Here it is, Yugioh Nexus! Here we see a new world, where Synchros don't exist(yet) and everyone is getting excited about the arrival of the Xyz and none more than the new hero of the story, Yukio Kouno! Watch as he begins to protect and collected the rogue Numbers cards and begin to see a terrible threat that isn't just going to hurt those Yukio knows, but seeks out the Numbers for its own evil purpose.
Main Characters:
Name: Yukio Kouno
Age: 14
Grade: 8th
Job: Number Hunter
Personality: Naive, out-going, troublesome, loyal, hates injustice.
Appearance: Light brown, spiked hair, medium build, blue jacket with turned up sleeves, grey shirt with a coiled dragon design on it, black jeans with a tear in the right knee and light blue running shoes.
Background: Born on 27th of February 21XX, Yukio lived with his mother and father in Kyoto until his parents were killed in a road accident when he was 6 and was sent to live with his sister Satomi (aged 21) in Ohayashi, in the north. Yukio spent the rest of his childhood making friends with Seiji and Kazumi.
Partnered Number(s): Number 00: Shadow Crusader
Name: Satomi Kouno
Age: 29
Grade: N/A
Job: Lawyer
Personality: Hard-working, caring, funny, smart.
Appearance: Light brown, long, straight hair, tall build, grey suit jacket, white button-up shirt, black tie, grey suit trousers and black slip-ons shoes.
Background: Born on 5th of May 21XX, Satomi was an excellent pupil of Kyoto High School, showing great academic skills in all areas. After having a couple of relationships at the school, Satomi decided to hold off on relationships until she'd achieved her goal: to become a lawyer. So after she'd finished at Kyoto High, she was offered a place Ohayashi University which she accepted. In her third year, her parents died and she began looking after her little brother Yukio. During the time between this point and the beginning of the story, she began working Ohayashi Law Firm and began a relationship with Katsu Sakei, who she is now currently engaged to.
Partnered Number(s): ???
Name: Kazumi Kojima
Age: 14
Grade 8th
Job: Paper round
Personality: Strong-willed, smart, easily believes in people.
Appearance: Black, short hair, bunched up with a bobble at the back, small build, cream t-shirt with the words "Go Win!" printed on it, jumper tied around her waist, sky blue skirt and black slip-ons.
Background: Born on 23th of October 21XX, Kazumi has spent her entire life in Ohayashi and began dueling at a young age. When she was six she enrolled at Ohayashi Elementary School, two years later, she meets a young Yukio and Seiji. After talking to them and seeing they also dueled, challenged Yukio, which he barely won. After her defeat, she was unperturbed and offered to help Yukio, and at a guess Seiji, to perfect their dueling techniques. And they've been friends since.
Partnered Number(s):???
Name: Seiji Rin
Age: 14
Grade: 8th
Personality: Can be cowardly, but always does what is right in the end, studious, respects fellow duelists.
Job: Works at his mother bakery during the weekends [As seen in episode 4]
Appearance: Light black, short hair, medium build, green buckle-up jacket, black t-shirt with Yin and Yang symbol on it, grey trousers and black converse.
Background: Born on 25th of March 21XX, Seiji was raised with the idea that "Knowledge is Power", and began working on increasing his knowledge, rivalling many of his classmates in academics, but never felt like he had any real friends, until he met Yukio, which in turn lead to him meeting Kazumi and began his steady increase of skills in duelling.
Partnered Number(s): ???
Name: Miyoko Ito
Age: 15
Grade: N/A
Personality: Calm, subtle, unyielding nature.
Job: Number Hunter
Appearance: White drench coat with sliver details, shoulder-length blonde hair, white plain t-shirt, locket with picture of family(revealed later), white trousers and white running shoes.
Background: Born on 12th of August 21XX in a different dimension, she was the member of a respected political figure family; until she ran away after learning she was adopted. Eventually, she found the Nx society, who had dedicated their lives to protect the safety of mankind in all dimensions. She was tasked with investigating strange energy signals coming from a different dimension and travelled there, but while heading there she encountered a powerful being...
Partnered Number(s): Number XX: Scarlet Scythe
Name: Ryuu Ageda
Age: ???
Grade: N/A
Personality: Arrogant, ruthless, anger
Job: Number Hunter
Appearance: Short, spiked black hair, black drench coat, grey shirt with blue griffin on it, black trousers, black running shoes, video communicator to speak to his boss(revealed later)
Background: Not much is known about Ryuu's childhood, but he seems to have a deep hatred of the Numbers cards and seemed to be pained when summoning them...
Partnered Number(s): Number 82: Oblivion Dragon.
Episodes will be coming soon, as will the opening and ending! Thanks for reading!