"This world is not meant for just for you! If you truely don't understand, you leave me no choice!!"
A teenager is seen looking out of a window from a waiting room.
Teenager: I need to find the person who told me those words. They truely gave me power!!
A older woman enters the room.
Woman: Ketzu, your next opponent is here.
Ketzu turns around.
Ketzu: What does it matter!? They'll just be another weakling, Claire!!
Claire: Yeah, but you know it's important for publicity.
Ketzu sighs.
Ketzu: Very well.
Ketzu leaves the room.
Ketzu: Dueling for publicity is not a purpose!! I need to find a challenge!
On the outskirts of the city, a duel runner is seen coming into sight, its rider looking tired.
Rider: I've finally got here. Vaylor City...Time to test myself!
The Rider puts their right arm in the air, clenching their fist.
Rider: And time for me to test this city's King and let him feel the power of Yukuro Nuziko!!
Yukuro speeds up, the light from the dawnig sum gleaming off their visor.
Opening: Last Train/ The screen shows Yukuro sitting with the other characters(revealed later) are dueling each other, smiling and laughing. Then the screen shifts, showing Yukuro on his runner drawing a card while a dragon flies over his head. Ketzu is then seen with a dragon flying over his while also drawing a card. The screen then shows a large group lead by a cloaked figure, Yukuro is then seen smiling and runs at the opposite group. Then the Yu-Gi-Oh Legends logo appears.
The camera shows a shot of a busy street as it zooms in on girl with pink hair on her phone.
Girl: Oh? You think he'll be there. Then I don't know if I should go...
Person on phone: You should, Emi. And bring Thomas, he soo cute!!
Emi puts her hand on her hip.
Emi: He's a 4 at best. But sure, why not?
Emi puts her phone away as a boy her age walks up behind her.
Emi: Everyone wants you there, Thomas.
The boy walks to Emi's side.
Thomas: Everyone does.
Emi punches him in the stomach as she walks on. Eventually, the reach the local duel park.
Thomas: So, who's here?
Emi: Jill, Damon and everyone else from school.
Thomas: And the "king" of the park.
Thomas points at a teenager dueling another and wins, doing a over-the-stop victory dance.
Emi: Err, David...Such an idiot.
David: Who's the champ? Who's the champ?
Duelist: ....You are. What a ba-
A Duel Runner pulls up at the pathway and its rider gets off. He starts walking down the path to duel park. David walks over to Emi, nudging past Thomas.
David: So Emi, when are we gonna go out?
Emi: Never.
Emi goes to move when David grabs her arm and pulls her towards him.
David: Look, I've been very patient with you, but I'm tired of this game!!
David's group begin to push through the crowd of people blocking them David and Emi.
Thomas: Leave her alone!!
David: Shut it!
David goes to kiss Emi, pushing her against a statue. Before he reaches her lips, a pebble is pletted off his lips, causing him to grab his jaw. Emi takes her chance and runs past David's group into the crowd to Thomas. David turns to the crowd.
David: Okay, who did that!?
Everyone is slient. Then, at the back of crowd, a hand is raised.
David: So it was you!! At least you've got the guts to admit it!! But now, you'll pay!! I'm the king round here!
The thrower walks through crowd to David.
Thrower: That just makes you a warm-up.
David: What are you talking about?!
The thrower activates their duel disk.
Thrower: I'll tell you what, if you can beat in a duel, you can have a date with that girl-
Everyone: What?!
Thrower: But if I win, you stop hassling her and never come back here again.
David starts laughing.
David: And who do you think you are anyways.
The thrower's face turns serious.
Thrower: I'm Yukuro Nuziko and I'm the guy who's about to wipe the floor with you!!
Thomas: Yukuro Nuziko...I've heard that name before somewhere...
Yukuro: So, do we have a deal?
David activates his duel disk.
David: Well, Yukuro, looks like you've got a deal!
Yukuro and David move to a more open area.
Yukuro/David: Duel!![Yukuro/David LP 4000]
Yukuro: You go first.
