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SP: Nuzlocke Gym Battle #2

War: All right! Here it comes, Daisuke's third gym battle against the cute-loving Whitney! And the two are getting into the fray, Daisuke sends out Kizuna while Whitney goes with Clefairy.

Yukio: Starting without me, huh?

War: Oh sorry but- Look at this, Kizuna uses Flame Wheel!

Yukio: But Clefairy used Mimic, learning Flame Wheel.

War: The thief...

Yukio: Whitney use a SUper to heal Clefairy, but she takes a Quick Attack.

War: This gets better as Kizuna leads with another Quick Attack, finishing off Clefairy.

Yukio: Both players switch pokemon, Daisuke bringing out RowdyRock while Whitney brings out Miltank. Rowdy, uses Rock Smash, getting through Miltank's Attract without anyramifications.

War: Bout 2 between these pokemon and Rowdy uses Rock Smash, no, he was Attracted...

Yukio: He tries again with Rock Smash but fails, taking a Stomp from Miltank.

War: One more try! But he flinches thanks to Stomp...

Yukio: He finally hits Miltanks with Rock Smash and knocks her out?!

War: And the match is over, victory to Daisuke!!



Kizuna Lv27

RowdyRock(Graveler) Lv25

GoldPsy Lv20

Eggbert Lv23

Bobeep Lv20

And new edition, Eleanor(Heracross) Lv18


King(Ekans) Lv4

Hop-to-it(Hoppip) Lv6

Casperitta(Gastly) Lv23

Ambi(Aipom) Lv7

Peedle(Beedrill) Lv18

Sleepy(Drowzee) Lv10