When we left Giado last time, he facing down "the master of fire" card, Susamaji the Fire Sword and its owner, Syun, a theif who stole the purse of Jacqueline's cousin, Annabelle. After giving chase, they decide to settle the dispute with a duel. Now Giado might have started to regret that decision, as he has been given a hard beatdown, his life points down by almost a half. Now, with Susamaji on his field, will Giado be able to win?
The blue haired woman is still sitting on the ledge watching the duel.
Woman: Now that Susamaji is here, he'll dispatch this kid.
She flicks her hair out of her eyes as Syun seems to get excited.
Syun: Time to feel the burn! Susamaji, attack Turbulence Condor!!
Susamaji's is coated in a glorious golden red fire as it charges at Turbulence. Syun is smiling, until he realises that Giado is smiling too.
Syun: Why...why are you smiling?
Giado: Because of this! Trap reveal, Hurricane Blockade![This card can only be activated when your opponent declares an attack. Destroy 1 WIND attribute monster to negate the attack and end the battle phase. Both players then shuffle their decks.]
The woman seems surprised by Giado's response.
Woman: Maybe I was wrong...unlikely, but...
Giado: I choose Turbulence Condor to destroy!
Condor erupts into a hurricane and blocks Susamaji's attack, forcing back to stand next to Syun, as their decks are shuffled.
Syun: Sure, you avoided taking a hit, like the weakling, but I told you you'd feel the burn-
Susamaji raises his sword's point at Giado.
Syun: Since you activated a trap card and Susamaji is on the field, you take 300 points of damage!
Giado: What?!
A dart of fire is shot from the blade, hitting Giado in the chest.
Giado: Gaah...![1950] But my Condor was destroyed, I get two "Feather Wingers" tokens in defense mode.[1/WIND/0/0]
Syun: Hmm. I set one card, turn end.
Giado put his hand on the top card of his deck.
Giado: (Come on...just this once...a miracle!)
Giado draws the card, keeping the image from sight.
Giado: (Please...)
Giado flips the card to see the image.
Giado: Yes!!
Both Syun and the woman are bewildered by Giado.
Syun: What so great, kid!
Giado: I can finally do it! And you're the first person to see.
Syun: (What is he talking about...?)
Giado: Since I drew this card and I have three or monsters on the field, I can tribute them in order to special summon this card during the draw phase. I tribute my two tokens and Whirlwind to summon-
Syun/Woman: (What?! A summon like that couldn't really exist!!)
Giado: Soul Dragoon Knight!![2500/2200]
A large gust of wind flows as a knight wearing black armor, carrying a broad sword in it's hand.
Syun: Hmm...
Giado: Since it's a Dragoon monster it...it...
Giado and Syun both look at their monsters, noticing that they are both walking towards each. When they finally come to a stop, they're face-to-face. Suddenly the sword insigna appears underneath the both of them, but in different colours. Soul Dragoon's sliver and Susamaji's red. They then start to attack each, causing shockwaves that cause nearby building to shake. Then both Syun's and Giado's duel disks short out, causing the two monsters to disappear. Giado is breathing heavily, when he gets hit in the head. It falls to the floor, revealing itself to be Annabelle's purse.
Syun: Just take it! Weird stuff like this didn't happen before I met you! Come guys, lets get out of here!
Syun and his gang run off, leaving Giado alone in the alley.
Giado: Just great, I was finally able to summon it and only those goons saw.
Woman: Well, I did.
Giado turns around to see the blue haired woman standing there.
Giado: Oh...Well, was it awesome?
The Woman smiles.
Woman: Not the word I would use, but yeah.
She hands Giado a business card, which he takes.
Woman: Visit sometime, okay?
Giado: Uh, okay.
Woman: Good. See ya'.
She walks off.
Giado: That was...weird.
Giado looks at the card.
Giado: "Antique Book Appraisers"?
Next Chapter 004 - Giado's Chance