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Yugioh Nexus 004 - Another Hunter?! The Girl from Another World?

Shadow is flying around the sky above Ohayashi, looking down on the nightlife below him and smiling.

Shadow: This world is much louder than mine, the people always seem to be fighting and the food's awful...But, they still manage to live their lives to the fullest. They are incredible.

???: I agree, this world is wonderful.

Shadow turns in shock, as he sees a masked figured standing on building across.

Shadow: You can see me?

???: Yes. I can see you. I also know that you come from another world, seeking the aid of Yukio Kouno to help heal your "Teacher"?

Shadow seems to be getting anger.

???: Not many people would go out the way for their teacher like this.

Shadow: Shut up! Without him I wouldn't be here!

The figure seems shocked, but turns to leave.

???: You wouldn't be here without him..? Oh, I get it. Bye now.

The figure fades away.

Shadow: W-who was that? And how did they know about back home?

In alley far from Shadow the figure re-appears.

???: That'll get him interested. Now, we wait.

The figure takes off their helmet, walking away from the screen with their back to it, as long hair falls down from their head.

???: A test of the duelist, Yukio Kouno and his team-mate, Shadow.


The screen returns with Shadow in Yukio's room, as Yukio pulls on a shirt.

Yukio: So, you're saying that some person saw you? Isn't that a good thing?

Shadow: Well, they knew information about me, that I wasn't especially happy with them knowing.

Yukio: Yeah, I'm not happy with that either.

Shadow seems surprised.

Shadow: Really?

Yukio: Yeah. They know more about you than the guy whose life you're imposing on! Besides, what do you want me to do about it?

Shadow: Well, I was wondering if you would help me investigate this character.

Yukio rubs the back of his head.

Yukio: I would, but Kazumi said to meet the park.

Yukio leaves the the room, but stops and turns back.

Yukio: Also, I don't care.

Yukio runs out the room and out of the house.

Shadow: That boy'll be the end of me.

Shadow follows Yukio to the park.


After a while, Yukio arrives at the park and sees Seiji and Kazumi talking.

Yukio: So guys, what are we up to today?

Kazumi: Yukio, I hope you're ready for a work-out. 'Cause I've got a day of running planned.

Yukio slaps his head.

Yukio: ...Well, it could be worse.

Seiji: It is.

Yukio: Huh?

The screen then shows Kazumi running up a wall and jumping over it.

Yukio: Free running? Free running?!

Seiji: Yeah...Come on, lets just get through this and we'll mend our bones later.

Seiji makes a great effort climb, which pays off, as his hand reaches the top of the wall. Kazumi pulls him up.

Kazumi: Geez, you weigh a ton!

Seiji: No, you're just weak.

???: Nope. That's the both of you.

Kazumi/Seiji: Huh?

From the bottom of the building, Yukio sees a blue flash of light.

Yukio: What was that? I'd better check it out.

Yukio scales the wall and drags himself up.

Yukio: *Breathing heavily* Man..what a climb.

Shadow: Yukio! Get up quickly!!

Yukio jumps to his feet and sees the masked figure across from him.

Yukio: Wait a minute! This is the guy you were talking about before right?

Yukio points at the figure.

Yukio: Where's Kazumi and Seiji?!

Figure: Just calm down. I'm not here to cause trouble. I just sent them deeper into the park. So we can talk.

Yukio: Sorry, but I don't want to talk!

As he turns to walk away, the figure throws a small, sphereical object behind them and Yukio. It bleeps twice before it creates a black hole.

Yukio: What the hell?!

Yukio tries to hold on to the rail, but is pulled inside the black hole.


Yukio rubs his eyes as he stands up. His face shows awe as he sees the debris of buildings, cars, aircraft and land masses floating around him.

Yukio: What is this place..?

Figure: This is what happens when you mess around with Numbers.

Yukio turns his head as he see the figure from before.

Yukio: What did you do?!

Figure: No need to worry, all I'm going to do is give you a test and then your free to leave.

Yukio: A test...What do I have to do?

Figure: oh nothing special, just a duel.

Yukio: A duel, huh? Alright, you're on!

Shadow: Yukio, are you sure about this?

Yukio: Positive. Now, D-Gazer, set on!