David: Oh geez, really? Thanks...Not! I summon Ghost Gardna[0/1900] and set a card! Turn end!
Yukuro: My turn, draw! Since I don't control any monsters, I can special summon this card from my hand! Come on, Junk Forward![900/1500]
Emi: Great...Now I'll have to go on date with David.
David: What are you gonna do with that? Tickle me? Hahahah!!
Yukuro: Don't be stupid! I summon Junk Synchron[1300/500] Now time for a synchro summon! The guardian of the scrapyard rises again to defend the honour of his kind! Synchro Summon!! Ride on, Junk Gardna!![1400/2600] Now I activate the effect of Gardna and switch Ghost's battle position[0/1900]
David: No!
Yukuro: Attack!
Gardna jumps into the air and slams down on Ghost.
David: Gaah..?![David LP 2600]
Yukuro: I set 2 cards. Turn end.
A small bug flies past Yukuro and lands on a tree behind Yukuro. The camera zooms in to show that it is a security camera "bug".
In a large room with lots of monitors showing duels, two people are standing, watching Yukuro's duel. A cloaked figure with a female voice starts talking.
Voice #1: This is sooo boring!
The other person starts talking with a male voice.
Voice #2: You say that even knowing what you know?
Voice #1: Yeah, aren't I the worst? Gyahahaha!!
A third person walks into the room, with a female voice and starts shouting.
Voice #3: Shut up now, or do you want the Master to come and deal with the pair of you?!
Voice #2: No, Omega.
Omega: Thank you, Delta. And what about you, Beta?
Beta huffs.
Beta: Fine...
Omega: Great. Now, if you'll excuse me.
Omega exits the room and enters another room filled with high-tec equipment. A large figure stands in the center, looking on at Omega.
Omega: Master.
Master: Have those two been dealt with?
Omega: Yes, they will continue their work in quiet.
Master: Good.
The Master walks over to a window over looking tthe city.
Omega: Is something troubling you?
Master: Not me. Him...
Omega seems shocked.
Omega: What could do that to Him?
Master: He himself doesn't know for sure what it is, but only knows that it could potentially end our plans.
Omega: But we've worked to hard to have it all end here!!
Master: I know...
Back at the duel...
David: Draw! I summon Goblin Attack Force[2300/0] and then tribute it to special summon Turret Warrior![3500/2000]
Thomas: Damn, and this guy was so close to winning, but now David's got Turret Warrior out at its fullest...
Emi: This guy better not lose or I'll swear I'll-
David: Attack!!
Turret Warrior readies its guns, pointing them at Gardna.
David: Fire!!
Turret doesn't fire, but instead switches to defense mode.
David: What happened?
Yukuro seems unphased and then smiles.
Yukuro: Did I forget to mention that Junk Gardna's effect can be activated during each players' turn?
David: T-turn end.
Yukuro: Draw! Perfect! I activate my trap, Birth from Synchro! I pay 1000 life point[Yukuro LP 3000] in order to remove from play a face-up synchro monster I control to special summon its synchro materials during my second standby phase after activation. But if can't summon any one of them, none of them are summoned and I take 300 points of damage for each card that was meant to be summoned.
Emi: What the hell is that?!
Everyone around Emi gives an uneasy face.
Thomas: ...I'm sure I've seen this combo before, but when it was done it was to summon...!
A sudden realisation comes to Thomas.
Thomas: It can't be, The King's Shadow!!
Yukuro: Since I don't control any monsters, I can special summon Mach 5 Dragon[T/0/1300] and since I special summon a card, I can special summon Slipstream Slicer[1200/1000] Time to call out my ace! The living embodiment of machines and dragons descends from on high!! Synchro Summon!! Ride on, Mach 8 Dragon!![2500/1800]
The armour falls off Mach 5 as it turns into 5 rings and Slicer 3 stars. They disappear in a flash of light and summon a large dragon. Then the pieces of Mach 5 clamp onto it, changing from a defensive form into an offensive form. The dragon roars in triumph.
