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Turn 034 - The Next Round!! Duel!!

Yugi is walking to stadium, looking through his cards, seeing The Winged Dragon of Ra. He takes it out and begins staring at it. Before he can put it back he is put into a powerful head lock. Yugi gasps as he finds it hard to breath.

???: Oh sorry, didn't know I was hurting you.

Yugi takes a deep breath, as he falls to his knees.

Yugi: What the hell do you think you were doing?!

???: Just having a little fun with my next opponent.

Yugi: "Opponent"?

Yugi turns his head to see a teenage boy with a bandana covering his eye wearing what looked like a home-made army uniform. The boy puts his hand out to help Yugi out. Yugi grabs the boy's arm and pulls himself up.

???: My name's Bandinas Johnson and you're Yugi Kiyu.

Yugi: It's always nice to get the meet-and-greets out of the way. So, we'd better make are way to the stadium.

Bandinas: Guess so.

Yugi and Bandinas walk away from each other.

Bandinas: (I'm going to duel Yugi Kiyu!! Yes!)

Yugi makes his way out of the waiting room and out onto the stage. He gives a couple of waves as Bandinas walks out of his waiting room.

Davis: Another high level duel! I bet Yugi can't wait!

Kimi: Hopefully he'll win.

Dawn: Na, Yugi'll wipe the floor with his chump.

A well dressed man in a suit walks up to the group.

Man: I don't think so. Bandinas maybe an embrassment to his family, but he's a great, tactical duelist.

Dawn: Huh?


Meanwhile in Goodwin's skybox...

Goodwin: So, this isn't one of your lot then, Lott?

Lott: No, he's just some disowned little boy trying to prove he can be a man.

Back down on the field...

Bandinas: I am so psyched about this duel!

Yugi: Me too. It'll be good to see how you work your deck.

Both: Duel!![8000]

Bandinas: I'll first. I draw. I activate Magical Mallet and return 3 cards from my hand to my deck to draw three new cards.

Bandinas shuffles his deck and draws three cards.

Bandinas: I summon The Trojan Horse in attack![1600/1200] I set one card and end my turn.

Yugi: I draw. (Got to take care here. I don't know what his face down is.) I summon Card Blocker in defence mode![400/400] I set one card and end my turn.

Bandinas: I draw! I summon Chiron the Mage in attack mode[1800/1000] and activate his effect. By discarding the spell card Soul Exchange to destroy your face down in the spell and trap zone.

Yugi covers his face as his face down, Mirror Force.

Yugi: Good call. If you hadn't done that, I would've cleared you field.

Bandinas: T..thanks Yugi. *coughs* Anyways, Chiron, attack Card Blocker!

Chiron charges at Card Blocker, charging the power in his staff.

Yugi: You've activated Blocker's effect.

Bandinas: What?

Yugi: By sending the top three cards of my deck to the grave, I increase Blocker's defense by 500 for each one[400/1900] until the end phase.

Bandinas: Ho. [7900] I set one card and end my turn.

Yugi: I draw! I summon Quick-Span Knight![1000/800] Time to synchro summon!

Blocker turns into three stars and Quick-Span turns into three rings.

Yugi: The warrior of justice comes forth, synchro summon, Goyo Guardian![2800/2000] Attack Chiron!

Bandinas: I activate the trap card Waboku to negate battle damage and my monster's destruction.

Goyo's attack hits off Chiron and Goyo returns to Yugi's field.

Yugi: I set one card face down and end my turn.

Bandinas: I draw! I tribute The Trojan Horse as 2 tributes for an earth monster, so here he comes, Behemoth the King of Alll Animals![2700/1500] I set one card face down. I then activate the field spell, Closed Forest!

The stadium changes into a barren forest.

Bandinas: This field spell gives all beast types 100 extra ATK for each beast in my grave.


Yugi: (A power gain field spell, nice.)

Bandinas: I then activate Wild Nature's Release on Chiron to boost his attack by his defense.

Chiron the Mage[2800/1000]

Bandinas: Chiron, attack Goyo!

Chiron charges at Goyo and Goyo matches it causing both monsters' destruction.

Yugi: Rggh!

Bandinas: Behemoth, attack Yugi!!

Behemoth charges and slams him in the chest.

Yugi: [5200]I..I activate the trap card, Damage Condenser, by discarding 1 card from my hand I can special summon a monster from my deck equal to the damage I took. Since I took 2800 points of damage, I can special summon Dark Magician Girl![2000/1700].

Yugi plays the Dark Magician Girl.

Bandinas: Nice. I end my turn.

Yugi: I draw.

Yugi smiles.

Yugi: Looks like the trust I have in my cards has been rewarded. I tribute Dark Magician Girl and remove from play Luster Dragon 2 and Gandora the Dragon of Destruction in order to special summon Sky Dragon Valkyria![2500/2000] And with her effect, she gains 500 ATK for each card in my hand. I count three cards.

Sky Dragon Valkyria[4000/2000]

Yugi: Valkyria, destroy Behemoth! Sky Dragon Sceptre!!

SDV releases a huge blast from her staff at Behemoth. It blows up into smoke, but in the smoke a large figure can be seen.