Yukio places his D-Gazer on as his duel disk activates.

Figure: You take the first turn.

Yukio: How kind, Draw![LP:4000] I summon Poki Draco[200/100] and when he's summoned, I can add another to my hand from my deck.

Yukio takes the card from his deck.

Yukio: I then set 2 cards. I end my turn.

Figure: That's it? All you've got?

Yukio: You can talk! You're stalling and you haven't even told me your name!!

Figure: Very well.

The figure removes their helmet, and long blonde hair falls to her shoulders.

Figure: Miyoko Ito. And like you, I'm a Numbers Hunter.

Yukio: Numbers Hunter?

Miyoko: Really? You can't get it on your own? Someone who collects the Numbers!!

Yukio: You collect Numbers?! That means you've probably got more than one!

Miyoko: Yes...Draw![LP:4000] I activate Pot of Greed, to draw 2 cards. Now, I summon Red Nebula Knight[4/1700/1300] and activate the spell, Shine Formation! With this card, we each special summon a monster from our hand, but we have to take damage equal to the monster's level times 200. I choose Shine Knight[LP:3400] Summon!![300/1900] Since Shine Knight is in defense mode, its level is now four.

Shadow: Two level 4s?! Yukio, she going to xyz summon!

Yukio: I know, I didn't expect her to get these cards on the field[LP:3400], but I choose to special summon my other Poki Draco![200/100]

Miyoko: I like your friend's deduction. I overlay my level 4 Shine Knight and Red Nebula Knight to construct the overlay network. Come, bring hope to this duel! Arise, Number 39, Utopia!![2500/2000]

A large sheilded sword rises up from the dark.

Yukio: That can'e be a Numbers, can it?

The sheild around the sword breaks and an armoured figure grabs the sword and connects with the broken sheild to create wings.

Shadow: Yes, it appears it can. But I believe you can beat it.

Yukio: Of course, no doubt about it.

Miyoko: I find this funny.

Yukio turns to face Miyoko.

Yukio: What are you talking about?

Miyoko: Do you even know why Shadow needs you to collect the Number? For that matter, did you know it is his fault for the Numbers coming to your world?

Yukio steps back.

Yukio: What?

Miyoko: Shadow was given false information about the Numbers Door that existed in his world.

Shadow looks shocked.

Shadow: The informaton was false..?!

Shadow floats to the floor, cradling his legs.

Shadow: What have I done..?

Yukio: Shadow! Just bring it on lady!!

Miyoko: As you wish. Number 39! Lay waste to his pitiful dragon!! Hope Sword Slash!!

Utopia pulls its swords and charges to Yukio.

Yukio: Yeah right! Trap, Echoing Roar!!

Poki Draco jumps into air and bellows a loud roar, knocking Utopia backwards to Miyoko.

Miyoko: Ha! With that trap, you avoided battle by making your Poki Draco weak[0/100]!! I'll crush it next turn! I set 2 cards. Turn end!!

Yukio: My turn. Draw!

Shadow: What's the point?

Yukio: Huh?

Shadow stands next Yukio.

Shadow: I came here to collect the Numbers to help my Teacher when he became ill-

Yukio: Your teacher? Why would you do something like this for a teacher?

Miyoko: It was hard to work out for me as well.

Yukio faces Miyoko.

Miyoko: In his world, teacher means the same as world in mine and your world.

Yukio: ...What word?

Miyoko bursts into laughter.

Miyoko: The word! It's father!!

Yukio's eyes widen.

Yukio: His dad...he's trying to help his dad?

The screen freezes as Yukio looks on at Miyoko.


Yukio: Time for the Card Review with me, Yukio Kouno! Today's card is Number 39, Utopia! This monster has 2500 ATk and 2000 DEF and ability to negate attacks by detaching one of it's materials

Shadow: It's weird.

Yukio: Huh?

Shadow: I'm sure I've seen that card before somewhere...

Next Time: The Torment of Dueling!! Number XX, Scarlet Scythe!!

Yukio: What's an XX card?

Shadow: I don't know, but it's basically a Numbers! Let show it who's boss!!

Scarlet: Just calm down boys.

Yukio/Shadow: WHAT?!!