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Week long absence

Hey guys, I just got back from a 4 day Bible Stydu retreat only to be getting on a plane in a few hours. I will be flying to Wisconsin to visit grandparents(Mom's side) for the next week so I won't be able to talk and chat and be amused by I will be missing you all so dearly. But hey, my grandparents have CBS, so I will be able to watch my weekly dose of CSI.;) Unfortunately, they don't have Spike or A&E but I can survive:roll:. Don't have too much fun without me.:P

P.S. My grandma (Dad's side) suffered a subdermal hematoma last week:(. (I don't know how to spell it, but if you can sound it out, well, you should know what it is. We've heard it so many times.) Anyway, please pray for her. She is currently in a nursing home and she's not doing so good.:( Sp please do that.

Thanks! Bye guys!:)