As the wind picks up, a discarded card packet is sent flying into Yugi's face, but Yugi grabs it and throws it away.
BRW: Now hand over your puzzle!
Yugi: No way!
BRW: My master wishes to have it and I will take it, by force! Pitch dark flower bloom, I summon Black Rose Dragon!
A large black sphere appears the Black Rose Witch. Meanwhile at the building at the center of the city...
Assistant: Sir, we're getting strange readings from the girl.
Man: It seems she's is too weak. I thought giving her Akiza's thoughts and feelings and a "fake" Black Rose Dragon would make her strong. But she was always going to be weak, nothing could have be done.
Back a the street, the black sphere transforms into the form of the Black Rose Dragon, except black and slime looking. The dragon wraps a vine around the girl.
BRD: This world will burn!
Yugi: Not if I've got anything to do with it!
BRD: You think a human like yourself can do anything to stop me?! I'll use the power in this girl to acheive more than you imagine!
Yugi smirks and picks up a pebble.
BRD: Why are you smirking?! Do you really think you can stop me with that pebble?!
Yugi: Oh yes, 'cause I know how to stop you! You're taking power from that girl, which I think is like when you download a song on to your computer, interrupt the process and the download stops.
BRD: What?!
Yugi throws the pebble and hits the girl on the head and knocks her out cold. The dragon starts to collaspe in on itself.
BRD: How?! How could I be defeated by a pathetic human?!
Yugi: Pride goy the best of you. Now you'll die. Simple.
The Black Rose Dragon fully collapses in on itself and the girl falls to the floor, cracking the mask.
Yugi: (This is looking bad. I'd better get her to hospitial.)
Yugi picks up the girl and heads toward the hospitial.
Next Chapter 018 - Another Psychic?! Time to Meet Sayer!