After two days of tweaking his runner, Yugi had to rush to stadium, his friends frantically following, while also getting into his riding suit. When he finally reached the stadium, the MC was starting to rally up the onseers.
MC: Ladies and Gentleman!! Get yourselves ready for one of the most thrilling duels of the tournament! The rising star Yugi Kiyu will now be taking on the queen of riding of riding duels herself-
The rev of an engine is heard, as a duel runner bursts through the stadium garage door and on to the track. The rider takes her helmet off and long blonde hair falls from her helmet.
MC: Phoebe Lott!!
Phoebe: Please enough! I can't stand all this attention, besides, where is opponent of mine?
The crowd cheer with intense passion and start clapping. But stop when they hear the rev of another runner. Suddenly, a blue runner rushes through the stadium's main enterance and grinds to a hault in front Phoebe.
Phoebe: Yugi Kiyu, I presume?
The rider takes their helmet off.
Yugi: Yes, ma'am.
Phoebe: I'm the same age as you.
Yugi rubs the back of his head.
Yugi: Sorry about that, I'm just a bit nervous. This is my first big turbo duel.
Phoebe: Well, let's just have fun.
She puts her hand out for a handshake and returns the handshake.
Yugi: Yeah, let's.
Yugi walks back over runner and puts his helmet backon.
Yugi: (Nothing to worry about, it's just like any other duel, except at over 100 miles per hour...)
At the same time, up in Goodwin'sskybox, Marcus Lott enters and Goodwin turns to face him for a second. He then turns back to face the track.
Goodwin: ...I see you've put your plan into motion.
Lott: Yes I have old friend, and we shall see...
Goodwin: Yes, soon. But tell me, was getting your granddaughter to this level in the tournament?
Lott: No, she chose to do this all by herself...
Both give a small laugh before continuing to watch the duel.
Phoebe/Yugi: Riding duel!! Acceleration!
Both fly off the starting line at immense pace.
Phoebe: Since I'm the one here with the most experience in turbo dueling, I'll go first! I draw![SPC: Yugi-1 Phoebe-1LP:8000] I summon Spore Knight in defense mode[Lv:3/Warrior/Wind/1400/1900/When this card is destroyed by battle, you can special summon 2 "Sporling Tokens"(200/200) in attack mode] and set two cards face-down and end my turn!
Yugi: Right, I draw![SPC:Yugi-2 Phoebe-2LP:8000]
Yugi's runner strafes as Yugi changes into Yami.
Yami: I activate the Speed Spell - Acceleration Limiter, so during your next two standby phasesyou cannot gain Speed counters.
Phoebe: Yeah, like that's gonna save you!
Yami: I activate the Double Summon speed spell! I summon Quilbolt Hedgehog and release it to summon Dark Magician Girl![2000/1700]
DMG appears on Yugi's field and flicks her hair.
MC: Yugi's just summoned one of his classic monsters!! Will this affect the play of the game?
Yami: Dark Magician Girl, attack Spore Knight!
DMG speeds forward and smashes Spore Knight. But it splits into 2 fluffy spheres.
Phoebe: Thanks Yugi, 'cause now I've got two sporlings to protect me now!
Yami: Wasn't Spore Kinght doing a good enough job?
Phoebe: Funny.
Yami: I set two cards face-down and end my turn.
Phoebe: I must say Yugi, for someone who might lose their rarest card you seem awfully...upbeat.
Yami: What do you mean?
Phoebe: This duel is under Ante rules. You lose, you hand over your rarest card to the winner.
Yami: Ah, grr.
Phoebe: Here I come! [SPC: Yugi-3 Phoebe-2] I activate the Fiend's Sanctuary speed spell to special summon a Metal Fiend Token[0/0] by removing 1 speed counter.[SPC: Yugi-3 Phoebe-1]Now, Yugi, what do you expect me to do?
Yami remains slient and then smiles.
Yami: Tribute two of the tokens for a summon and the other for an effect?
Phoebe laughs.
Phoebe: You're close. I'll be tributing all three of my tokens to summon-
The three swirl into a tornado high in the sky, but suddenly erupt in a bright light.
Phoebe: The Winged Dragon of Ra!![????/????]
Yami: What?!
Phoebe: Like I said, whoever wins gets their opponent's rarest card-
She raises her arm.
Phoebe: This is my card! My unstoppable force!!
The scene ends with Yami riding towards The Winged Dragon of Ra.
Next Chapter 031 - Showdown With A God?! The Outcome Is...?!