Kazumi jumps down from a tree, as Seiji falls from it.
Kazumi: Weren't we just on the top of a wall?
Seiji: Yeah, we were...Hey, where's Yukio?
As they begin looking, the screen returns to the dark world where Yukio and Shadow are facing off against Miyoko.
Yukio: Shadow did all this to help his dad...
Shadow: I can't believe I did this...
Yukio: What do you think you're playing at?![LP:3400]
Miyoko: What are you talking about?[LP:3400]
Yukio: Trying to throw me off my game, are you? Afraid of losing?
Miyoko: What? I'm game!!
Shadow: Yukio, there's no point...
Yukio: There's always a reason to fight! Especially when you're doing it for the right reasons!
Shadow perks his head up.
Shadow: What..?
Yukio: ...Draw!! I summon Sangan![1000/500]
Miyoko: Hm...I see. You plan to summon, Number 28, Power Warship, don't you?
Yukio: So?! Can you stop me?!
Miyoko: No.
Yukio: Right! I overlay the 2 Poki Draco and Sangan to construct the overlay network! Appear, Number 28, Power Warship!!
Miyoko changes her stance as the spirit appears next to her.
Spirit: Show this child whose in charge!!
Yukio: What..? No! I can't let that distract me! Power Warship attacks Utopia! Atomic Warhead!!
Warship launchs it warhead at Utopia.
Miyoko: I activate Utopia's effect!! By detaching a material from this card, I can negate an attack! Rune Sheild!
The missle hits off the sheild, sending a shockwave towards Yukio.
Yukio: Gaah..?!
Shadow: Yukio! Are you okay?
Yukio: Yeah, I'm fine...I now activate the effect of Power Warship! Since it's attack was negated this turn, I can detach a material to inflict 1500 points of damage to you!!
Miyoko: That would be a worry, if I didn't have this!! Trap go, Damage Bouncer!! This turn, all damage my opponent deals out is instead inflicted apon themselves!!
Yukio: Wha- Gaah!![LP:1900] ...S-since Sangan was sent from the field to the grave, it's ability activates! I can add a monster with 1500 or less ATK from my deck to my hand.[Unknown card] I set a card and end my turn.
Shadow: Yukio, you can give up now...There's no point in continuing this duel.
Yukio hangs his head. Then turns and punches Shadow in the face, knocking him to the floor.
Shadow: What was that for?!
Yukio: You're giving up!!
Shadow: You punched me because I said to stop a duel?! Grow up!
Yukio points down at Shadow.
Yukio: No! You giving up on you dad!!*tears form in the corner of Yukio's eyes* You're giving up on your only chance of helping him!!
Shadow: ..!
Miyoko: Geez...If I had known this was a soap-opera, I would have gotten amnesia and forgot where I'd had hidden the gold.
Yukio sliently turns to face Miyoko, wiping his eyes as Shadow stands up.
Shadow: Is he right? I have I really given up..?
Yukio: Just get on with it, Miyoko.
Miyoko: Alright. Draw!! I summon Trident Warrior[1800/900] and use its effect to special summon Dwarf Star Miner![Lv3/0/900] I activate Dwarf's effect, allowing it to become a level 4.
Yukio: Just great...
Miyoko: I overlay the level 4 Trident Warrior and Dwarf Star Miner to construct the Overlay Network! Rise, Number 59, Sunflare Pegasus!![2200/1800]
Shadow: Another Numbers?! This is bad!
Yukio: Back to worrying, huh? Good... Bring it on. I not scared of them.
Miyoko pulls a sinster smile and Shadow shudders.
Shadow: Something's wrong.
Miyoko: I think its time I showed you boys a real Xyz summon.
Yukio: What?! But you don't have any monsters for it!
Miyoko: ...I count two.
Yukio steps back as the Xyz slowly appears below Utopia and Sunflare.
Miyoko: I overlay the rank 4 Sunflare Pegasus and Utopia in order to create the Grade Circuit XX!! Xyz summon!! Number XX, Scarlet Scythe!![3200/2400]
Yukio: What the hell?!
Sunflare and Utopia fly into the sky, dropping their materials and merging into one monster. It descents, holding a large scythe and wearing a red dress.
Shadow: Now that's new.
Yukio: Yeah, but its still a Numbers, so let's show it who's boss!!
Scarlet: Such boys.
Yukio: Heh, you're just sa- What?!!
Shadow: That was the card?! Impossible!
Scarlet: Believe what you must, but I will tell you I'm real. Miyoko.
Miyoko: Right, Scarlet. I attack!!
Scarlet raises it scythe and fades away.
Yukio: Huh?
Scarlet suddenly reappears on 28's hull and rips it open. She jumps off as 28 evapourates into dust.
Shadow: Impressive!! Wait, the card's attack..?
Scarlet absorbs the dust as one of her materials disappears.[4700/2400]
Miyoko: At this time, I activate Scarlet's ability, by detaching a material from this card, when this card destroys an Xyz monster, Scarlet gains attack equal to half the detroyed monster's attack until my next end phase.
Yukio: What!!?
Shadow: Impressive.
Miyoko: Turn end.
