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Yugioh Nexus 003 - A Samurai's Honour! Numbers, as a Shogun?!

Yukio is in his bed, three days after his duel with Jared, snoring at an incomparble level.

???: Wake up.

Yukio punches his arm out but hits nothing. He tries to go back to sleep.

???: Wake up, now.

Yukio: No...I'm exhaust...

Yukio: Wake up!!

Yukio is hit in the head with a replica model of the Dark Magician. He grabs his head pain, falling out his bed and on to the floor.

Yukio: Ahahah!! What was that for Katsu?!

???: Katsu? Who's that?

Yukio: Eh?

Yukio looks up and his face turns sour. Floating in the air above him, Shadow is there with his arms folded.

Shadow: Its 11:24, 29th of June, 21-

Yukio: Yeah! I know the date, space ghost!

Shadow turns his head.

Shadow: I wish you'd stop calling me that.

Yukio: Why should I? You've invited yourself to stay at my house, got me into trouble with my sister and Katsu and you hit me with a rare model of the Dark Magician!! What do you have to say for yourself?!

Yukio points at where Shadow was, but he isn't there.

Yukio: And would you stop disappearing when I'm talking to you!!

Yukio's bedroom opens as Satomi walks in with some washed clothes.

Satomi: Yukio, who's in here with you?

Yukio turns to face Satomi, putting the model behind his back.

Yukio: No one, why do you ask?

Satomi looks around the room and then sighs.

Satomi: Anyways, Kazumi and Seiji said that you've to meet at the sports centre with your kendo gear.

Yukio: Kendo..? Kendo!! I'm going to be late!! I'll have to run for one of the trams!!

Yukio runs to the door, but Satomi grabs him be his collar.

Satomi: Okay, first, You need to get changed out of your PJ's, then I'll drive you to the centre and you can get a tram home.

Yukio: But I thought you were working at the office today?

Satomi opens a chest of drawers and begins putting away the clothes.

Satomi: I was, but my boss gave me the day off so that Katsu and I could work on refining some details of the wedding.

Yukio pretends to be sick behind her back, but hastely stops as Satomi turns to face him.

Satomi: And I still don't know if you're bringing anyone to the recipetition.

Yukio blushes as Satomi leaves the room, chuckling to herself.

Yukio: That's...that's-

Shadow: You are so stupid.

Yukio: What?!


A car pulls up next to a large, cylindrical building and Yukio steps out of car.

Satomi: I'll see you around two, half two?

Yukio: Nah, more like at three.

He waves as he sees Kazumi and Seiji walking up to the car.

Satomi: Oh, hi Kazumi, Seiji. Are you looking forward to you kendo practice?

Seiji: Oh yes, I am Satomi. I've been going here for years.

Kazumi wipes her forehead.

Kazumi: He had me practice with him since when we got here, 'till you arrived.

Yukio: But you have don't have any shinai to use. How did you two do it?

Kazumi and picks up a stick.

Yukio: Really?

Seiji: Of course, you have to be able to use anything to protect yourself.

Yukio rubs his hair.

Yukio: Can't deny that logic I guess.

Shadow: So, does that mean I can use your Dark Magician model to protect myself if the event arises?

Yukio holds in a burst anger.

Yukio: Lets just get ready...

Inside, the kendo instructor is telling off a kid.

Instructor: Look, I've had enough of the way you treat people like nothing when you here! Today's your final lesson, then I habing you banned from the building!

Kid: What?! You can't do that!!

Instructor: I can and will!

The instructor walks off into hall, as the kid punches the wall and his fist bleeds.

Kid: How could he do this to me! I, Aikyo Yamada, who brought this place so much attention!

---: May I offer my opinion?

Aikyo: Huh? Who's there?!

He turns, but no one is there.

Aikyo: I must be hearing things.

---: You are not. You may not be able to see me, but you don't need to. I can offer you a way to show that fool and everyone else your infinite potential!

Akiyo: ...I'm listening.


Yukio walks into a huge hall, wearing his kendo gear, with kids his age scattered around.

Yukio: Jeez, you'd think there would be a challenge here?

Seiji: Yukio, you won't find anymore skilled in kendo than in this room.

Yukio: If you say so.

Kazumi: I think it was a good idea that we each choose something we have to do this summer.

