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Turn 002 - Fight the spirits! The hero protects himself!

The weather had changed drastically, a storm had begun outside, but nothing would the boy from his task. He was down to the last piece.

???: Almost there.

The boy places the piece in place. Suddenly, darkness filled the room and duel monster spirits appeared.

???: What the-

The Millenium Puzzle begins to glow. The wdjat appears on the boy's head. He becomes taller and muscular.

???: Begone, creature of the shadow realm.

A shockwave of energy come from the puzzle, making the duel spirits disappear. The boy returns to his normal state.

???: What happened?

The boys sees the finished puzzle.

???: *Yawn* I'm tried.

The boy goes to bed.

*Screenshot of a workjotter on his table*

Yugi Kiyu.

Next Chapter - Awaken! The True Yugi Kiyu!