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Turn 031 - Showdown With A God?! The Outcome Is...?!

When we left Yugi last, he had began to turnament turboduel with a woman called Phoebe, who little did Yugi know that this woman has Phoebe Lott, granddaughter to Marcus Lott. As the duel began, Yugi changed into Yami and both duelistsroared around the track and that's not the only thing that roared. A surprise to all is when Phoebe tribute summoned 3 monsters to summon The Winged Dragon of Ra!! Now Yami is racing towards a near unstoppable monster.


Up in Goodwin's skybox as Ra is summoned...

Goodwin: So, this is the power you gave her?

Lott: Yes and with it, she shall win!

Goodwin looks smug.

Goodwin: We both know you don't mean that.

Back down on the track, Yami is racing towards Ra...

Phoebe: [SPC: Yugi-3 Phoebe-2]Now I activate Ra's effect! I pay life points till I only have 100[100] to increase Ra's attack and defnse by the life points I paid!

Ra roars as it's attack and defenseis increase to 7900.[7900/7900]

Phoebe: Now Ra, attack Dark Magician Girl!

Yami shields himself as DMG is engulfed by the fiery breath of Ra[1100]. He is sent off-course by the heat of the blast. He reassurts himself.

YamI: (That attack...felt too real!! I don't know what's up with that card, but I can not allow it to attack me directly!)

Phoebe: And don't think you can activate a trap or spell or monster effect! Ra negates all of those until my next standby phase! I end my turn!

Yami draws a card. He looks at it and smiles.

Yami: Right then, I don't trust that card, so I'll be stopping it!![SPC: Yugi-4 Phoebe-1]Phoebe: This card is almighty! And you think you can stop it?!

Yami: Yeah, didn't you get that from, "so I'll be stopping it"?

Phoebe: For such an unskilled duelist, you're funny, I'll give you that.

Yami: I special summon Spell Striker[600/400] by removing from play Double Summon from my graveyard. I end my turn!

Phoebe bursts into tremendous laughter.

Phoebe: That's all you've got? Pathetic! Even if you attacked, I would've stopped it with theNegate Attack I set last turn.

Yami: ....

MC: It appears that Yugi's indomitable fighting spirit has been crushed, allowing himself to make no use of an incredibly useful card. But is this true? Can Yugi have given up hope...?

Phoebe: [SPC: Yugi-5 Phoebe-1] I draw! Now Ra, burn his puny warrior.

Ra launches a huge flame at Spell Striker. The crowdgasp as Spell Striker is engulfed and are even more shocked by Yugi's response.

Yami: I have something to tell, Phoebe....My monster is stronger!!

Phoebe: Please like that's even tru-

She looks down at the monster attack gauge and see Ra registers only 0.

Phoebe: What?! But how...?!

Yami: The power you think Ra has, is an illusion-

A trap card is shown on Yugi's field called Spellbinding Illusion.

Yami: My trap causes your monster to have it's effect negated and reduce it's attack by 500.

Phoebe looks on in awe as Spell Striker flies through the flame and taps Ra on it's skull and bursts it into pieces.

Phoebe: [0] No!!

Her runner spins out of control and crashes into the barrier. Yami changes back into Yugi, who grinds to a hault at her side.

Yugi: Phoebe!!

Immediatly, paramedics come to attend to Phoebe and cart her off. One of the paramedics comes over to Yugi and hands Yugi a card face-down.

Paramedic: Here Mr. Kiyu, your card.

Yugi takes the card and flips it. He reads the name.

Yugi: The Winged Dragon of Ra....

This card cannot be Special Summoned. You must Tribute 3 monsters to Normal Summon this card (you cannot Set this card). The Normal Summon of this card cannot be negated. When this card is Normal Summoned, Spells, Traps and other monsters' effects cannot be activated until your next Standby Phase. When this card is Normal Summoned, you can pay Life Points so that you only have 100 left, to have this card gain ATK and DEF equal to the amount of Life Points paid. You can pay 1000 Life Points to select and destroy 1 monster on the field.


Goodwin and Lott look smug.

Goodwin: Our plan is going off without a hitch. And what of your granddaughter?

Lott looks sour.

Lott: She has only failed herself. Though not me. I will make sure she's well looked after.


Yugi is sitting up in his room, looking at the Winged Dragon of Ra card.

Yugi: This card is so familiar...why?

He takes his deck out and shuffles the Winged Dragon of Ra card into his deck.

Yugi: All I know is, I've got a god card.

Yugi gives a gentle smile.

Next Chapter 032 - Yugi Fights! Protect A Place Filled With Mermory!