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about me

hey ya'll. not that anyone really reads this thing... lol.

uh, here's a quiz that i got from nickel2006. hope they don't mind...


real name- Andrea

nicknames- don't really have one...

married?- uh, no.

zodiac sign- Picses

gender- gal

age- 14

school- public school

health freak?- uh, no. i'm eating a doughnut right now. what does that tell you...? lol. jk.

piercings?- none. not even my ears.

tattoos?- none.

left or right handed?- left handed for writing but i use my right hand for some things. like throwing a baseball..etc.

first surgery- heart surgery last year in April. *gag!*

first piercing- none

first best friend- Jessi

first award- 3rd grade spelling bee. second place. i shoulda won...

first sport- don't really play sports

first pets- cats

first vacation- uh, i went to my grandparents who live like halfway across the country...if that counts...

first concert- haven't been to one yet.

first crush- kindergarten. we rolled crayons back and forth on the floor at nap time. kinda reminds me of Loliver... :P

currently in- my house

i'm about to- take a sip of ice coffee...

listening to- my mom's 80's songs

watching- kids playing outside

waiting for- uh, email?

want kids?- hmmm... yeah.

marriage?- ...yeah.

desired career?- don't know. writer maybe. or a designer. or a dental hygenist (if i could learn to spell it...)

kissed a stranger?- uh, no.

lost glasses?- yeah. when i used to wear them.

ran away?- no.

broke someone's heart?- gee, i hope not...

been arested?- no.

turned someone down?- yeah.

cried when someone died?- yes.

liked a friend?- ...maybe...i'm in denial...

believe in myself?- sometimes.

believe in miracles?- yeah.

love at first sight?- yes.

heaven?- yes.

santa?- well... lol. jk. no.

sex on first date?- NO!

angels?- yes.

one person you want to be with now?- don't know...

multiple girlfriends?- no.

believe in God?- Yes.

money or family?- family

favorite sport?- don't really care for sports... wish i did though. wait does Nascar count?

favorite color?- green, black, purple...

favorite sports team?- West Virginia mountineers if i had to choose.

favorite sports athlete?- don't really have one...

hottest sports athlete?- don't care...