Sorry for the poorly translated title. I had to hire an underpaid Canadian to type it for me, because my thumb really hurts! :( :cry: Anyway, it's time to look back through the years and see who we've stepped on during our time in the land of sexiness that I call CWC (Communits Welcome Country), but overpaid chimpanzees insist its name is USA (United States of....Something). So, here they are, every sexy person to ever step foot in my blog!
Bl-bl-bl-bl-BLAM!! Remember this guy? The very first sexy man I posted. You want to know some history about him? He is so sexy that I got banned from the forums for posting him. :P
It's a fat guy! How did I find this man? Simple! By searching for "fat" in Google Image Search! Sexy people like to hang out at that can only imagine. *shudder*
Not too proud of this one...definitely the low point of my already sinking career. Not really flowing with sexiness, I found her sulking in the corner of Google Image Search after I searched for "ugly". Or maybe I searched for "hideous"....hmmm....
:P After they put the ranks in, some of us got sexy! Mainly, us Thighmasters! :x Don't agree? DO FORTY THIGH-CRUNCHES RIGHT NOW! :evil:
Hey, look, it's the Quizno's Subs dudes! Only got two blog replies with this one, even though I gave you a LINK TO THE WHOLE COMMERCIAL, showed you where they CAME FROM, and gave you a WHOLE HISTORY about them! *sigh* But I digress. Maybe the world wants to move past these two....
Ah, this...thing. Another very obese fat guy, given to me in a link from Hyweledig (gotta give credit where credit is due ;)). It just goes to show you: fat people should not wear thongs.
The classic fat kid dancing hysterically has been circling the internet for years (you think he'd lose some weight by now...) and it was only fitting he end up here someday. Link also from Hyweledig.
Hey, it's New York! I posted this when I talked about my New York trip. I went to Google Image Search and searched for New York, and this came up. "This looks like New York" I said, and posted it here. However, I was mistaken. This is actually the New York, New York hotel in Las Vegas. You can tell because there's a roller coaster with a loop-de-loop and the fact that the buildings are all connected to each other...
And, of course, the famous.. !! Brian Peppers! The completely REAL sex offender in Ohio (lucky Ohio. :x) was brought to my attention by the fearless BuffyAnneLove. You can read a full history about him in the blog below this! :D it's time for the newcomer.... this guy is brought to you by KingKibble, who is also a newcomer in the field of sexiness journalism. he is....or....rather......they! Uh...yep. There they are. Really don't have much to say about them....uh........tada!!!! Well, see ya later, you communists!
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