Yukio: Yeah...

Seiji: You're just upset cause you thought we'd each say dueling.

Yukio folds his arms and huffs.

Yukio: Say what you will, but we haven't done what Kazumi wants to do yet.

Kazumi: Hey!!

Yukio begins laughing, when the instructor bursts through the double door, falling to the ground. Yukio runs to his side and helps him up.

Yukio: Hey, are you alright?!

Instructor: H-he's coming!! Just get out of here!

Seiji: Just calm down. Now what is happening?

Aikyo: I think I can explain the situation here.

Everyone looks as Aikyo walks through the double doors, holding a large katana. Everyone except Yukio and Seiji back away as he walks up to them.

Aikyo: You see, the instructor has decided that because I'm better than everyone here, that I have to go!!

Instructor stands to his feet.

Instructor: That's not the reason!! It's because you treat everyone like cr@p, just because you think you're better than them!

Aikyo: Slience! The spirit said I was great warrior with potential beyond human understanding!!

Shadow: Spirit? Human understanding?

Shadow fades to Yukio's side.

Shadow: Something isn't right about Yukio. I think a Number is up to its tricks.

Yukio: Really? Ok, but what can I do?

Shadow: Draw him somewhere open and make sure you have your duel disk when you get there.

Yukio raises his left arm, showing his D-Pad.

Yukio: Like I'd leave it in the changing rooms.

Yukio runs at Aikyo, who raises his blade.

Yukio: Tell you what, Aikyo. If you can hit me with that katana, you can do what you want with everyone here.

Aikyo: And if I can't?

Yukio: No can't. Just try!

Yukio runs at Aikyo and jumps. Aikyo swipes the blade sideways. Yukio lands, holding his side.

Aikyo: See, I told you I was the best!

Seiji: Yukio!!

Shadow: No, that isn't right. Aikyo-

Yukio: Missed.

Yukio stands up, with no wound.

Yukio: Fooled you.

Aikyo: How the-?!

Yukio runs off, as Aikyo chases after him. He swings the katana at Yukio, though Yukio is able to dodge the attacks. Eventually, they come to a disused room in the center.

Yukio: Ok, stop!!

Aikyo stops the blade right before it goes through his head.

Aikyo: What is it?!

Yukio: Look, I'm guessing your anger with what's happening. But I can tell you wouldn't do this to people...I want to talk to your "spirit" buddy.

Aikyo: ...Fine.

Aikyo steps back, a clouded dark aura covering him. The aura covers and solidifies into a great suit of armour.

Yukio: Ok...My bad.

Number: You are a worthy opponent. Your death will come quickly.

The Number raises the sword to Yukio's neck. Shadow then grabs the blade.

Shadow: Numbers, I demand you accept our challenge of a duel!!

Number: Heh. A duel, I assume, is with duel monster cards?

Yukio: Of course.

The Number walks to other side of the room, still facing Yukio. He takes its blade to its arm and they merge into to a blade-styled duel disk.

Number: I am Number 23, Tsunenaga of Shein's Council!! And I accept your request!!

Yukio: (Tsuneaga?) Alright, lets go!

23: As I have honour, I shall go first. Draw![Both LP: 4000] First, I summon Six Samurai - Zanji [1800/1300] and set three cards face down. Turn end.

Yukio: Right then, here I come. Draw! I summon Bababa Merchant!![4/900/1600] When this card is summoned, I can target a face down in the spell and trap zone, and if it's a normal trap, I can destroy it at the cost of 600 life points.

23: What?!

Yukio: I choose the card directly behind Zanji![LP:3400]

Bababa shoots it arm forward, a shadowy form coming from it, hitting and destroying the card.

Shadow: The card you destroyed was Dimensional Prison. In this condition, destroying it just now serves no tactical purpose.

Yukio: Well, you're helpful. I then set two cards. Turn end.

23: Draw. I summon Legendary Six Samurai - Mizuho[1600/1000] Now I activate my face down, Asceticism of the Six Samurai! I select Zanji and choose Shinai[1500/1500]

Shadow: Two level 3s! Yukio!

Yukio: Yeah, I can guess!

23: I overlay the level 3 Mizuho and Shinai in order to contrust MY overlay network.

