Yugi and Dawn are walking down Daelus Road in New Domino City, walking towards a large park area. When they get there, they see a little boy getting a card taken off him from an older boy.
???: That's what you get for losing.
Dawn: Nathan! What are you!
Nathan turn to face Dawn.
Nathan: A Demetori doesn't have to explain myself to commoners like youself, but he did challenge to an ante rule duel. He lost.
Dawn: But he's just a kid, just give him back his card.
Nathan smirks.
Nathan: And why would I do that?
Dawn: Because it's the right thing to do.
? Yugi: Now, now Dawn, lets not be rash.
Dawn: What are you talking about, Yugi?
Nathan: Ah, the infamous "Game King", to what do I owe this honour?
? Yugi: Spare me your sarcasism, Nathan. He is right, he did win the card-
Nathan: See? Even your friend thinks it's fair.
? Yugi: So I'll win it back.
Dawn: Yugi, you can't be serious! He's part of the Pro league and favourite to become the next champ.
Yugi shrugs.
? Yugi: Big deal, I have a deck, don't I?
Dawn: Well yeah.
? Yugi: Well, I guess I'll go first.
Yugi activates his duel disk.
Nathan: You're a fool.
Nathan activates his duel disk.
? Yugi: A happy fool at that. My draw![8000] I set one card face down defence mode and two cards in the spell and trap card zone. I end my turn.
Nathan: A basic move. My turn.[8000] First I activate Polymerization to fuse my three knight, Queen's, King's and Jack's to form the Arcana Knight Joker![3800/2500] Now, attack his face down.
Arcana attacks Yugi's face down. It is Vortex Trooper[0/600].
? Yugi: Thanks. Now since Vortex Trooper was destroyed, I can draw one card.
Nathan: Arr. I end my turn.
? Yugi: Good my draw. I activate my Polymerization to fuse my Neos and my Celtic Guardian to summon Neos Knight![2500/2000] Now I activate my set Ancient Rules to special summon Dark Magician![2500/2100] I now activate the Hero and Soul spell, whick doubles the attack of one "Hero" warrior typemonster. I chose Neos Knight![5000/2000] Now attack Neos!
Neos attacks Arcana Knight.
Nathan: No! This can't be-[6800]
? Yugi: And it doesn't stop there. Neos Knight can attack twice during the same battle phase.
Nathan: What?!
? Yugi: Combine your attacks! Dark Magic Attack and Sabre Slash!
Nathan is hit by the attacks.
Nathan: How?!
Yugi walks over and takes the card that Nathan took from the little boy. It's the Dark Rabbit card. He hands it to the little boy.
?Yugi: Take care of this card, kid.
Little boy: Yes sir.
The little boy runs off. Yugi and Dawn walk deeper into the park, while Nathan lays downon the ground.
Nathan: (How dare you beat me?! I'll teach you not to mess with me!)
Next Chapter - An Invitation to Duel! Tournement Time!