Yugi takes the Kid home, after hours of walking around the city.
Yugi: Take care!
Kid: I will Yugi! Bye!
The Kid hops up his garden path and into his mother's arms. Yugi walks for half a mile before a black limo pulls up beside. A small man with pointed ears opens the back.
Ear man: Yugi Kiyu, Director Goodwin would like to talk to you.
Yugi pretends to plays drums.
Yugi: On the subject of-
Ear man: The duel you just took part in.
Yugi's face turns serious.
Yugi: I'll come. But first, could you at least tell your name?
Ear man: Of course, my name's Lazar.
Yugi: Nice to met you Lazar.
Yugi gets in the car and it drives towards the Sector Security building. The car drives to the front of the building and comes to a stop. Yugi and Lazar get out the car and take the elevator to the top floor. There they are greeted by a girl wearing blue suit jacket.
Lazar: Mina,get me a cup of coffee, now!
Yugi: Ask the question right!
Lazar and Mina look at Yugi.
Lazar: Pardon?!
Yugi: You heard me.
Lazar: Uhh, never mind Mina.
Yugi and Lazar walk past Mina and enter a office, where a man with white hair is standing at a window, looking over the city.
Lazar: Director Goodwin, I have brought Yugi Kiyu to see you.
The Director turns.
Goodwin: Yugi Kiyu, you had quite an interesting duel this afternoon, didn't you?
Yugi: That's a retorical question, isn't it?
Goodwin: You do know who you're talking to, right?
Yugi: Anotherabsolute, already known answer to this question.
Goodwin: But you do know why you blackout?
Yugi: How do you know about those?
Goodwin: I'll tell you a story.
Next Chapter 025 - The Truth to the Puzzle!