Yugi is at New Domino City park, watching other duelists duel each other.
Dawn: Yugi? Yugi turns to see Dawn and his friends with her. Yugi: Oh, hi guys, what are you doing here? Andrew: Your next duel up later, we're here to get you. Yugi: 'Kay. The group start walking. Kimi: Are you nervous Yugi? Yugi: Nervous? Me? ....Maybe just a bit. Davis: You've got no need to be, you're a great duelist. Your tough to beat. Yugi gives a heart-held smile. Yugi: (Yeah...But am I really the person dueling? I always seem to...forget my duels.) Over on the other side of the city, a duelist is holding a card and is surronded by fallen duelists. Duelist: Thanks to the card the old man gave me, Yugi Kiyu will be nothing more than a bug at my feet! The duelist raises the card into the air, causing it to cover itself in a dark aura. Opening Yugi is walking around the halls of the Duel Stadium, Dawn and Andrew trying to calm him down. Dawn: Yugi, just calm down. Yugi: "Calm down"? I have to go and duel infront of all those people! Andrew: But you've done this before. Why be nervous? Yugi: I don't know, I just feel... Yugi sighs. Yugi: It doesn't matter. A man wearing a microphone headpiece walks up to Yugi. Man: Time to head up for the duel. Yugi: Alright. He turns to the others. Yugi: See you soon. Yugi walks out of the halls. Dawn: Yugi... Yugi walks out on to the stage and sees his opponent brandishing his duel disk. Opponent: Ah, Yugi, so you're finally here. Yugi: Yeah. Opponent: Just to let you know, your winning streak ends with me. The opponent points at themself. Opponent: My name's Ryder Anderson, and your Sky Dragon Valkyria will be mine! Yugi: (What?! Another ante rule duel...I guess I don't have a choice.) Alright, but what card are you putting up for the ante? Ryder: You'll see. Now, let's begin! Both Ryder and Yugi activate their duel disk. Both: Duel!! [8000] Ryder: I'll start. I draw. I set three cards and summon Summoner Monk[800/1600] in defense. I then activate his effect. By discarding a spell card, I can special summon Shield Wing in defense[0/900] Turn end. YugI: (Here I go!) My turn, I draw! I discard Gravekeeper's Spy in order to special summon The Tricky[2000/1600] I then summon Skilled Dark Magician![1900/1700] Skilled Dark Magician, attack Summoner Monk! SDM charges up a magic blast and fires it at Summoner. But before it reached Summoner, it swearves around it towards Ryder and hits off a barrier in front of him. Yugi: What?! How did- Ryder: Let me explain it all for you. When you attacked I activated Astral Barrier to redirect it to me, then I activated my Spirit Barrier and since I control a monster, I take no battle damage. And to finish off my Barrier combo, I activate Imperial Customs to prevent my other continuous trap cards' destruction. What do you think of that, hotshot? Ryder points at Yugi and laughs. Ryder: Looks like you're in a jam, with no way out. Yugi: You can't say that. Ryder: But I just did, moron. Yugi: No. If you truly believe I've got no way out, you must think it was just luck that got me here. I set one card and end my turn. Ryder: I draw. I end my turn. Yugi looks at the field. Yugi: (He's obviously trying to prepare for something, but what....Could it be?) Yugi remembers his duel Phoebe. Yugi: (She used one of the God cards, Ra. Could it be he's trying to achieve the summon of one of the other Gods. His deck is a quick summoning one, that's for sure, but the true problem comes from his Barrier combo. I have the cards to beat it, but I'm not sure in my deck.) Yugi looks at his deck in his duel disk. Yugi: (Can it deliver me victory...?) Dawn, Davis, Andrew and Kimi are watching from the sidelines. Dawn: What's up with Yugi? Davis: He'd better do something, otherwise he'll lose Sky Dragon Valkyria. Kimi punches Davis in the arm. Kimi: Don't say that! Sky Dragon Valkyria is so beautiful. Yugi can't let her go... Goodwin and Lott are looking down at Yugi. Goodwin: Yugi seems to be choking under pressure. Maybe you made a bad choice with Yugi? Lott looks sour. Lott: You question my choice, Rex? If it was not for me and other choice, you'd still be a nothing in Satallite. Goodwin folds his arms. Goodwin: You make a fair point, but I'm different from Yugi. I can deal with stress. Yugi puts his hand on the top of his deck. But his hand starts to tremor. Yugi: (I can feel it deep down... There's a God sleeping in his deck...) Yugi looks down at his puzzle. Yugi: (I...I can't do this...I'm sorry grandad...) Yugi sees the puzzle gleam for a second and his eyes dull. But his eye return with triumphant glee. Yami: My turn. Draw! Yami looks at the card and smiles. Yami: I show you some power!! I set one card. Turn end. Ryder: A little unimpressive. I draw. I set one monster in face down defense and set a card. Turn end. Yami: I draw. Ryder: And during your standby phase, trap card reveal, Battle Mania Plans! Yami: What does this trap card do? Ryder: Basically, it works like Battle Mania, but it makes it that each of your monsters only be able to declare an attack on one of my monsters. My face down!! Yami: ...I activate Ancient Rules to special summon Dark Magician[2500/2100] from my hand. I set one card. Dark Magician, attack, Dark Magic Attack!! Dark Magician unleashes a huge from his staff. Yami: (He's probably doing his to make me look bad and have all my attacks redirected to himself...) To Yami's surprise, the attack hits the face down, flipping Morphing Jar. Ryder: Since this card was flipped, we both discard our hands then draw five cards. Yami draws five cards as Ryder discards one card then draws five cards. Yami's eyes widen. Yami: (Impossible...It's in my hand.) In my second main phase, I set another card, turn end. Ryder draws his card with noticable, insane, glee. Ryder: Can you feel it? The arrival of a god! MC: Whooo! Could we be seeing the summoning of another god?! Ryder: The MC's got a valid point. 'Cause I'm activate the effect of Summoner Monk. Ryder discards a spell. Ryder: Come forth, Maxus Disc![1000/1900] Yami: (Here it comes!) Ryder: The descent of sky dragon approachs! I tribute all three of my monsters to summon- Thunder booms in the sky as a large red figure is seen writhing in the clouds. Ryder: Slifer the Sky Dragon!! Slifer emerges from the clouds and roars. MC: Ooooh whooooo!! The legendary sky dragon has appeared on the field!! Will this affect the outcome of the duel? Yugi is standing, noticable in slient awe. Yugi's friends look at him with hope. Dawn: (Come on Yugi, don't give up!) Next Chapter 036 - Clash of the Gods!! Erupt, Winged Dragon of Ra!!