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Turn 026 - Yugi's Round Two!

3 days after Yugi's meeting with Goodwin...

Davis: Come on, hurry it up!

Yugi: Don't rush me!!

Yugi and Davis are sitting on the floor of the waiting room at the stadium having a duel.

Yugi: (Alright, he must have some spell and trap negating cards, so...) I activate Black Luster Ritual-

Davis: I got you, Yugi! Go my trap, Dark Bribe!

Yugi places Black Luster Ritual in the grave, draws a card and smirks.

Yugi: Now you're for it! I activate Polymerization to fuse Black Luster Solider with-

The door of the waiting room opens and Dawn walks through it.

Dawn: Yugi, they're calling you to duel.

Yugi: Oh, thanks Dawn. (And just when I had him!)

Yugi gets up, walks through the door and makes his way to the duel arena. Meanwhile, Director Goodwin enters intohis skybox with Lazarin the stadium.

Goodwin: Now, lets see if Mr Kiyu can perform another win.

Lazar: Yes, but sir, if I may enquire, why are you so interested in Mr Kiyu?

Goodwin remains slient, seemingly oblivious to Lazar's question. Back down on the arena, Yugi's opponent walks out. A young girl with chestnut hair and yellow dress.

MC: Introducing another rising star to the stage, give a round of applause forMadilin Fisher!

The crowd starts clapping and cheering.

Yugi: Sooo...Do you use a fish deck?

Madilin activates her duel disk.

Madilin: Sorry, but you'll have to find out the hard way![8000] But I'll be kind, you can go first.

Yugi activates his duel disk.

Yugi: How gracious.[8000] I draw! I set a card in defense mode and set two cards face down and end my turn.

Madilin: I draw. I summon Kaiser Sea Horse in attack mode![1700/1650] I then activate Double Summon-

Yugi: Go trap card,Dark Bribe! Negate Double Summon!

Double Summon is negated and Madilin draws.

Madilin:(Good, I might have to wait a turn, but this sap won't know what hit'em!) Go my Sea Horse, attack his defense!

Kaiser Sea Horse attacks, flipping face down, up, revealing Mystic Elf.[800/2000]

Madilin: Hmm..I set two cards and end my turn.

Yugi: Good, I draw! I activate the spell, Shadow Casting!

Madilin: I've never heard of that card, tell me what it does.

Yugi cracks his knuckles.

Yugi: Shadow Casting allows me to remove from play one light type monster I control to special summon a dark type with a level equal to the level of the light monster plus 3, also, the monster special summoned by Shadow Casting cannot have its summon negated. So proudly comeforth, Dark Magician![2500/2100] I then activate Dark Magic Attack!

Dark Magician releases a large magic attack from his staff, destroying Madilin's face downs.

Madilin: Damn it!

Yugi: I then normal summon Magician's Valkyria in attack mode![1600/1800] Dark Magician, attack Kaiser Sea Horse!

Kaiser Sea Horse is destroyed by the Dark Magician.

Madilin: Arrrgh.[7100]

Yugi: Valkyria, continue the assault!

Valkyria heads towards Madilin, but Yugi activates the trap, Magician's Circle.

Yugi: Now, since Valkyria is attacking, we both get to special summon a Spellcaster from our decks with 2000 or less ATK. I special summon the Dark Magician Girl![2000/1700]

Madilin: Again you've out played me, Yugi. I have no spellcaster to summon.

Yugi: Then combo attack, Dark Magician Girl, Magicain's Valkyria, attack!

Both monsters attack, dealing Madilin 3600 points of damage.[3500]

Yugi: I end my turn.

Madilin: I draw! I set one card in defense mode and two face down in the spell and trap zone. I end my turn.

Yugi: I draw. I activate Trap Stun to negate the effects of all other trap cards, till the end of the turn. Dark Magician Girl, Attack!

Dark Magician Girl attacks and destroys Divine Dragon Ragnarok.[1500/1000] Dark Magician and then Valkyria attack, defeating Madilin.

MC: Another win for Yugi Kiyu!

Madilin: No! I lost! How?!

Yugi: No reason, you just did.

Next Chapter 027 - Signer Encounter!