field of sexiness journalism. Well.....here he is....or....rather......they! Uh...yep. There they are. Really don't have much to say about them....uh........tada!!!! Well, see ya later, you communists!

Sexy... offender! :O

Avast! A huge breakthrough news bulletin in the field of sexy journalism, thanks to the ever-so-brave BuffyAnneLove! This guy! Yes, it's a very creepy guy! But, you wanna know something else? He's REAL. Yes, according to eSorn (warning: page may not display correctly on all browsers, especially FireFox), the Electronic Sex Offender Registration and Notification site, this is a completely REAL sex offender, charged with Gross Sexual Imposition twice! His name is Brian Peppers and he lives in Ohio, apparently. The sexiness of the photo has driven many urban legend sites to argue over whether it's real or not. eSorn claims it is. Local Ohio residents claim to have met him, and even had childhood pictures of Brian Peppers, such as: (scroll right for more) His appearance may be due to Apert's Syndrome or Crouzon's Syndrome. His name appears on many sex offender lists, so we can only assume Biran Peppers is a real resident of Ohio, and that this is indeed, his picture. So, for all you lucky Ohio-ans...Ohio-ers....Ohians out there... ;) You lucky rascals.

One of the three sexiest cities on earth

I just came back from New York. It was awesome. There was this thing--and another thing, oh, and this one thing! It was pretty good. :D I rank it with Tokyo and Chicago as one of the sexiest cities on earth, although I've never exactly been to Tokyo. ^_^;; Stayed at the Millenium U.N. Plaza Hotel near the Hudson Bay. Wasn't the greatest hotel, especially since they were under rennovations, so that part wasn't too enjoyable. But the rest of New York was liquid awesomeness, and, uh, they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so let me say that (pic from Google. :D) Needless to say, go to New York sometime if you have the chance. It's awesome. ^_^
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