Yugi covers his eyes from the lightsas he comes out of the corridor. Dawn and the others are in the sky box.
Davis: Talk about first-class treatment!
Dawn: Shouldn't you be paying attention to Yugi? He is just about to take part in the biggest duel of his life!
Davis: He'll have pleaty more!
Dawn: Boys...
As Yugi is looking up at the sky box, his opponent walks out on to the stage.
Opponent: Face me, boy!
Yugi turns to face his opponent and changes into his other persona, Yami. He sees a middle-aged woman wearing a tight suit.
MC: Ladies and gentlemen, please give a welcome to Yugi Kiyu, the plucky young duelist from New Domino City and his opponent, Jennifer Hall, an experienced pro-duelist from good ol' New York!
The crowd claps and cheers.
Yami: ..."Plucky"?
Jennifer: Yes and thats all you'll ever be, plucky!
Yami activates his duel disk.
Yami: Lets start this![8000] Skill before age, so I'll be going first! I draw! I set one card face down defense mode with another two cards setin the spell and trap zone. Turn end!
Jennifer: That all you've got? I draw.[8000] I discard "Thuder Dragon" from my hand to add two from my deck. I then activate Polymerization to call forth Twin-Headed Thuder Dragon![2800/2100]
Yami: In response, I activate Bottomless Trap Hole, to destroy and remove from play your monster!
A dark hole appears under Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon, which the dragon falls into as the hole starts to disappear.
Jennifer: Damn! Then I'll just summon Apocatequil![1800/1200] Now, attck his face down!
Yami's monster flips, revealing Golem Dragon.[200/2000]
Jennifer: Hm.[7800] I set one card face down and end my turn.
Yami: I draw then! I activate Stamping Destruction and use it not only to destroy your card in your spell and trap zone, but also inflict 500 points of damage to your life points.
The card is destroyed by a giant claw, also hitting Jennifer with 500 points of damage.
Jennifer: Aah![7300]
Yami: Now I tribute my Golem Dragon to summon Strong Wind Dragon![2400/1000] My monster gains half of my Golem Dragon's attack points since it was a dragon type that was used to summon it![2500/1000] Now attack!
Strong Wind Dragon attack and destroys Luster Dragon.
Jennifer: (I've not laid a hit on this kid yet, but he has hit me!)[6800]
Yami: I set one card and end my turn!
Jennifer: I draw! Oh dear, looks like your dragon's about to change sides, thanks to my Electric Virus!
Yami: What?!
Yami looks on as Jennifer discards her Electric Virus and his dragon flies over to her field.
Jennifer: Now attack!
Strong Wind Dragon flaps its wings, sending a strong gust of wind at Yami.
Yami: I don't think so! Go my trap, Magical Cylinder!
The gust of wind heads into the first cylinder and out of the other, straight at Jennifer.
Jennifer: No![4800] I set one card and end my turn.
Strong Wind Dragon returns to Yami's field.
Yami: I draw! I know activate Stamping Destruction to destroy your face down!
Jennifer: Again?![4300]
Yami: I summon Axe Dragonute![2000/1200] Both my monsters attack!
Jennifer screams as she is hit by both attacks.
MC: And the rising star, Yugi Kiyu, wins the duel.
Yugi changes back to normal.
Yugi: ....
Next Chapter 015 - After Match Celebrations! Too Early?