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Turn 016 - A New Enemy! Queen of the Psychics!

Everyone is enjoying the party, but Yugi slips out through the back gate and starts walking deeper into the city.

Yugi: (Why is everyone celebrating? I haven't won yet-)

A cloaked figure stands in front of Yugi.

Figure: How can you be so strong?

Yugi: I'm just lucky.

Figure: It's more than lucky.

The figure stands under a street light, revealing that they are wearing a faceless mask with red hair coming down from their hood.

Yugi: Can I help you or something?

Masked: Do you not know who I am?

Yugi: No. Should I?

The masked figure raises their arms as a large gust of wind forces Yugi to cover his face.

Masked: I'm your worst nightmare, The Black Rose Witch!

Yugi: But, you're just an urban myth!

Black Rose Witch: Do I look like a myth to you?!

Yugi: No and that makes this more fun!

Next Chapter 017 - A Fight Against a Witch?! Bring It On!