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Yugioh Nexus 002 - The Long Day Goes On, The World Expands for Yukio!!

Narrator: Last time we left our hero, he was face-to-face with a possessed-Jared and a floating spirit by the name of Shadow to aid him. Now, he has to fight against a monster with unlimited strength and the only one who can help may be Shadow!


Yukio: What do you mean I could die?!

Shadow: From what I can gather, the Numbers cards escaped here into your dimension and one has possessed your friend over there.

Yukio looks at Jared, who gives him a insane smile.

Yukio: Yeah...Friend. But everyone keeps talking about "Numbers"? What are they?

Shadow folds his arm.

Shadow: Numbers are powerful entities from a different dimension, beings not to be trifiled with.

Yukio: "Different dimension"?! You can't be serious!

Shadow: What part of what has just happened to us makes you think anything?

Yukio: The fact I fainted, and that it is impossible!!

Shadow: Just because you can't understand something, you presume it's "impossible"? What strange behaviour.

Yukio's jaw drops.

Yukio: Y-you can't be serious?

Shadow: What?

Jared: Hey, are you going to keep talking to youself or what?!

Jared's aura seems to flare up at his anger.

Yukio: F-fine! This guy must just be a figment of my imagination... I draw my card. I summon Gagaga Magician[1500/1000] I now construct an overlay network with the level 4 Valor Dragon and Gagaga Magician, to summon the Xyz monster-

Shadow seems to fade away. Yukio grins.

Yukio: Knew it. -Kachi Kochi Dragon![2100/1300]

Seiji: Great. Not only is he going to lose, but I think he's lost it.

Kazumi: Don't say things like, Seiji. But still...

Yukio: I now activate the trap Reinforced Space, which increases my dragon's attack by 300 for each of its materials.[2700/1300]

Seiji: Huh? Looks like he had a plan all along...

Yukio: Now Kachi attacks your General General!!

Kachi charges towards General, smashing its back into it and crushing.

Jared: What?!! How dare you?![3700]

Yukio: Now I detach-

Jared: You do nothing, trap go! Powered Debris! I can only activate this when a Power monster is destroyed. My opponent's battle phase ends and I'm allowed to summon up to 2 monsters from my deck whose combined level is less than or equal to the destroyed Power monsters. So come on out, Power Navigator[Lv3/900/1200] and Power Solider![Lv3/1400/1500]

Yukio: W-what?!

Jared: Hm! I take that to mean your turn ends?

Yukio: ...Set card, turn end.

Jared: Draw! Y'know, I might have been a harsh on Xyzs. I summon Power Caligraphor[3/100/900]

Yukio covers his eyes as the Xyz spiral appears infront of Jared.

Yukio: What?! But you said-

Jared: I overlay my Navigator, Caligraphor and Solider! Xyz summon!! Number 28: Power Warship!![3000/2500]

Seiji: An xyz with 3000 attack? I didn't think there was that powerful an xyz...

Yukio: N-no way...A number card..! That's a Numbers?!

Shadow: Don't lose hope.

Yukio: Huh?

Yukio turns his head to the right and sees Shadow standing next to him.

Yukio: You're still here?

Shadow: Yes. Why do you ask?

Yukio sighs.

Yukio: No reason...Just that I'm going insane.

Shadow: There has to be a way past this.

Jared: That's right Yukio, coware in despair!

Yukio looks at his feet. Then his head shoots up, with a smile covering his face.

Yuki: Despair doesn't suit me!

Jared: Well is doesn't matter, as my Warship now attacks!! Atomic Warhead!!

Power Warship launches a hugemissile.

Shadow: I thought he could be the one I was looking for to help Teacher, but if this is the end...

Shadow looks down at Yukio, who has a massive smiling.

Shadow: What?!

Yukio: Wait!

A huge barrier blocks the missle as Yukio is covered in a green glow.

Yukio: Trap go! Draining Shield!![4800]

Jared: But how- Err!! It doesn't matter!! I activate Warship's ability!! Since its attack was blocked this turn, I can detach a material card in order to inflict 1500 points of damage!

Two side cannons appear at each hull side and fire at Yukio.

Shadow: Not again!

Yukio: Quiet down! We're in the clear.

Shadow looks puzzled.

Shadow: What?

Yukio: Trap, Barrel Behind the Door!! Since you tried to inflict damage to me, I get to redirect back onto you!

Jared: No!

The bullets turn and hit Jared.

Jared: Gaah..?![2200] Turn end...

Yukio: Alright, draw! Sweet! With these cards-

Shadow: Yukio, look at your extra deck!

Yukio: Huh?

Yukio looks down at his side, and sees a glowing card in his extra deck. He takes it out of deck slot and the glow fades to reveal a blank Xyz card.

