The screen fades in, showing a large duel stadium with hundreds of duel fans screaming and cheering as two duelists walk out onto the centre platform. The first is a teenage boy with spiked, light brown hair and a blue jacket with turned up sleeves, but the other duelist appears to be shaded, with no real stand-out features.
Duelist#1: This is where it ends! Me and you, still the end! Winner takes all!
The other duelist remains slient, looking away for a moment then turns back, beginning to speak. But instead of his words being spoke, they appear beside him as subtitles.
Duelist#2: This has been long over due and I know you've been looking forward to this, so lets not waste time.
Duelist#1: You got that right!
Duelist#1 reaches into their pocket and throws a D-Gazer into the air and jumps after, grabbing it and putting it on. Duelist#2 simply places the D-Gazer on.
Duelist#1/2: D-Gazer, set ON!
Then both players then activate their duel disks.
Duelist#1/2: Duel!
Duelist#1: I'll take the first turn! Dra-
???: Yukio!!
Duelist#1: Eh?! What's going on?!
???: Yukio, wake up! I've told you before about sleeping in to this time!
Yukio punches his hands together.
Yukio: Damn! And I was close to finally dueling you...
Duelist#2: That's ashame. Oh well, see you later.
Yukio waves his hand as the world around him seems to fade in and out of sight. Quickly, the world seems to fill with darkness.
Moments later he is sitting up in his bed, rubbing his eyes. An older woman enters his room, wearing a suit.
???: Come on now. I've been calling you for ten minutes now, Yukio. I thought you were having an early night?
Yukio jumps off his bed.
Yukio: Well, Tomi-
Satomi: It's Satomi, Yukio.
She closes her eyes and an angry look covers her face , as Yukio hurriedly bings picking up clothes and his D-Pad.
Yukio: W-well, I was going to, but then this great movie about dueling legends came on, and it gave me an idea and then-
Just as he's about to finish his sentence when a man Satomi's age walks into the room.
Satomi: Ah, Katsu, I hope your morning been well.
Katsu: Uh, yeah mine's been fine, but I don't think your's is going to be...
Satomi: Why?
As Satomi begins talking to Katsu, Yukio begins to slip out of his room, tip-toeing down his stairs, picking up his deck, D-Board and putting his shoes on. A sudden burst of sound erupts from upstairs.
Satomi: Yukio did what..?!!
Yukio runs into action, running outside, jumping onto his D-Board and heading out of his pathway. Over his shoulder we can the ruins of a failed Da Vinci-styled flying machine in a flower bed. Satomi runs out of the house screaming at the top of her voice.
Yukio: I know, I'll fixed it later!!
Yukio chuckles at little to himself as he turns another corner.
The scene changes to show a huge, white building with red, blue and white lights flying around it. The view changes to show a large corridor with two large doors at both ends. The end set rushes open as another teenager, wearing white robes. The teenager rushes again through the other doors, seeing an old man in bed . He runs to the old man's side, grabbing his hand, as nurses come to both their sides.
Teenager: Teacher?! What's wrong?
A nurse stands at the boy's side.
Nurse: He was in a lesson, when he was suddenly, covered in a dark aura. It seems all the energy he had has gone.
She puts a hand on the boy's shoulder.
Nurse: I'm sorry Shadow, but if we can't find what caused this, then I'm afraid that he'll-
Shadow: Don't even finish that sentence!! He'll get better, don't you worry!! I'll do whatever it takes!
Yukio is continuing on his board, when he see a boy about his age, wearing a green jacket, closed up using a belt buckle, standing next to a girl wearing a cream t-shirt and bunnched up black hair. The girl starts waving and the other nods at Yukio as he appoarches.
Yukio: Kazumi? Seiji? I thought we were going to meet up at the school when we are going to school?
Kazumi and Seiji share a glance.
Seiji: Yukio...School finished yesterday.
Yukio: What..?! Seriously?
Kazumi: Yeah, y'know? For summer.
Yukio slaps his head.
Yukio: I could I have forgotten...Especially since I played that awesome trick on the principle.
Kazumi's eyes widen as Seiji bursts into laughter.
Seiji: Oh yeah. How could you have forgotten?
Kazumi: That was you!
