Hello everyone and welcome to my blog commentary of my Nuzlocke Challenge. For those who don't know what the Nuzlocke Challenge is I'll explain. The Nuzlocke Challenge challenges a player to use special rules in a Pokemon game in order to increase the difficulty, make the player use pokemon they normally wouldn't and prmote a strong bond between the trainer and their pokemon.
Basic Nuzlocke Challenges incorporate these rules:-
1. When a pokemon faints, it is considered dead and must be release as soon as possible.
2. The player is only allowed to catch the first pokemon they meet in an area and no others.
3. While not an exact rule, the player should nickname all their pokemon, to show the strength of their bonds.
But a player can add additional rules to increase the difficulty even more. Along with the basics, I will be using:-
Using only Pokemon centres to heal pokemon.
Banning the use of held items that don't power up attacks.
Black out/white outs are considered the end of the game.
Game Info:
Pokemon Game: SoulSliver
Time Started: 23:00(GMT)
Trainer Name: Daisuke
Starter: Cyndaquil (Kizuna)
I'll keep you guys posted on how I'm doing. Thanks for reading and if you have any comments/questions, I'll be happy to hear them. WarMixedSoul123 signing off.