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Turn 032 - Yugi Fights!! Protect A Place Filled With Memories!!

Yugi is walking down King's Street, a high soceity street which obviously had taken advantage of Jack Atlas' time as the King, billboards with his image now ripped off and replaced with an advert for perfume with Misty Tredwell posing on them. Yugi looks over at it for a second and then continues on with walk. After about five minutes of walking, he sees an old man carrying a garbage bag come out of a store. Yugi smiles.

Yugi: Horace!!

The man turns, seemingly responding to Yugi.

Horace: Yugi my lad, I haven't seen you in a while. How's your grandfather?

Yugi's smile dulls.

Yugi: He past away a couple of months back.

Horace: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Both are slient of a couple of moments until Horace bursts into sound.

Horace: Hey now, would you like to see the store? It's changed a lot this you were last in.

Yugi: Sure, Horace, I'd never miss the chance to see the "old gal".

Horace puts the garbage bag in the nearby bin and starts walking into the store he'd left. Yugi follows him in and reads the store's sign, "Horace's Game Store". Yugi strolled through the store, looking at all the kids with their parents, buying packs of cards and playing each other.

Horace: So, little guy, what brings a duelist of your standards back to this small time store?

Yugi looks amused.

Yugi: First off, I was just walking around, twoI could never truely turn my back on this place, after all, this is where I was taught how to duel and thirdly, "little guy"?

Both of them laugh. Then Horace quiets down.

Horace: Ah those were the days, I remember the first day and your troops marched in here.

Yugi: "Troops"?

Horace: Yeah, that boy and those two girls you played with back then.

Yugi: Oh them, yeah, I think I was about 7 or 8 when we came here.

Horace: Yeah....Anyways, can I get you anything to eat or drink?

Yugi: No thanks, I ate before I came out.

Horace: Well, this is last chance, I'm heading across the road to get a cheese and salad sandwich. Would you mind looking after the store while I go?

Yugi sighs.

Yugi: Sure. No problem.

Horace limps to the door and opens it, but he turns around.

Horace: If anyone comes in looking for me, tell'em I'm out of town at a card convention.

Horace leaves the store, leaving Yugi puzzled. While distracted, a boy about 9 walks up to counter, holding a structure deck.

Kid: Excuse me sir, but are you Yugi Kiyu, sir?

Yugi looks down at the kid, as some of the other kids crowd aroundthe first kid.

Yugi: Uhh, yeah, I'm Yugi. And you don't have to say sir.

Kid: Thanks you sir.

Yugi sighs.

Kid: Do you work here?

Yugi: Not really, just looking after it while the owner's at a card convention.

Kid: When's he back?

Yugi: Hmmm...About a couple of minutes. Why?

Kid: I wanted to buy this structure deck.

Yugi: Well, I can put it through the machine for you.

Kid: No, I'll wait for uncle Horace to come back.

Yugi: Okay then, I'll tell you when he's back.

Kid: Thanks, Mr. Kiyu.

The kid runs back into the group of kids. Yugi walks around to the back of the desk and sees an unmarked opened letter from a Heidmann Gyna. He avoids reading most of it, but reads "and you'd better get me that money, or else...". After a few minutes, Horace returns with a sandwich.

Yugi: Horace, can I talk with you, please?

Horace: Uh, Yeah, what's the problem?

Yugi: I didn't mean to but I read that letter on the desk. What have you gotten yourself into now?

Horace looks down.

Horace: I'll tell you when it's closing time.

4 hours pass, filled with the children's laughter, the sound of duels and the tense between Horace and Yugi. As Horace shuts up shop and starts walking home, Yugi catches up with him.

Yugi: Are you gonna tell me what's the matter now?

Horace: You know how a couple of years back my wife passed away.

Yugi: Yeah.

Horace: Well what you propably didn't know was that after that I spent less time in the store and it started failing. Bad. And when I finally realised, I promised myself I'd do anything to save it and that's when I met Heidmann Gyna-

???: And that would be me!!

A bright light surrounds them, as cars pull up around them.

Heidmann: And I'll be taken that money-

Heidmann looks down at the store.

Heidmann: Or I'll take that!

Yugi: No, you can't!!

The puzzle gleams as he changes persona.

Yami: So, you think you can take something someone has worked hard to create?

Heidmann: Yeah, so, what are you gonna do about it?

Yami: Hmm. How about we play a

Next Chapter 033 - The Penalty Game Begins!! Heidmann's Game!!