Yukio: Just keep calm...It's a Numbers, I'll beat it, anytime, anywhere!! Draw! Alright, I call out Cyborg Firefighter![Lv4/1400/700] And it's effect activates, which allows to special a level 4 or lower from my grave and increase it's level by 1, by making it's attack 0. I choose Zubaba Knight![Lv3->4/0/300]
Miyoko: Two level 4s. Shadow Crusader, I presume?
Yukio: Damn! She knows my plan...Perfect! Yeah, deal with it! I overlay my level 4 Zubaba Knight and Cyborg Firefighter to construct the overlay network! Rise up, the embodiment of my soul, Number 00, Shadow Crusader![2500/2000] Now, all I have to do is beat this thing and I'll be home free!
Voice: You could just beat it, or you could destroy it!!
Yukio: What?! Why would I want to do that? And who are you?
Voice: No one you need to know about just yet. But I will give you a protion of my power to defeat the XX. Here you go, child.
Yukio grabs his forehead as it throbs in pain.
Yukio: Aaaagh!!
Shadow: Yukio, what's wrong?!
Yukio's right eye fades into darkness and is covered in a dark aura.
Miyoko: What are doing kid, just remembering the loved ones you won't see again? Hahahaha!!
Yukio stands up, as his dark eye becomes gold like before.
Yukio: Shut up. I plan to bring a new card in.
Scarlet: He seems...different.
Yukio holds out his hand and a card fades into this palm.
Yukio: Let me show you the power of a new type of Numbers!!
Shadow/Miyoko/Scarlet: What?!!
Yukio: I once again overlaty, but this time, I'm only using Shadow Crusader as the material!! I create the Chaos Overlay Network!! Come on!!
The xyz spiral pulls Crusader back in, turning dark in the process. Suddenly, it erupts, releasing a dark figure. The spirit of Utopia steps out of Scarlet to see this.
Yukio: Come, my darkened soul!! Chaos Number 00, Shad- Gaah?!
From the figure, an almighty burst of energy bursts forth, hitting Yukio and knocking him off the debris he was on and into the Pitch Dark.
Yukio: What...happened..?
???: You haven't matured enough to control a Chaos Number of Shadow's caliber yet...Goodbye, human.
Yukio: No...
Quickly, a flash of gold flies past Shadow, as the dark figure fades, sending it's energy to Utopia.
???: Though, you're future's looking up.
Yukio: Huh..? Utopia?!!
Shadow: Whatever this place is, the deeper you go, the harder it is to stay strong, I wonder- Wait! Come on, Utopia!! You can do this!!
Yukio: Shadow, you're right!! And will still perform the Chaos Xyz, but...With Utopia!!
Miyoko: But that's my card! You can't!
Shadow: So, he can't control Crusader's evolution..?
The Utopia card flips off Miyoko's disk and into Yukio's hand as Utopia brings him back to the debris.
Yukio: I create the Chaos Overlay network in order to construct a new ally!! Appear, Chaos Number 39! Utopia Ray!![2500/2000]
Utopia Ray creates a blast of energy that sends Yukio, Miyoko and Shadow flying upwards.
Yukio: Awesome!!
Shadow: Didn't this just happen with Crusader?
Yukio: Oh yeah...Woops.
Back at the top of the wall, Seiji and Kazumi are looking around.
Seiji: Well, whatever that masked guy did, they didn't see Yukio, zero percent chance.
Kazumi: I'm not sure...
Seiji notices a small, spherical device on the floor and picks it up.
Seiji: (I wonder what this does?)
As he's looking over it, the middle segment begins to spin and gives off a flash light.
Seiji: What?!!
Kazumi: Seiji!!
Yukio is released from the sphere, landing on Seiji. Miyoko jumps to the other side of the roof.
Seiji: Y-yukio?!
Yukio: Oh, hi guys.*smiles* What's going on?
Seiji: Get off me!
Both stand up and Kazumi walks over to them.
Kazumi: What just happened? Yukio, is this some kind of trick?
Miyoko: I apologise. I needed to test him.
Seiji and Kazumi step backing as Yukio turns around.
Seiji: Whose the girl, Yukio? Your-
Yukio: *Pulls a confused face* What are you think, Seiji?!
Miyoko: No, we have no personal relationship, but he's earned my respect.
Yukio steps back.
Yukio: Huh?
Miyoko: That's all I say on the matter. Keep Utopia, he's seen something in you I can only begin to understand...
Miyoko steps off the building, shocking everyone. They run to the edge, but Miyoko's nowhere to be seen.
Kazumi: What was that about, Yukio?
Seiji and Kazumi look at Yukio, as Shadow flies next to Yukio.
Yukio: I got some hope.
He holds Utopia towards Seiji and Kazumi, as the name changes to Aspiring Emperor Hope.
Yukio: Today's card is Number 59, Sunflare Unicorn! With 2200 ATK and 1800 DEF and no effect it- Wait no effect?!! What gives, Shadow?!
Shadow: Number 59 was captured like other Numbers are. It belonged to a young in your world, who unfortunely had no dueling knowledge and instead created a Number 59 as a OC My Little Pony character. Yukio?
Yukio is on the floor laughing.
Shadow: Child...
Next Time ~ The Dangers of Vanity! The Gorgon Menace!
Yukio: But Gorgons are mythical creatures, aren't they?
Shadow: Who knows? I came from a different world, maybe it did as well...
Yukio/Shadow: KAZUMI!!