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Turn 021 - A Guest Staying, Always Trouble!

At the enterance of the hospital, Yugi is taking Abbie to a open taxi door via wheelchair.

Abbie: Why are you doing this?!

Yugi: 'Cause I don't think someone wouldwillingly choose to have their "power" absorbed by a black, slime dragon.

Abbie hops from the wheelchair to the back seat of the taxi witn a angry look on her face.

Yugi: (Does sarcarsm ever work...?)

After half an hour, the taxi pulls up outside Yugi's house and Yugi and Abbie get out the taxi and are greeted by Yugi's mum and Dawn.

Ms. Kiyu: Welcome home, Yugi. So is this your friend you were talking about on the phone?

Yugi: Yeah, this is Abbie. Say hello.

Abbie looks at Yugi with scolding look.

Yugi: She's not very socialable.

Dawn: I can tell.

Yugi, his mum and Abbie enter the house, as Dawn leaves for her own home.

Yugi: You could be a bit nicer, Abbie.

Abbie: Yeah, I could.

Yugi sighs.

Yugi: Head upstairs, second door on left. You'll be sleeping in that room.

Abbie: ....

Abbie walks up the stairs and slams the door shut.

Ms. Kiyu: She likes making noise, doesn't she?

Yugi: Yeah, I guess...

Next Chapter 022 - OurHero Is Challenged! Let The Duel Begin!