I am a fan of Doctor Who, I can't lie. But I have an idea developing in my head for a while. I plan to create a Doctor Who blog series. So this is where you guys reading this far in can help. Suggest a companion for my "Doctor". Here's his profile~
Name: ???
Alias: The Doctor
Age: 100+
Apperance: Black waist coat, white shirt, black tie, black trousers, black converse, brown overcoat, brown hair, light green eyes.
Bio: Born from female born from a generated anomaly from the planet Messaline, his mother travelled the universe, saving worlds, galaxies anddoing lot of running. Her "father" also went by the name, "The Doctor", though it is believed that our new hero took up the name after his mother's death. He travelled the universe in the conventional way, just through space. He ditched this form of travel when he was exploring the ruins of theQuai Moon, a completely man-made city left by colonists after it became "unstable". He came across a spaceship of immense power and the stuff of legend, a TARDIS. It was at this point our new hero began to save the universe. Though he always missed the company of others...
Thanks for reading this far. Now, nothing has been finalised, so this may never get made. Have a nice day on me, WarMixedSoul123.