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SP: Nuzlocke Gym Battle

Commentator: Ladies and gentlemen, I, War, will be giving you a a heart-shaking commentatory along with my special co-host for tonight, straight off the set from Yu-Gi-Oh Nexus, Yukio Kouno!

Yukio: Thanks War, I glad to be here.

War: Alright then, let's get on with this!

Yukio: Just one thing.

War: What?

Yukio: What are we commentating?

War: ...What?! We're here to commentate on Daisuke of Johto's New Bark Town's epic battle against the bug know-it-all, Bugsy!

Yukio: But Bugsy's the second gym leader of Johto, isn't he?

War: Yeah?

Yukio: So, why isn't this his first gym battle?

War: I may have accidentally destroyed the recording. Anyways,let's get on with the match and both players have started, Bugsy with the swift Scyther and Daisuke with...with Eggbert the Togepi?

Yukio: Oh, I get it. He's training it by having it part of the battle to gain exp!

War: Oh. Oh! None the less from Daisuke. Now, I'm seeing him switch out Eggbert for his Gastly, Casperitta!

Yukio: But wait, Bugsy's Scyther just used U-Turn, damaging Casperitta and sending out a Kakuna in it's place?

War: Looks like Bugsy gon on the defensive.

Yukio: Casperitta attacks with Hypnosis with success, putting Kakuna to sleep, but wakes up immediately...

War: Damn... Lets see what happens now.

Yukio: Casperitta uses Hypnosis, again with success! And then switches for Kizuna.

War: Kizuna attacks the sleeping Kakuna, this could be it!!

Yukio: And appears it is, as Kizuna uses Ember. And yes, he's finished off Kakuna and levels up. But this is only one part of Bugsy's bug triad.

War: Bugsy switches back to Scyther using Focus Energy and then, Bam! Taking a hit from Kizuna's Ember.

Yukio: Scy uses Quick Attack with Kizuna going into the orange while getting another hit from Ember, putting it in the orange.

War: But to save Kizuna from death, Daisuke switches for Casperitta again!

Yukio: Is he planning to put Scy sleep?

War: Oh! Scyther uses U-Turn again, switching for Metapod while Casperitta's Hypnosis attacks fails. She uses this move again, but it fails, just like Metapod's Tackle.

Yukio: What a bad matchup.

War: You said it, my friend. Another Hypnosis and Metapod is asleep!

Yukio: Daisuke switches for Ratta-Chan and attacks with Bite two times before Metapod wakes up, using Harden.

War: Ratta-Chan attacks, this time with Quick Attack, putting Metapod in the red, who retaliates with Tackle. And with a final Quick Attack, Metapod is do-

Yukio: No way, just as Ratta-Chan attacks, Bugsy heals Metapod with a potion, but is knocked down to half health.

War: Ratta Quick Attacks, but Metapod holds on and attacks with another Tackle. Oh wait, Metapod is down with another Quick-Attack as Ratta-Chan levels up. Ratta stays as Scy returns to the field for the third time. Oh no! Ratta is down.

Yukio: No way. But mourning comes later, as RowdyRock comes to take vengence! Scy uses Focus Energy, but, yes! Scy is taken down by Rowdy's Rock Throw, winning Daisuke the match andlevellingup!

War: Well, from all of use from the NPG(Nuzlocke Pokemon Group) we bid all those who watched a fond farewell, as we do to Ratta-Chan.



Togepi(Eggbert) Lv10

Rattata(Ratta-Chan) Lv13 --> Lv14 --> X --> Replace By Slowpoke(GoldPsy) Lv6

Quilava(Kizuna) Lv15 --> Lv16

Geodude(RowdyRock) Lv15 --> Lv16

Gastly(Casperitta) Lv14

Mareep Egg(From Primo of Violet City, check Bulbapedia it find your Egg codes)


Ekans(King) Lv4

Hoppip(Hop-to-it) Lv6

If you have any questions about this match, or how War or Yukio felt about the battle, just put it in your comment.