Top Female Shooter
by *VaveAma92 on Comments
Would you all believe that got Top Female Shooter at my post this morning?;) Today we got to go out to the shooting range and fire some rounds and I, yes, Miss Near-Sided here got top female shooter:D. There are only 3 of us girls anyway, but there was like, what, 6 guys? The shy new guy got top Male Shooter. His mom works there I think He seemed like a sweet guy.:) The deputy who was teaching all the safelty, what and when you are legally allowed to fire and stuff, was my shooting counselor. He was awesome, and kinda cute. But he's married so, yeah.:P When I had my competition in January, we had a indoor firing simulator we got to practice on and we competed on that as well. I got like 17 while everyone else got....67 and above.:|:oops: Yeah, I stunk on that.:lol: I even got to fire a semi-automatic. He handed me amo and I was like ":|:?...uh." I was the last one to go and he was like "Come on Ballerina!" Everyone laughed and I just went "Come on!" I was smiling of course. That thing doesn't have a kick back, but it does like to make you shoot up. I was waiting to have a heart attack. Anyway, I'm hoping to come up with a quiz to post. Ya know, to pick at your brain and what not.:P Have a nice week!:D