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Turn! It needs your help!

Listen guys, I've noticed that most blog series on have an opening, so, I decided that Turn needs one. So, here's the deal, I've got a couple of ideas, so either say your fine with my idea or suggest an opening and/or song. Here's the choices~

Yugi is standing in a completely white space, with only his shadow behind him. Suddenly, darkness begins to head toward him. He starts to try to sheild himself with his arms, but the puzzle glows and Yugi changes into Yami as the darkness envelopes him, while he stands triumphant. The puzzlegleams through the dark, the 'camera' spins to look the way Yami's facing, revealing six other shining objects. It then cuts to Yugi standing with with his friends, Abbie standing behind them sighing. Dark clouds roll across the sky as a large monster appears, knocking over skyscrapers. Yugi changes back into Yami, while activate his duel disk and summons Sky Dragon Valkyria. Both monsters attack, causing a huge explosion that covers the screen. The Yugioh Turn logo then appears.

Song: All Time Low - Vegas

Please post soon!! Have a good day!

(I choose this song cause it was the only one I had on my computer that seemed to 'fit'.)