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Turn 027 - Signer Encounter!

Yugi and his friendsleave the duel stadium and come to a set of street lights with a zebra crossing.

Davis: That was a great win, Yugi!

Yugi: Yeah, I guess...

Yugi looks ahead and sees a boy with blue hair walk out onto the zebra crossing, just as a Duel Runner speeds into sight. Yugi runs out onto the road and pulls the kid back. The Runner whizzs past barely missing the kid.

Yugi: What do you think you're playing at?! You could have been killed!

Kid: Hey, lemme' go, lemme' go, lemme' go!

Yugi lets go of the kid.

Andrew: Do kids whine like this all the time?

Yugi: You should know.

Andrew: Yeah....Wait-

Kid: You'd better go away! I've got plans to meet some friends!

Yugi: I'm not denying that. But did you want to meet them as a flapjack or as....What is your name?

Kid: Leo!

Yugi covers his ears.

Yugi: No need to shout! Geez, you save someone's life...

A girl walks beside Andrew, with the same face as Leo.

Girl: What's he done?

Leo: Luna! Thanks goodness! This pulled me from the road while I was crossing!

Yugi: He was going to get flattened by a runner.

Luna: What have I told you about crossing the road?!

Leo: ...Look both ways before you cross.

Leo and Luna starts bickering with each other. Yugi and his friends walk across the road to the other.

Yugi: Ever get the feeling you're going to meet someone again.

Next Chapter 028 - Yugi Rides into the night! Riding Duel, Acceleration!