A week after Yugi's duel against Dawn...
Yugi walks out of his house in the early morning. He stretches his arms.
Yugi: Aaaahhm! What a great morning. Wait, what's that car doing over at Daw-
Yugi is interuptedby Dawn's loud screams, as she is dragged out of her house by two huge thugs, who throw her in the boot of the car.
Yugi: Hey, what do you two think you're doing?!
Yugi runs over to the car, but one of the thugs kick him in the stomach.
Thug: Hah! What a weakling! If you want your girl back, come to Warehouse 47 by noon or else your girl gets it.
The thug leaves Yugi in the middle of the road, gets in the car and drives off. A few minutes later, Yugi gets up just as Davis, Kimi and Andrew are walking down the street. They run over to Yugi.
Andrew: Yugi! What happened?!
Yugi: Two guys, arrgh, kidnapped Dawn. I have to get her back!
Yugi changes into his other persona.
? Yugi: And I won't let them off lightly!
Yugi begins to run towards New Domino dock, followed by Andrew and the others. After a half an hour of running, Yugi arrives at Warehouse 47 and starts banging on the door.
? Yugi: Open it up, cowards!
The door creaks open and Yugi enters. He is shocked to see Dawn tied up at the side of the room and duel arena in the middle.
???: Ah, so glad you could make it, Mr Kiyu.
A young man walks out of the shadows, wearing a black suit and white shirt.
? Yugi: And, if I may ask, who are you and what kind of person you are?! Kidnapping someone for what?!
???: Dereck Dunoway, CEO of the Geekco Finiacial Group, and I would like you to represent us in the King of Games tournament.
Yugi smirks.
? Yugi: So that's why you kidnapped Dawn. As an incentive from me to agree to your request.
Dereck: You could say that.
Yugi activates his duel disk.
? Yugi: It's time for me to make a deal, if you beat me in a duel, I'll accept your generous offer, but if you don't, you'll pay the ultimate price.
Dereck: Hm, very well-
Dereck activates his duel disk.
Dereck: I accept!
? Yugi: Then, lets begin!
*Shot of the two staring each other down*
Next Chapter - Wipe The Slate Clean! Mind Crush!