The Master falls to the floor, clutching his skull. In his head, he hears a voice.
Voice: It is here in the city! Find it! Find it and destroy it!!
The voice leaves as Delta, Beta and Omega rush in and help him up.
Omega: Master!
Master: He commands its destruction...we must obey!!
Delta: Do you know what we must destroy?
Master: I do not know, but I have an idea of what it is and how to draw it out...
In screenshot, Master can be seen looking at the monitor with Yukuro's duel.
Master: And we must find those cards. Fast!
Yukuro: Time for this to end!
David: I couldn't agree more! Go trap, Bottomless Trap Hole!
A large hole appears under Mach 8 and it falls in.
David: Ha! It was way too fancy a card to do any real good. I did you a favor.
Yukuro: Except you did nothing. I activate the effect of Mach 8! Once per turn, it is unaffected by the effects of my opponents cards!
A gleam of light is seen in the hole and then Mach 8 flies out and roars.
Yukuro: Now attack! Mach Force!!
Mach 8 charges at Turret Warrior, its claw forward to slam into it.
Yukuro: And did I mention that if Slipstream Slicer is used as a synchro material, the synchro monster synchro summoned with it gains the pierce effect.
David: It doesn't matter, I'll make it to my next turn.
Mach 8 crushes Turret Warrior.
David: Heh.[David LP 2100] Looks like I'm staying around for a bit longer.
Yukuro: No, your not.
David: Ha! You're all talk.
Yukuro: Go trap, Lineage of Destruction!
David: W-what?!
Thomas/Emi: He's...won?
Yukuro: Go Mach 8, Mach Force!!
Mach 8 charges David and slams its fist down on David.
David: Gaaah....?![David LP 0]
David falls to the floor as Mach 8 Dragon disappears.
Yukuro: Now scram!
David gets up and runs out the park.
David: Grr..! I'll get my revenge on him!!
Everyone starts cheering.
Everyone: Yukuro, Yukuro, Yukuro!!
Thomas and Emi walk over to Yukuro.
Emi: Hey, thanks for doing that for me, eh, Yukuro was it?
Yukuro: Yeah and there's no need. What he was trying to do was wrong. I just did what was right.
Thomas: I see you forgot to tell him that you're a king-fighter.
Emi: "King-fighter"?
Thomas: Yeah, I finally realised who he was when he summoned Mach 8 Dragon. I saw fight the King of Petar City. He won, he won good.
Emi: So he's a city King?!
Thomas: Oh, no he's not.
Emi: What?!
Thomas: He refused the title.
Emi slaps Yukuro in the chest.
Emi: Why?
Yukuro: First, owch! Second, I don't need validation like that. Now, who are you two?
Emi: Oh, I'm Emi and he's-
Thomas: And I'm Thomas. It's nice to meet you.
Yukuro: And you.
Emi: Hey, could you teach me how to duel like you?
Thomas: That's a bit forward. We could at least hang out sometime.
Yukuro: I guess so. Here.
Yukuro takes a piece of paper out of his pocket, writes an address and hands it to Emi.
Yukuro: It's the address of my garage. Drop by anytime you like. I'm heading off now, see ya'.
Emi: Will do.
Thomas: You can count on us.
Yukuro walks out of the park and drives out to the duel lanes.
Yukuro: The guy probably made himself king, not even earning.
Yukuro smiles as the moon starts to rise.
Yukuro: A new night...Soon, a new dawn.
Yukuro then starts thinking about Emi and Thomas.
Yukuro: Those two didn't even really know me and they treated me like their friend....I'll return the favor.
Yukuro accelarates.
Ending: My Quest/Yukuro is laying down on a beach when the tide comes in as a large wave. Yukuro smiles as the wave covers him. Then a shadow is seen in the wave and Mach 8 Dragon bursts out of it, Yukuro sitting on its neck. Then four other monsters catch up with Yukuro, Ketzu on one and the others are shadowed. It then shows Yukuro running with Mach 8 next to him. Yukuro then jumps into the air, punching the air.