Yukio: Well...That's a little unimpressive.

Shadow: Yu-yukio, don't mess with that card.

Yukio: Oh, what's a card going to do, beat me up and steal my lunch?

Kazumi holds her head in her hands.

Kazumi: What's the goofball doing now?

Seiji: Going mad as he's being beatdown by ass.

Jared: Watch your mouth!!

Yukio: Hey, pay attention!

Jared looks straight at Yukio and sees the blank card.

Jared:A blank Numbers?!! How could he have had one and I didn't even notice!Give me that card!

Yukio raises above his head.

Yukio: Yeah, yeah...Wait if you want this then that means...

Yukio gives a grin

Shadow: Yukio, no!!

Yukio: I activate the Spell card, Gift of Hope!! I remove from play the level 1 Void Rider from my hand in order to increase Zubaba Knight's level by 1![Zubaba Knight Lv4]

Jared: Big deal.

Yukio grins.

Yukio: Yes it is a big deal!

Shadow/Kazumi/Seiji/Jared: Huh?

Yukio: Since Void Rider was remove from play, he can be special summoned!

A black hole appears infront of Yukio and Void Rider jumps out of it[1/DARK/Spellcaster/300/800]

Yukio: And since it was special summoned, I can target a monster on the field and Rider's level becomes the same as the target.

Jared: Two level 4s?!

Yukio's right iris changes to a pale gold as the xyz spiral swirls around him.

Yukio: I construct an overlay network with the level 4 Zubaba Knight and the level 4 Void Rider! Come from the ancient battles of Earth's past, the symbol of a hopeful future! Xyz Summon!! Number 00, Shadow Crusader!![2500/2000]

The spiral releases a burst of light from itscenter, as the two monsters change into red and blue energy and collide with the burst of light. The light fades to reveal. Shadow Crusader in the air with its materials floating around.

Yukio: Yes! I got a Numbers!

Shadow: What? Why isn't the Numbers card affected him?

Kazumi: Yukio! Where did you get that card?

Yukio's face is covered in confusion.

Yukio: I-I just haven't used it before, that's all.

Jared begins laughing at him.

Jared: It doesn't matter, worm!! Your monster 500 ATK points out of range!

Seiji shakes his head.

Seiji: Jared's right...With 500 points less, Yukio will lose this battle...

Yukio: Hey!

Seiji and Kazumi both look Yukio, who is pointing with his thumb at himself.

Yukio: Just watch me beat him. At this time I activate the effect of Crusader!

Yukio takes an overlaid card from Crusader and its sphere goes into his sword.

Yukio: By detaching one of his materials, Crusader halfs his attack and can attack directly this turn.[1250/2000]

Jared: You're making your card weaker? What kinda of idiot-

Yukio: I now activate the trap, Restoration of the Armoury! When a card on the field's attack points are reduced by a card effect, I can rise the card's attack power to normal![2500/2000]

Jared: W-what?!

Yukio: Go Crusader!! Darkness Blade!!

Crusader's sword is coated in a shadowy veil as it begins charging at Jared.

Jared: No! Trap card, Mirror Force! I won't lose!!

Yukio: I'm sorry, but the cards have already decided the winner! I activate My Body as Sheild from my hand!![3300]

The screen cuts into 5 sections, 4 showing Shadow, Kazumi, Seiji and Jared in awe and 1 with Yukio smiling. Crusader jumps on Warships's hull and jumps off above Jared. It then brings its sword on Jared, causing a massive dust cloud and shockwave.

Jared: No!![0]

Yukio: Whoa!!

Yukio is knocked off his feet as the cards fade away and binary eats away the augumented reality. Yukio stands up and removes his D-Gazer.

Yukio: Alright!! I won!

Shadow: This guy should have losed and been possessed by the Number card...What makes him different from every one else?

Shadow turns as he Jared's Numbers' card glow and disappear, only to see it reform in Yukio's extra deck.

Shadow: No, he can't be..! He's a Numbers Hunter?!

On the rooftops above the duel, a girl in a white overcoat is looking down on Yukio's celebrations. A spirit fades in at her side.

Girl: It looks like we have some competition in our hunt.

Spirit: It appears we do. But soon he'll be here and this kid may be our only form of backup here.

Both look back down as Yukio and the others leave and the screen freezes at their angle.


Yukio: Hi, and welcome to the Card Review with me, Yukio! Today's card is the Number 00: Shadow Crusader! This Xyz monster has the ability to attack directly against an opponent, but at the cost of a material card and halve it's attack points till the end phase, some could say that's an bad cost. But I overcame that in my duel with Jared!

Shadow: Geez, what a egotist.

Yukio: ...Shut up, ghost boy.

Next Time: A Samurai's Honour! Numbers, as a Shogun?!