Yukio rubs the tip of his nose.
Yukio: Yes ma'am.
They all begin walking into the city as screen begins looking up at the sky.
The screen changes back to the white building, showing a small room filled with information on dueling and images of duelists. In the corner, Shadow is sitting on the floor, cradling his legs in his arms.
Shadow: Teacher...How can this be happening to you?
He begins to softly cry to himself. Just then he hear a knock on his door and sees a note past under. Hurriedly, he wipes his eyes clear of tears and picks it up. As he begins to read the note, a joy to come to his eyes.
Shadow: This could be the solution to Teacher's problem!! I have to hurry!
Shadow runs out of his room, a smile returning to his face. As he is running, a shadowed figure is seen peering into Shadow's room. They begin to walk off.
???: What a child. Little does he realise what he's about unleash.
The figure fades away into darkness.
Yukio is in the middle of a duel as Seiji and Kazumi.
Kazumi: Go Yukio!
Seiji: Show them what you've got!
Yukio: Alright! Kachi Kochi Dragon! Diamond Crunch!
Duelist: Gaa..?![0]
The duelist is sent flying as Yukio fist pumps.
Yukio: That's another win. I'm on a roll!
???: Is that so?
Yukio turns to see a large teenager, cracking their knuckles. An sweat bubble appears on the back of his head.
Yukio: J-Jared? What a surprise!
Jared: You know I got blamed, don't you?
Yukio: For what?
Jared: The trick you pulled on the principle.
Yukio begins to look worried.
Yukio: L-look Jared, surely we can settle this like gentleman.
Jared puts his hands together.
Jared: Oh sure. First, I'm going to ruin your run and second, beat the cr[@]p out of you!
Yukio looks like he's thinking.
Yukio: Okay, let's do this!
Kazumi/Seiji: What?!
Yukio pats Seiji's shoulder.
Yukio: Don't worry, I've got a handle of things. Let's settle this!!
Yukio sets his D-Gazer on as Jared does the same.
Both: D-Gazer, set ON!
Yukio's deul disk materialises from his D-Pad.
Both: Duel!![4000]
Back at the white building, Shadow is seen holding a strange sword as he stands next a strange door with symbols that appear to shift around on the door.
Shadow: This is the only way...I have to find someone to help...
He brings the sword above his head and brings it down, full-force on the lock. And as the lock cracks, light pours in through the cracks, just as other residents begin to run. The nurse from seems to be in panic.
Nurse: Shadow! Please tell me you didn't..!
Shadow: I'm sorry. But I've been told that opening the Numbers' Door will help teacher...
The light envelops Shadow.
Shadow: Soon, I'll find the person who can help...
Yukio: I'll take the first turn. Draw! I summon Gorago Dragon![1200/1700] I set a card and end my turn.
Jared: So, you've just been fighting weakling, huh? 'Cause there's no way you could win with such pathetic cards!
Yukio: Then stop whinning and get on with it!
Jared: Haa! Fine, it's just nice to see you've got some spirit. Draw! I summon Power Captain![1600/1000]
Yukio: What?! With a name like "Power" Captain, you'd think it have some power.
Jared wangs his index finger.
Jared: How wrong you are. When my Captain attacks a face-up monster, he gains 500 ATK!!
Yukio moves back, startled.
Yukio: W-what?!
Jared: Power Captain, go! Assault Punch!
Captain jumps into the air and slams down on Gorago, destorying as it jumps back to Jared.
Jared: Well? What have you got to say to that?
Yukio: I say...Monster effect, go! Since Gorago was destroyed by battle, I can special a level 3 from my deck!
A card sticks out from Yukio's deck. He pulls it from his deck and summons it.
Yukio: I call Valor Dragon!![1400/300]
Jared: Rr..? I set two cards and end my turn!
Yukio: Alright. Draw!
Yukio looks at the card and grins.
Yukio: I summon Zubaba Warrior![1600/300]
Kazumi: Alright! With those cards he can-
Seiji: Yeah, I know what he can do. Go on, Yukio.
Yukio: Don't worry. I now activate the Star Calculator spell card! Now I pay any mulitiples of 500 life points[4000-1000=3000] to dispense Star counters on monsters equal to the mulitiples paid.
