Screams of joy emitted from Kiyu household as Yugi returned from the stadium. There was many people there, mainly close friends and family. Before he could even get through the door, he was shaking hands with everyone who came near him. When he finally managed to get in, his mum rushed upgave him a huge hug.
Yugi: What's wrong, mum?
Mum: Oh nothing's wrong Yugi, you've just made me so proud.
She tighten her hug.
Yugi: You're hurt me mum.
Mum: Sorry Yugi.
His mum stops hugging him.
Mum: You should go out back.
Yugi: Why?
Mum: It's a surprise.
Yugi makes his to his back garden through the back door in his kitchen. When he gets outside, he sees a lot of lights. Suddenly, a bunch of people jumps out of bushes.
Group: Surprise!
Yugi: You guys are the-
Davis: You were supposed to get scared!
Yugi: Well, uh, sorry.
Meanwhile in a building in the center of the city...
Assistant: Sir, we have the readings of the duel. There was an abnormal reading coming from the the Kiyu boy, though more likely from an external element.
Man: Hm, looks like we'll have to put him to the test...
Next Chapter 016 - A New Enemy! Queen of the Psychics!