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033 - The Penalty Game Begins!! Heidmann's Game!!

Yugi is brought to an old warehouse in the depths of the city, hooded. When the hood was removed, he saw about a dozen tables overturned and poker card strewen all over the place.

Heidmann: So, want do you think? Not a bad place.

Yami: Yeah, even if it's a flithy dump, it's fitting for creeps like you.

Heidmann kicks Yugi to the floor and Yugi hurts his shoulder. He rubs it as he stands up.

Yami: What did you do with Horace?

Heidmann: AfterI took you from the corner, I sent Horace home with some escorts-

Heidmann takes out a cellphone.

Heidmann: And if you don't win, I might get those escorts to send him to the hospitial.

Yami: You scum!!

Heidmann: Ha! Well, what game do you want to play?

Yugi stays slient for a moment then walks over and picks up one of the deck of cards and starts shuffling it.

Yami: A game of chance. But first-

The warehouse interior is covered in darkness.

Yami: Let's set the mood.

Heidmann: What the F***?!

Yami: Here are the rules. In a moment, I will toss this deck of cards into the air and let them fall. Then we will take it in turn to pick up a card and whoever has the lowest value out of the two cardswill move closer to the flames.

Heidmann: What but-

Yami: Begin!!

Yugi tosses the cards into the air, as flames encircled the both of them,and they fall to the floor like rocks, facedown.

Yami: You start.

Heidmann looks at all the cards with a stressed look. He finally takes a card and looks at the number.

Heidmann: Hmm. Seven of hearts.

Yami: Guess it'smy turn.

Yugi walks over to the nearest card and picks it up.

Yami: Four of spades.

Yami is dragged by an unseen force towards the flames.

Heidmann: Looks like you're starting to lose.

Yami: So what. Next turn.

Heidmann takes another card from the floor.

Heidmann: Three of clubs. (There's no chance I'll get out of this.)

Yami takes a card from the floor.

Yami: Two of diamonds.

Yami is dragged back again.

Heidmann: Worried?

Yami: Never. You think just because the odds are again me you'll win?

Heidmann: Yeah.

Yami takes a card.

Yami: 8 of heart.

Heidmann: He's mine....2 of clubs.

Heidmann is dragged back.

Yami: I've picked the 5 of clubs!

Heidmann: I've picked, the 3 of hearts?!

Heidmann is dragged back again.

Yami: Our last cards. Nervous?

Heidmann: Never!!

Both Heidmann and Yugi take a card and reveal it to each other.

Yami: King of hearts!!

Heidmann: 9 of-

Heidmann screams as he dragged into the flames.

Yugi walks out of the warehouse and phones Horace to tell the goons that there boss needs medical attention.

Next Chapter 034 - The Next Round!! Duel!!