Yet another stolen Survey 8) *cough*sorryAKB*cough*
Name: Just call me Vxiel or Av :)
D.O.B: 1990 all I'm sayin'
Birthplace: San Francisco
Current location: San Francisco
Height: 5' 7"
Eye color: Dark Brown
Hair color: Black
Right or left hand: right
Zodiac sign: forgot what that is
Fear: losing my penis or ODing
Weakness: My geni1als
Best physical feature: Prolly my penis not pr0n star size or anything special just average but hey I like it :)
Overused phrase on IM: lol
Bedtime: 2 am, later if I'm out
Most missed memory: 90's
Favorite color: Black
Favorite food: street food or Indian
Favorite sports: Soccer
Favorite animal: Chupacabra
Have you ever been in love? I think its actyually starting to happen unfortunately *sigh*
Have you ever been heartbroken? no
Have you ever been cheated on? yes
Have you cheated? sadly, yes many a times :(
Last person you talked to? Firend
Last person you hugged? Don't remember
Last person you kissed? new girl I've started seeing
Last person you smiled to? prolly the mirror :P
Last time you cried? Maybe when I was 12
Last time you smiled? Today
Hot dog or Hamburger? Hamburger
Blowpops or Tootsie pops? Blowpops pops
Ranch or French Dressing? Same thing
Appetizer or Dessert? Appetizer
Would you rather golf or play tennis? Tennis, hot chicks ;) + Golf seems too elitist
Go to the movies or on a picnic? Movies
Coffee or Tea? Neither yuckk
Do you have an inny or an outty belly button? inny
Wax or Shave? shave
Windows open or AC? Windows open
Rather be the driver or passenger? Driver
Ever driven 12 hours or more in a car? No
Fly or drive? Drive
Do you beleive in Unicorns? I did on shrooms
Do you believe in Heaven & Hell? Nope, I'm atheist
Think we've ever really been to the moon? Maybe 0_o *holds conspiracy tin hat*
What was your worst subject in school? Chemistry
What is your least favorite bill to pay? Phone
Would you donate blood? yes
Would you donate a kidney? yea (some good in me after all)
Swimming pool or hot tub? hot tub= naked fun times
Camping or stay in a hotel? I guess camping since its wilder
Ever been on a canoe trip? No
Ever been bungee jumping? No
Jeans or sweats? jeans
What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
Do you have any tattoos? no
Do you have any piercings? On my tongue, brow, and ears don't wear them often though
Have you ever done anything illegal? Yes, hundred if not thousands of times
Have you ever dated anyone ugly? No
What is your favorite season? Spring
What do you look for in a partner? Humor and sexyness
What is a sexy feature on a guy/girl? Cute face, decent body, funny personality
What 's the one country you visited outside of US? El Salvador
Where are the 3 places you would like to visit? Russia, Brazil, Saudi Arabia
What's your favorite cartoon? Too hard maybe Avatar :D
Do you find yourself funny? My humor is unique/ immature :P
Have you ever peed on a dirt road? yes
Have you ever kissed a pet in the mouth? yep
Have you ever lied to a bf/gf/lover? *sigh* yes :(
Have you ever played outside in the rain? I love doing this
Have you ever done somthing you regret? Yes
Have you ever been close to death? many times
Bush or Clinton for president? c1ittnn' C Wat I did Thar
Have you ever flashed someone? yess :lol:
If Dora and Minnie Mouse had a fight who would win? Dora would b***h slap Minnie and start raping her :| .
Do you think your attractive? Yes, but then again doesn't everyone
Have you ever peed in a pool/lake? Yea :P
Do you have siblings? 1 bro two sisters
Do you have a best friend? Yes
Can you keep a secret? Yes
Have you ever broken a bone? No
Have you ever cut your own hair? I did when I was drunk once with a machete :|
Have you ever had a stalker? Once, I thought it was sexy at first then got outta hand
What is your ringtone? Ding Dong song :lol:
Have you ever kissed a picture? when I was little
Do you like to play dress up? I used to love it
Have you ever thought about what people would say at your funeral? He died so young...
M&ms or skittles? Skittles, tastes better w/ the munchies ;)
Do you have braces? Nope
Do you still watch kiddie tv shows? Mostly for the lulz or when I'm on something w/ friends. Avatar's an exception.
Vampires or werewolves? vampires
Are you easily amused? Yes
Have you ever sung karaoke? Yes
Did you answer this survey truthfully? I serioulsy did. Survey's are the only time when I'm really truthful.
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