Bandinas: [6700] Since Behemoth was destroyed, I can pay 1000 life points[5700] To special summon Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest![2600/1800] Also, thanks to my field spell, he'll now gain more power.

Green Baboon[2800/1800]

Yugi: I set one card and end my turn.

Sky Dragon Valkyria[3500/2000]

Bandinas: It's my turn and I draw. I activate another Wild Nature's Release on Green Baboon!

Green Baboon[4600/1800]

Yugi: What?! (He'll take down Valkyria in one swipe.)

Bandinas: Green Baboon, attack the Valkyria!

Green Baboon raises it's club and then slams it down on SDV, destroying her.

Dawn: No!!

Andrew and Davis: Dude...

Kimi: How could you do that to something so pretty?!

Man in suit: Bandinas doesn't care who he duels or want he destroys while he's dueling. As long as he believes his opponent can handle themselves, nothing stops him fighting hard.

Bandinas: A empty field...Such a shame.

Yugi: "Empty"? I'd check again.

As Yugi utters those words, the Dark Magician Girl bursts out of the smoke.

Yugi: See, when Sky Dragon Valkyria is destroyed, I can special summon a Dark Magician Girl from my graveyard.

Bandinas: I end my turn and though my Greeen Baboon is destroyed.

The Green Baboon on the field is destroyed, but Bandinas' life points are reduced by 1000 again.

Bandinas: [4700] I can pay a 1000 life points to special summon another Green Baboon.[2600/1800]

Green Baboon[2900/1800]

Yugi: Right, I draw! I activate Sage's Stone to special summon the Dark Magician from my deck![2500/2100]

The Dark Magician appears on Yugi's field.

Bandinas: Sorry compadray your monsters don't have squat on Green Baboon.

Yugi: That's because I'm not finished. I now tribute both of my magicians to summon the Sorcerer of Dark Magic!![3200/2800]

A dark spiral appears in front of Yugi and the Sorcerer walks out of the spiral as it closes.

Bandinas: Wait, what?

Yugi: Sorcerer of Dark Magic attack, Chaos Sceptre Blast!!

The Sorcerer unleashes a blast of dark magic at Green Baboon, destroying it immediatly.

Bandinas: [4400] Rrgh!

Yugi: I set a card face down and end my turn.

Bandinas: I draw! I set one card face down and end my turn!

Yugi: I draw. I summon Celtic Guardian![1400/1200] Sorcerer of Dark Magic attack again!

Bandinas: I activate the trap Waboku to-

Yugi: I don't think so, the Sorcerer of Dark Magic can negate trap cards and destroy them.

Waboku is covered in dark blue lightning and destroyed.


Yugi: Continue the assault, Celtic Guardian.

Celtic Guardian charges forward, slicing from left to right.

Bandinas: Gaah! [0]

Bandinas falls to his knees.

MC: The winner is Yugi Kiyu!!

The crowd cheers as Yugi helps Bandinas up.

Bandinas: Thanks man.

Yugi: What for? Helping you up?

Bandinas: No, for not doing what most people do when they meet or duel me. Just write me off.

Yugi: Yeah, those type of people annoy me.

Yugi and Bandinas walk off the stage, talking about potential combos to use in their decks. Dawn, Andrew, Davis and Kimi walk up to them as they are talking a quick summon for Green Baboon.

Yugi: if your opponent summons a powerhouse like Chainsaw Insect, summon Playful Possum.

Dawn: Guys.

Bandinas: Really?

Yugi: Yeah, Possum's effect allows you to destroy it if your opponent controls a monster with a higher ATK then activate Baboon's from your hand by paying 1000 life points.

Dawn: Guys.

Bandinas: Wouldn't it be better if I destroy a beast I control with 1000+ ATK using Detruct Potion?

Yugi: Yeah, that does sound like it could-

Dawn: Guys!!

Yugi and Bandinas turn their head to look at Dawn.

Dawn: Thank you. Now Yugi, aren't you going to introduce us?

Yugi: Oh, right, Bandinas this is Dawn, Kimi, Davis and Andrew.

Bandinas: Hi, I'm Bandinas Robl.

Man in suit: Humph.

Bandinas notices the man in the suit.

Bandinas: Christain.

Christain: Bandinas. So this is what you've been doing in your spare time?

Bandinas: Yeah and I'm good at it!

Christain laughs.

Christain: Don't make me laugh! The way Yugi beat you, there was no way you were going to win.

Yugi: Hey, he did do good, he almost had me beat. I just had a comeback. Besides, who are you?

Christain: I am Christain Lloyld Robl and that's my brother, Bandinas Daemon Robl.

Christain snaps his fingers and pale skinned man grabs Bandinas' shoulder, causing him to tremble.

Christain: I'm sorry Bandinas, but father wants to see you and, as always, you never listen to what he says, so I am forced to take you to him.

Yugi looks at the pale skinned man.

Yugi: Who is he though?

Christain: Him? You'll like this. His name is Mister Dread.

Dawn: "Dread"?

Christain: Yes. Now come along you two.

Mister Dread pushes Bandinas forward as they leave.

Yugi: (There's something off about that Mister Dread, but I just can't put my finger on it...)

Next Chapter 036 - Unconfirmed