Yugi wakes up to the sound Saturday morning TV and people talking. He gets changed and walks down stairs to see Abbie and his mum talking over coffee.
Abbie: So he ran into the street light?!
Ms. Kiyu: Yes, completely convinced it was a Blue Eyes White Dragon trying to attack him.
Abbie starts to quitely chuckle, as she notices Yugi.
Abbie: Speak of the devil.
Yugi: You've been telling her the "BlueEyes"incident, haven't you mum?
Ms. Kiyu: Just to pass the time...So, what are you and Abbie going to do today?
A bewildered look cover both Abbie's and Yugi's face.
Yugi: Guess I could take her round the local spots.
Abbie: Just take me to the local duel arena.
Yugi: Sure. Come on then!
Yugi runs out his house, followed closely by Abbie.
Yugi: Keep up!
Abbie: (I'll kick him so hard!)
Yugi reaches the duel arena in the park, where he sees Davis dueling Kimi.
Kimi: Go, Winged Kuriboh, finish him off!
Davis is hit by Winged Kuriboh attack and loses the duel.
Davis: Not again...
Kimi: Oh yeah, I win, I win-
Yugi: Such a modest winner.
Kimi: Yugi!
Davis: Yugi, where did you get to last night, we were all worried?!
Yugi: Had to help-
Yugi is sent flying through the air, as he is kicked by Abbie. He lands face first on the ground.
Yugi: Her.
Kimi: You can't do that to Yugi!
Abbie: I just did, you're a bit later telling me not to do it.
Yugi gets to his feet.
Yugi: No, it's fine Kimi.
Yugi feels something tugging on his jacket. He looks down to see a small child.
Kid: Um, are Yugi Kiyu?
Yugi: Yeah.
Kid: Will you, will you, will you duel me?
Yugi: Sure.
Kid: Really?! Thanks!
Yugi: No trouble at all.
Yugi and the kid activate their duel disks.
Yugi/Kid: Duel!
Next Chapter 023 - The Duel Begins!