Yugi and Davis walk to the opposite ends of Dawn's garden and activate their duel disks, while Kimi, Dawn and Andrew are watching.
Dawn: This is gonna be great. (Though is kinda hope Yugi loses, he's be too over-confident lately.)
Davis: You ready for a beatdown Yugi?
Yugi's persona changes.
Yami: Not really. But that's not going to happen!
Davis: I go first. I draw![8000] I summon Marauding Captain in attack mode![1200/400] and use its effect to special summon another Marauding Captain! I then activate The A. Forces to give my captain a boost of 200 ATK for each warrior or spellcaster on my side of the field, boosting their attack to 1600! I set one card face down and end my turn.
Yami: My turn! I draw![8000] I activate Lightning Vortex by discarding Strong Wind Dragon-
Davis: I activate my trap, Ready for Intercepting, to flip the first captain in summoned into face down defense mode!
The captain that is face up is destroyed by a lightning bolt.
Yami: I then activate Double Summon and summon two Magician's Valkyria![1600/1800] Now, one of you girls destroy his face down Captain!
A Magician Valkyria destroys the captain.
Yami: And my other Valkyria attacks you directly!
Davis: Ah.[6400]
Yami: I set one card in the spell and trap zone and end my turn.
Davis: Not bad. I draw! I set one card face down defense and end my turn.
Yami: My turn! I draw! Valkyria, attack! And I activate the trap, Magician's Circle and special summon Dark Magician Girl![2000/1700]
Yami's Valkyria attacks Little-Winguard[1400/1800].
Yami: Aaa.[7800] Now Dark Magician Girl, attack his Winguard!
Dark Magician Girl destroys Little-Winguard.
Yami:And a final attack from last Valkyria!
Davis: No.[4800]
Yami: I now activate Sage's Stone to special summon Dark Magician[2500/2100] from my deck. I end my turn.
Davis: I draw. I set one card face down defense mode and end my turn.
Yami: My draw. I summon Mystic Swordsman LV2[900/0] and attack your face down! And with its effect, destroy it immediately without flipping it!
Davis: Damn!
Mystic Swordsman LV2 sends Old Vindictive Magician to the grave.
Yami: My other monsters attack!
Yami's other monsters lauch their attacks on Davis.
Davis: No way![0]
Next Chapter - The Time Has Come! Tournament, Begin!