Yukio: You're kidding me, he's going to summon-

23: Myself to the field!![2200/1300]

Yukio: Aw man...My life is SO weird!!

23: Slience!! Since I was summoned, I may detach one of my materials to protect one of my battle brothers until the end phase.

Shadow: But with that ability, you pull the cost Asceticism, brilliant!

Yukio: Oh, come on!!

23: I launch my attacks. Zanji, you may take the first attack.

Zanji seems to nod as it charges at Yukio.

23: Feel our power!!

Shadow: Yukio, you better pull something off!

Yukio grins.

Yukio: You got that right. Trap card, Way Back!! I can only activate this card during my opponent's battle phase. I return your Zanji to your hand, ends the battle and allows me to summon a monster from my hand. I choose Gogogo Golem![1800/1500] But I also chain with the quick-play, Return Ball! Since a card was return to your hand, I inflict damage equal to it's original attack

23: [LP:2200]Just like the weak, to hide from battle.

Yukio: What?! I not a coward.

23: Hm! You're no king!

Yukio looks puzzled.

Yukio: K-king? What do you mean?

Shadow: King..?

23: Mm...Nothing. Turn end.

Shadow: This Numbers could be trouble. Yukio, finish this thing!

Yukio: Right! Now you're talking my language! Draw!! I'll end this right now!

23: What?!

Yukio: I discard a monster card[unknown card] in order to special summon, Jet Glove![5/400/800]

23: That's what you're going to stop me with? A glove? Pathetic!

Shadow: You don't know what it's effect is!

23: What?!

Yukio: But first, I construct an overlay network with Gogogo and Bababa! Come, the darken memories of histories' fighters! Xyz summon! Number 00, Shadow Crusader!![2500/2000]

23: One of my kin?! ...Hahaha! Prepare to be in our service for the rest of your life.

Yukio: Not very smart, are you?

23 seems to be looking very hard at Yukio.

23: Where is our mark? Unless...

Yukio: Time's up! I activate Jet Glove's effect! I am only to equip him on to a monster, and that monster is Crusader!

Glove picks its self and jumps on Crusader's free hand.

Yukio: Now, battle, attack Number 23!!

Crusader charges at 23, strafing from left to right, finally attacking 23.

23: Gaah?![LP:2200]

23 exits the field, reappearing behind it, as a duelist again.

23: I don't understand, you attack me. There must be some fault with your monster!!

Yukio: No! Since Shadow Crusader is equipped with Jet Glove, he can't inflict damage through battle.

Yukio points at 23.

Yukio: But Jet Glove now inflicts damage to you equal to the card's original attack.

23: But that's 2200..!

Yukio: You lose! Shock Palm!

Crusader raises it gloved arm, releasing a bolt of lightning at 23.

23: Noo!![LP:0]

23 falls to the floor, crumbling away to reveal Aikyo.

Yukio: Aikyo!!

Shadow: He needs medical attenion!

The Number 23 card fades away, buts reappears in Yukio's extra deck. Yukio picks up Aikyo and heads out of the room.

Sometime later, Yukio, Seiji and Kazumi are walking out of the centre.

Yukio: What a day. I hope Aikyo is okay...

Kazumi: Yeah, this place meant alot to him.

Seiji: He'll be okay, he's a fighter after all.

Yukio puts his arms around Kazumi's and Seiji's shoulder.

Yukio: Anyways, we'd better head home.

Yukio starts into a run.

Yukio: Last one to the tram is a rotten egg!!

Yukio runs ahead as Seiji and Kazumi try to catch up.

Kazumi/Seiji: Yukio!!

The screen freezes, showing Shadow above Yukio as he runs with Kazumi and Seiji after him.


Yukio: Time for the Card Review with me, Yukio Kouno! Today's card is Number 23, Tsunenaga of Shein's Council! With 2200 attack and 1300 defense points, he doesn't seem that great, but his effect totally makes up for it, as he can detach a material to protect another monster from being destroyed during that turn.

Shadow: Yes, and with a personal ability to scare the life out of Yukio, he one of my favourite Numbers so far.

Yukio: Oi!

Next Time: Another Hunter! The Girl from Another World?!

Yukio: Now this, I've got to see!

Shadow: Of course you will, idiot.