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Soul Makers 002 - Return to the Destined Path Part 1

Giado walking around the town centre, looking through the windows at the cards

Giado: (I'll need to get some in a while....)

Giado feels a small tap on his shoulder and turns to Jacqueline with her friends.

Jacqueline: Hey Giado, how've you been?

Giado: Good. A little tired but good. Who are these guys?

Jacqueline: Oh, where are my manners? This is my cousin Annabelle.

Points at girl her age with black hair wearing a grey jacket.

Annabelle: Hey.

Giado: Uh, hey.

Jacqueline: And her brothers, Calum and Henry.

Henry/Calum: Hey random guy our cousin knows!

The two burst into laughter as Giado looks with a puzzled look.

Annabelle: Don't worry, they always act like this when they're in public.

Annabelle then punches both of them in the arm.

Jacqueline: So Giado, do you want to spend the day with us?

Giado rubs the back of his head.

Giado: Gee, I don't know...

Annabelle: You might as well, doesn't look like you're doing anything else.

Jacqueline: Annabelle!

Giado gives a small smile.

Giado: Yeah, you're right. Might as well.

The group talking amongst themselves, Jacqueline and Annabelle talking about their school lives, the twins simply insulting each other for no reason and Giado watching them interact. Suddenly, a teenager run through the, knocking Annabelle to the floor.

Annabelle: Aaa, my arm!

Giado: You okay?

Annabelle gets up and dusts herself off.

Annabelle: Nothing a cup of Red Eyes Black tea can't fix. And don't worry they're on...

Annabelle starts looking around frantically.

Annabelle: Where's my purse?!

Giado's eyes widen.

Giado: That guy!

Giado turns and runs off in the direction of the theif. After a while, he sees a similar person enter a back alley and follows him in. He sees the guy talking to group of rough looking kids and teenagers.

Theif: Piece of cake, all these rich, upper-class girls don't have enough security when it comes to personal belongings.

Group Member: Geez, I just don't how you do it, Syun. Sixteens hits in ONE day.

Syun: I don't know, maybe it's just good old fashioned skill.

The pair share a laugh as Giado walks up to the group.

Giado: Yeah and I'll be taking that purse back now!

Syun turns around, a grin covering his face.

Syun: Oh sure, just come over and get it!

The group crowd around Giado, panicing him.

Giado: Come on now, we're all smart guys here. Can't we settle this without violence?

Just as the crowd reach out for Giado, Syun raises his hand and group back away.

Syun: I'll admit, you've got guts. And we are above petty violence. So, here's the deal, we have a duel, if you win, you can have the purse and can call Security on us and if you lose....lemme' give me your deck.

Giado looks calm. His face then turns serious, activating his duel disk.

Giado: Deal!

Both: Duel!![4000]

Syun: I'll take the first turn. Draw. Flame Sword Paladin![4/Fire/Warrior/1700/1300/ When this card is summoned, you can add 1 "Flame Sword" card fromyour deck to your hand] With it's effect, I add Flame Sword - Scar Beetle[2/Fire/Insect/900/100/ When this card is sent to the graveyard, special summon up to 2 "Flame Sword - Scar Beetle"(s) from your deck to the field. Their effect(s) are negated.] I then activate the spell card Slash Burn![This card can only be activated while you control a face "Flame Sword"(s) monster. Discard 1 card and inflict damage to your opponent to half the selected monster's ATK.] Time to feel the burn, kid! I'll discard Flame Sword - Scar Beetle to activate my spell.

Giado: Rrrr....[3150]

Syun: And since my Scar Beetle went to the graveyard, I will special summon two Scar Beetles!

The two beetles scurry onto the field in defence mode.

Syun: I set two cards. Turn end.

Giado put his hand on top of his deck.

Giado: (Here goes nothing....) I draw...Sweet! Since I don't control any cards I special summon Whirlwind, Dragoon of Sora in defence![2/Wind/Warrior/900/1300/ If you control no cards on the field, you can special summon this from your hand. When a face-up "Dragoon" you control is selected as an attack target, you can make this card the target instead.] Since I control a wind attribute, I can special Turbulence Condor in attack mode from hand[4/Wind/Winged-Beast/1800/1000/While you control a face-up Wind attribute monster, you can special summon this card. When this card is destroyed by a card effect, special summon two "Feather Wingers" tokens.] I then activate Pot of Greed. I draw two more cards.

Giado draws.

Giado: I now normal summon Flamen, Dragoon of Duos Spear![4/Wind/1200/1000/ While this card is face-up on the field, all monsters you control with "Dragoon" in their name gain 400 ATK.]

Whirlwind: [1300/1300]

Flamen: [1600/1000]

Giado: My Condor now attacks your Paladin!

Turbulence flaps it's wings, releasing a gust of wind at Flame Sword Paladin.

Syun: Trap card reveal, Burn Notice![When a Fire attribute monster you control is seleted as an attack target, negate the attack and end the battle phase. If you control another Fire attribute monster(s), you can tribute one to inflict damge to your opponent equal to it's ATK.] I'll negate the attack and tribute one of my Scar Beetles!

Giado: Aaah...[2250] I activate Foolish Burial to send Hakari, Dragoon Trainee to the graveyard. I set two cards. Turn end.

Syun: I draw! Oh yes! I now tribute my Scar Beetle and Paladin! Rise up, the burning sword of courage swings, release, the master of fire, Susamaji the Fire Sword!![3000/2000]

Giado looks on in terror as a huge red knight appears behind Syun. On the building tops above, a young woman with flowing blue hair looks down on their duel

Woman: It looks as though this child has pick the fight today...

She sits down on the ledge.

Woman: He's fighting Susamaji...

Next Chapter 003 - Return to the Destined Path Part 2