Two small come from the Star Calculator card and land on Zubaba and Valor.
Yukio: And those counters increase th elevel of each monster by 1.
Jared: No way!
Yukio picks up and overlays the two monsters. He begins to reach for his extra deck.
Yukio: And the card that is going to deal you pain is-
Jared: No one! I activate the trap card, Sealed Dimension! This turn, 'till the end phase, you can't Xyz summon!
Yukio: What?!
Jared: I was prepared for you and all Xyz users!
Yukio: Hm...I set a card and end my turn.
Jared: I draw. I now tribute Power Captain, to summon Power General![2300/1600] When this card is summoned, I can take a "Power" monster from my deck and add it to my hand.[Unknown card] Now, General attacks your weak knight!
General rushes at Zubaba and upcuts him.
Jared: And like Captain before him, he gains a 500 ATK boost!
Yukio: Yeah, I might take some damage, but I can protect Zubaba! I remove his Star counter to prevent his destruction!
The counter changes into an aura that covers Yukio.
Yukio: Gaa!![1800]
Yukio is sent flying through the air by a shockwave caused by the impact.
Jared: I set a card and end my turn.
Yukio gets to his feet.
Yukio: This...will be be painful. Draw!
Suddenly, a light erupts from the ground centred on Yukio, causing what looks like a xyz summon spiral.
Yukio: Whoa!
The light lunges at Yukio, covering him. He shuts his eyes, as a sharp pain courses around his body.
Yukio opens his eyes. He see strange lights flying around him, seemingly looking at him. Yukio moves forward carefully.
Yukio: This is creeping me out. H-hello..?
Yukio turns as he begins to a cracking sound from behind him. He turns to see a large door slowly begin to open. But with a sudden jerk that catches Yukio off guard,the dooropens fully.
A figure makes their way through the doorway and towards Yukio, who jumps to his feet.
Yukio: Ooay'! How are you? Why did I shout?!
The figure seems to smile and puts their hand out for a handshake.
Figure: My name is Shadow.
Yukio: "Shadow", huh? Well, I'm Yukio.
Yukio gets hold of Shadow's hand and shakes it.
Yukio: Pleasure to meet you.
Suddenly, the flying lights being to swarm around Shadow and Yukio. Yukio begins to panic as Shadow just looks around.
Shadow: So, these are the Numbers?
Yukio turns, only to jump back.
Yukio: Look out!!
Yukio begins to run at Shadow, but it's too late. The Numbers begin to fly through Shadow's back and out his chest and fly past Yukio. Yukio holds his arm over his eyes, to deal with the sudden increase of light. The light seems to disappear and Yukio moves his arm. Shadow is still standing there, but his eyes seem dulled. Then, without warning, he evapourates into light, leaving a card-shaped light in the air. It charges at Yukio and pierces his chest. He staggers for a moment, then falls, face first, to the ground.
Yukio was woken by the sound of Kazumi's worried ridden voice.
Kazumi: Yukio? Yukio!
Yukio: Mmft..? What is it?
Kazumi: Thank goodness! You're okay!
Kazumi, with Seiji's help, help Yukio to his feet. Yukio begins checking his chest for a entry wound, but there was nothing there.
Jared: Oh, hello, weakling!
Yukio looks over at Jared and he looks shocked. Jared had changed, he was covered in a dark aura.
Jared: Time for you to lose!! And when you do, I'll be taking your Number card!
Yukio: What? But I don't have a Number card. Number..? But I'll beat you all the same!
Yukio charges at Jared and is about to draw when an arm appears in his vision. The slides to a stop before he hits it.
???: You shouldn't charge into this battle.
Yukio looks up and gasps. In the air beside him, the boy from the light room was there. Yukio looked on at both Shadow and Jared.
Yukio: Why?
Shadow looks down at Yukio.
Shadow: ...It could cost you your life.
The screen then freezes showing Yukio and Shadow looking over at Jared with his dark aura, while Kazumi and Seiji continue to watch.
(Yukio)What are you talking about,"cards from a different dimension"? (Shadow)Numbers are powerful entites, beings not to be triflied with!
Next time: The Long Day Goes On, The World Expands for Yukio!!